Brigitte vs Ana in GM

I just explained why having a high pickrate is ok without being meta.

Cause he was meta during douple shield and overpowered. He healed 15k/ 10min. That was more than Moira

We saw the discussion from their Discord. This honestly shouldn’t come as a shock to you.

We all knew Brig nerfs were coming.

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You should point out that Brig was also being carried because of Genji’s spike

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Let me make it easy for you to understand.

They are the highest picked heroes cause they are meta.

Thinking or saying otherwise shows a lack of logic and understanding. In GM ONLY meta is played to numbers that big, unlike the rest of the ladder.

No, that isn’t why he got nerfed and it wasn’t a good reason either. He got nerfed cause he got witch hunted for being better than Ana in a meta that favored him. Double shield is back, and Ana is in his spot.

You are spinning a story that reaches so far it could scratch someones back on the other side of the world from you.


You’re taking this “out of nowhere” quote of mine a little too literally. Ignoring the context of how severe this nerf actually is. Yeah, we knew they were looking at Brig, specifically at changing the armor on repair pack. Not straight up removing it then adding 2 seconds to regenerate a slightly thicker paper shield.

Like this is what we heard:

Even Jake suggested to scale the armor based on the hero it’s applied too, not full on remove it.

The most boring, tired and unoriginal nerfs I’ve ever seen.

That doesn’t mean that wasn’t what they had planned. There is literally no way they came to this decision based on last weeks figures. It’s impossible to get the work done and patched in in that time.

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We must play a different game. He was a must-pick in GM and overperformed statistically, as I already said. [quote=“Rumz-11694, post:24, topic:518503”]
Let me make it easy for you to understand.

They are the highest picked heroes cause they are meta.

But why do you wanna nerf the meta if the meta doesnt consist of the strongest heroes but of the most fun ones?
Whats the point in nerfing those?

Are you actually saying that Reinhardt is the most picked tank because he’s seen as the most fun one?

Not really no. The barrier nerf is nothing but number changes. The hardest part would have been removing any over heal from repair pack outright, and given that’s what they were looking into in the first place, it’s very possible they could have just scrapped what ever they were working on and just deleted it.

20 characters …

Most fun is subjective. They are the strongest heroes cause they are being played the most at that rating. That simple.

Ana has had a higher pickrate than Baptiste ever reached, and a higher win rate as well. Ana is also more of a must pick in ranks outside of GM unlike Baptiste. So yeah, I guess we play in two different reality where one exists with facts and statistics to back it up and the other doesn’t.

Who said I want them nerfed? Just nerfing is all blizzard does. So may as well advocate for nerfs. If blizzard can nerf Baptiste for dare gracing 14% pick rate in a meta that favors him, they can sure as heck nerf Ana for having 15%-16% pick rate since december.


Yes, why the hell not. Why does a hero that needs significantly less skill have to be as strong as a hero that needs significantly more. And before you hit me with the “aim isn’t the only skill”, Ana needs considerably more gamesense if not the same because of how much more vulnerable she is and Moira gets free healing and a get out of jail free card for borderline nothing. Doesn’t really matter what mistakes you make since you have fade.

Now she shouldn’t be garbage tier but it’s crazy to think that she should be as strong as Ana in her current state.

They really don’t, though. In fact Baptiste is enjoying a negative winrate even with his pickrate that is less than half of the support above him.

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The reason Ana is in a good spot is the decision making and carry potential that good anas have is why they’re in GM/T500 that comes with not just mechanics but incredible decision making like who to prioritize heals on to win the fight, when/who to nade, where to position to get the most value, and nano which requires the Ana to decide who needs nano to be able to win fights (unless genji is on the team then nanoblade go brrr). These decisions are what makes a hero like Ana incredibly skillful and what separates a plat Ana from a GM Ana. Brig however insta heals her whole team by being near them, has a cc ability that you have to just look in the direction of a person, an instalocking long range heal that pockets the person who gets it which she gets 3, all while having the strongest support ult right now that also just heals her team with no thought or decision making and with all of this she makes characters and styles of play incredibly difficult and unfun for everyone. That’s why Ana isn’t talked about for needing nerfs and brig is.

Most played =/ most strongest.
I dont know how many I have to repeat myself but in GM you dont really care about playing the strongest heroes. You play those who are kinda viable and fun.
In the OWL you see the real meta.

When I look back at Januar for the stats, I see Bap with a pickrate of 15 - 16%. Thats seems pretty must-pick for me. Winrate is also at 54% so the same as Ana.

As I said, one is fun and the other has not the biggest fanbase.

Im using stats from Overbuff and the official OWL website and you?

She got a nerf when she had such a high pickrate. But when Ana is meta then she OP but when Bap is meta then the meta favours him??

End of January :slight_smile:

No, this is not a conclusion you can draw.
Pickrate is NOT just indicative of hero strength.

Pickrate is also indicative of how many people enjoy playing the hero.
I suspect much more people enjoy playing ana than enjoy playing brig.
So for brig to have this high of a pickrate, she must be really strong.
For ana to have this high of a pickrate, she must be pretty strong but less so as simply more people enjoy her.

I referred to the OWL pickrates.


Even more lol. OWL meta =/= Ladder meta. You lost the most credibility in just these two lines.

Baptiste has a huge fan base but okay.

I am.

The statistics on overbuff literally shows Ana has been a higher picked, and higher win rate hero for six months total, and has been the most picked herof ro six months in GM.

Hey, that is how it works for every other support around here. So that is how it works for Ana too. She isn’t special.

Nope. :slight_smile:

Oh, and Ana has been a must pick longer than baptiste has been. Funny how ironic that is. :slight_smile:


And by this rationale why are supports being tuned down when they tune up DPS to compete for top hero in the role? I’m serious.