Brigitte vs Ana in GM

Looking at the statistics for this month:

Pickrate: 32.80%
Winrate: 53.97%

Pickrate: 23.85%
Winrate: 54.58%

Ana is picked 10% more often than Brigitte, with only a 0.6% lower winrate.

So if Brigitte needs to be brought in line with the other supports, what about Ana? Objectively, she’s performing better than Brigitte in GM.

But let me guess: Ana is “skillful” so she’s allowed to be very strong, yes?


But muh skill so it’s fine.


They need Ana to be picked for Nanoblade.

Surprised they’re not buffing Zarya to make sure he has some Gravs too.


Ana isn’t picked exclusively with Genji though. She’s been the queen of supports ever since Baptiste was knocked out of meta in December.

All she’s gotten since then is 1 second shaved off sleep’s duration and 5 less healing per second…


Yes, the lack of Ana adjustments kind of hurts. It’s like it’s okay for her to OP/mandatory, but none of the other supports are allowed to be close to her without getting rather heavy handed nerfs.


aNa nEeDs mOrE sKil/ whoops I meant familiarity

I mean they’re not going to nerf her to deprive him of them.

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It’s same for Tanks and Rein, why are we even surprised at this point?


You haven’t checked those stats for the week since the Genji buffs went through.

What? Now he’s officially the most picked DPS, by a lot, with highest win rate of any meaningful hero?

I try to avoid limiting to a week, because a week isn’t accurate due to the small sample size. Especially considering we’ve just got a new balance patch and it’s too soon to be looking at statistics centered around Genji.

Ana’s also been useful for the uptick in Ashe play, those Bob sleeps take a lot of value out of the ult.


Please see here this post

One, I wasn’t responding to you.

Two, Brigitte’s pick rate increased with Genji’s pickrate, for obvious reasons. That’s why she’s seeing the sudden nerf out of nowhere.

Normally I would agree whole heartedly. But there’s definitively been a change in the meta since the genji patch went through. You just won’t see that data for the month when 3 of the 4 weeks weren’t on the same patch.

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I agree with you. However, it’ll take a few more weeks for the statistics to show that in full.

Winrates and pickrates are not the only thing that drives balancing. Pros offer their insight also.

If you don’t see why Brig in current state was cancer and needed to be changed I’m sorry for you, chances are you are play where nothing is OP and people don’t play the game properly kr create synergies.

Also based on profile pic you main Mercy yeah? Perhaps you should know that currently Brig is considered a (far) better pocket than Mercy because:

  1. she doesn’t need to risk her life to armor pack (Mercy needs proximity)

  2. she overheals (Mercy doesn’t) and while Mercy can dmg boost the ability is largely useless in high level OW and good only for farming some ults faster

  3. she doesn’t commit her entire kit to the pocket but can do other things on the side (Mercy can’t).

I bet you didn’t know this I wish you were GM then you could hear the line “can we swap the Mercy for a Brig please” and I would be very curious how that would make you feel.

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It’s not out of nowhere. We knew she was on their radar a month ago.

I know it looks and feels like it, but they don’t make these patches over night.

  1. Funny how you used the stats for month and not for this week. We all know that Brigs pickrate was rising till two weeks ago.
    This week in GM

Ana: 32.86 %, 54.47 %
Brig: 28.71 %, 56. %

  1. Pickrate should be used as an indicator not as an absolut.
    Ana is NOT meta right now, Rein is NOT meta right now. In a world where everyone would play the meta Sigma and Orisa would have a pickrate of ~11 - 12% and Ana/ Rein ~4%.
    So take a guess why people dont play meta… Because they dont want to. They dont wanna play Orisa, they dont want to play Bap, they want to play Ana and Rein.
    They arent too strong but they are fun and skillful heroes who have a really big fanbase. If you want to see whats strong and meta right now, look at the OWL stats.
    Newsflash: Bap, Orisa, Sig have the highest pickrates
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Except for the month prior she was slightly above par at best. They weren’t just going to heavy handed nerf her. (tho tbf, they fully might have, this is blizz after all). That changed with the Genji patch. We already know Blizz has been hard pushing to force the meta back into dive with buffs to Dive hero’s constantly. Brigitte is one hero that still can… kinda hold her own against dive heroes. The stat’s reflect it.

They are the most picked heroes in GM, yet they somehow aren’t ‘meta’, do you even read what you type bud? Sorry, if Baptiste can get gutted cause of pickrates, any other support can. Ana shouldn’t be immune.

And to be clear, I don’t like nerfing unless something is absolutely broken. So I rather see other supports buffed to compete.