Brigitte Shield Bash 5s to 6s? You’re joking, right?

lol 3 months. true tho.

Well a roadhog that cant heal dies pretty quickly just like brigs shield. i just hear alot of people not wanting to adapt.

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Roadhog is one of the tankiest and harder to kill characters in the game. This is why the comparison makes me laugh. We’re also talking about a shield and not a characters actual hp. We’re also talking about a character who doesn’t have the humonga dunga hitbox that Roadhog has.

And every point also happens to have a lot of extra space around them, including high ground on the majority of the maps which if Brigitte is on the point cannot contest.

Your argument is as if the edge of the point is a wall. That you have to be on the point at all times regardless of how much time is on the clock or the condition of the fight.

When in reality there is a lot of space to make use of. So that the team can work together to get an advantage, with the team fight, and then take the point.

I do not demand perfect team coordination. You just need at least basic team coordination. Something a TEAM BASED GAME requires to function.

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The maturity, patience, and dedication to well supported and fully reasoned argument in this forum community is astounding to behold.

Sarcasm for the OP. Earnestness for many of the other posters.

hes only hard to kill because he can heal… the sheild doesnt heal like he does. thus why i made the comparision. A roadhog with no damage resistance and no heal dies super quick and easy…just like brigs shield. Also if you cant hit something the size of brigs shield while shes moving super slow i would just uninstall


To be blunt, as someone who has given up on their main ever being fun again (Mercy) and thus lost interest in this game to the point I quit until recently for Bridgette + reaper skin (which I don’t even play so idk why I cared so much)…

If Bridgette is overnerfed and she cannot fulfill her duty of being able to counter flankers I will be one of the first people to actually truly quit this game over it.

She’s literally the last leg this game has for it to keep me playing.

She currently has:

1: A nerf of 50 to the maximum amount of armor she can give a team mate. This is dramatic as during a teamfight backline characters could DURING HER ULTIMATE USAGE get 150 armor.

I think that was the wrong way to nerf it. Lower the duration it lasts to 10 seconds after ult? Appropriate. This? Not appropriate.

The issue was it not just being a teamfight ultimate but precasting it intentionally.

2: Her shield bash radius was reduced, which makes it harder to hit genjis and tracers. Which is her literal point of design.

3: Now a CD ontop of it.

These nerfs all combined WILL BE FELT.

So don’t say “its only 1 second” when it absolutely sure as heck isn’t only adding a single second.


Again, why is Brig’s team the only one playing smart?

And as I said, if she wants to stay safe behind her Tank’s shield, I’m A-OK with that. It means she’s not up in our team’s grill beating us senseless.


Because everyone is approaching the “Reinhardt is too vulnerable to bridgette” and all this from an unrealistic standpoint. Because that cherry-picked scenario fits the idea that they are trying to push.

A Bridgette with a team that refuses to coordinate is really in a bad spot. And against a better formed team will easily be collapsed ontop of and taken out like the 250hp target that she is.


The shield does in fact heal if you drop it.

Again you guys ignore the blatantly obvious thing that Brigitte does not play in positions where she can be easily punished for extended amounts of time. If Brigitte was in fact a main tank and played in front of her team there would be no complaints about the character.

Unless a Brigitte is overextending her shield health, her armor and her healing is enough to poke, set off inspire and move back to safety.

No, we understand this fine. What you don’t understand is that this is a feature and not a bug.

If Brig wants to run off and hide to save her life, fine. That cuts like 2/3rds of her value.

[quote=“Succubus-11506, post:135, topic:89069, full:true”]
Again, why is Brig’s team the only one playing smart?[/quote]

I’m assuming a situation in which both teams are playing smart. A team that was playing smart and having a Widow or Mccree/Soldier ult a Valking Mercy didn’t change the fact that Mercy 2.0 was blatantly overpowered and extremely hard to punish. You guys are reliving these same “click on her head 4head” arguments and ignoring the practicality of the situation and what actually goes on.

Rotation is a thing, you don’t need to cower behind the shield for the entire time but again I’m not surprised if lower ranked support players don’t realize this is a thing.

It should be the opposite launch her weak and then tweaking her from the ground up not overpowered and then nerfing because that will make her bad after nerfs lol

Except for the scenarios you’re speaking about to happen, the opposing team seems unwilling or unable to take advantage of a Brigitte that removes herself from play whenever she gets pressured. So no, you’re not talking about two teams playing smart. Only Brig’s.

Again, I’m a flex. But anyway, nice ad hominem.

Again, let her “rotate” herself out of the fight. It doesn’t change the fact that every time she does so, she removes the majority of her value out of the battle.

You compared her with Zarya before, and that’s a pretty apt description. Force her to choose between either taking risks to utilize her strengths or playing safe and having negligible impact.

Loo it dose 70 damage for reason the combo dose 155 damage. Tell me who is brigritta meant to counter right tracer who has 150 health.

if you can combo right the cd between the 2 abilitys is 2-3 sec ( let’s say 3 cuz I don’t wanna trigger Briggite mains, not like I care or anything but I’m a nice guy today)

It would work if they actually pushed the changes live faster. Adding small changes is good if they’re quickly implemented. It’s one second of CD, what’s the point of putting it on PTR for a whole month? It’s ludicrous.

Aim and Brigitte OMEGALUL dude are you a one trick Symetra or a Rein main… HAHAH OMG AIM? Lollz… thanks for the laugh… made my day honestly :smile:

edit: either that or you are being sarcastic and i didnt catch that

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Try using Whip Shot on distant targets. If you miss do be prepared for the long animation lock.

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And just what would the right nerf be? Because this forum is hardly something Blizz should take to heart when it comes to buff/nerf suggestions.

The playerbase can and will complain about everything that they can’t handle; look at the SR of many of the people complaining and you’ll see a common factor: they’re typically gold and below, meaning they’re not very good at the game and trying balance it around their lack of skill.

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