Brigitte vs Ana in GM

I am sorry, but I dont understand this sentence. Can you please elaborate?

Obviously not as big as Anas one, otherwise he would have a higher pickrate than Ana rn

Thats true. But last six month means last six month. Bap fall out of meta 5 months ago. So Ana has logically a higher win- and pickrate since hes out of meta and Ana isnt.
Doesnt change the fact that Baps and Anas pickrate and winrate are very similar during their meta time.

You contradict youself the whole time. Its crazy.

Youre right. Its actually February instead of end January. Just go to trends on overbuff → baptiste → last six months → GM. Not that hard

Is it? Considering shes way longer in this game and people wanna play her?

Anyone that looks at balance objectively will know that Ana has been OP for a very long time.


I don’t need to.

Prove Ana has a bigger fan base. Prove this is why Ana is picked more than baptiste, and not cause she is better in every way. Go on, I’ll wait.

Oh, finally acknowledging one of your faults.

Baptiste wasn’t even meta for 3 months and he got gutted. Ana is meta, and has been meta for 6 months, some of said time was during when Baptiste got nerfed.

Sorry, you are just being bad faith, as per usual.

No you do.

You realize since Baptistes nerf it has been exactly Six months and some change? February to june is only 5 months, and june isn’t over with.

Prove it. Prove people want to play Ana over any other support in the game. You can’t. People play what is powerful, and gueeeeeeees what buckaroo. Ana is the most powerful support and has been for a long time.


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Ana is so hard to play that noobs won’t play her when they see how hard she is, when she ults anyone they become deadly hero if they have braincell they can kill more than one guy which is worth etc.?

Just realized you dont even play ranked and youre not even in GM.
Just sh*t up, listen to people in GM and educate yourself.
Or dont. I shouldnt care honestly since Blizzard stopped listening to the forums and about the crybabies. Im happy they do the right changes now

Hahahahahaha. I knew this was coming. I only do placements and get diamond, which says a lot about someone like you who puts hours into maintaining their rank.

You have no argument, there for you attempt to rank shame. :slight_smile:

See ya troll.


Overbuff is never considered when balancing decisions are being made. They look at OWL or their own set of data.

Just dont pretend you know about GM if you dont even play in this rank

rank[quote=“Rumz-11694, post:46, topic:518503”]
You have no argument, there for you attempt to rank shame. :slight_smile:

Do u say that Black people white shame as well?

I know all about GM. Don’t need to play in it actively to know about it.

What does your racist takes have anything to do with it?

The most funny part about all of this is that you play a lot of Mercy, who is the most popular hero in OW followed by Dva, then Genji. Yet you spent 3 posts trying to justify Ana being way better than every other support by saying “sHe Is PoPuLaR!!!”

DVA is way more popular than her, but isn’t picked at all.


Haha the diference is that ana is a very good design. She needs a lot of skills and yes maybe she needs some nerfs but you can fix her with some small numbers changes.

Briggite is not a good hero design. You cant easy fix her with just some numbers buff or nerfs. Same than moira or doomfist.

Do u say to black people: ‘I know all about racism against black people. Dont need to be one to know about it’
Maybe just dont invalidate the expierence people do in GM

Racism =/= Video game ranking. I can know and understand Overwatch and either not put the effort into ranking up or not have the mechanical skill to rank up.

You are digging yourself a hole here.

Maybe don’t ignore stats then. :slight_smile:

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She is not better, just has a higher pickrate. You really dont want to get it?
Mercy btw had even during Goats and even after her 50hps nerf when she was hard trash a 2% pickrate in GM. Not because she is better than Zen or viable in general, but because she is popular like Ana

I could have told you anti nade was too strong but people don’t care because it’s ana

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Literally you are wrong and what you are typing is hilarious.


Whats wrong?
I bet you dont want to elaborate. Getting kinda used to it.

It is wrong cause it is wrong. Literally and factually wrong. You keep trying to justify someone being strong, overpicked, and meta cause ‘people like them’ when no stats in existence prove anything you say.

If heroes in GM were picked cause of popularity, then DVA/Genji/Mercy would of been top heroes in GM since rank creation. Clearly that isn’t the case.

You are trolling.


I said viable and fun. Genji/ Dva and Mercy are as I said trash. Mercy was hard trash and had no niche after her nerf → normally around 0% pickrate → since popular 2% pickrate. Genji had before the nerf a 2% pickrate as well even though he is seing no use in the OWL, cause he is bad.
What I am saying is that popularity is increasing the pickrate but not making them the most played hero even though there are popular

The fact is armor packs were completely broken on flankers at top level play. No amount of complaining “but what about genji or ana” is going to change that fact.

So many people complaining about the Brig changes without even playing her. 50 shield is a 25% shield buff. The removal of armor feels weird but she is a lot tankier now. You don’t even notice the slower shield recharge rate but you do feel like you can do a lot more in close quarters.

dont make arguements off of stats in gm. Nobody trys and theres a million cheaters, one tricks, and throwers