Brigitte Shield Bash 5s to 6s? You’re joking, right?

Oh you weren’t being sarcastic - this is even better LUL


Have you actually tried it? Whipshot is not easy to land outside of point-blank animation cancel shots - and leaves you well exposed.


thread be like

I aven’t even played season 10 and i have no friends but brigit is dominating every rank and all my friends play fortnite now.


Watched him throw in front of a server full of top 500’s and OWL pro’s because Rawkus sniped Brig from him, last night.

That xQc, so classy.

Ofcourse i have - but dude if you play dps like soldier tracer or widow etc… that is ridiculous thing to say - at best it’s comparable how hard is to land the Roadhog hook… So of course it made my day when i read that

Thus far I have found Brigitte some what annoying, however I have only seen 2 games where she would be considered broken.

The first game was Brigitte/Moira on first point defense of Horizon Lunar Colony. We had no tank, however their team did a horrible job of focusing either of us, allowing the Brigitte to die twice. However the Moira never got killed once, as she DPS, and Healed Brigitte.

The Second was on Eichenwalde, with Rein/Brigitte/Zarya paired with Mercy, Junkrat, and Hog. Honestly even the it was the Zarya that carried that game, and even he admitted it was only because he had 600+ HP for most of the game.

So now that, the HP buffing potential is being reduced, and her Shield Bash is being adjusted both in CD and Hitbox. I don’t think she is that broken at all, MAYBE a little more tuning needed but nothing huge.

Also, in both these examples her strength had more too do with the comp surrounding her, then her overall ability. Without the Moira Team A would of gotten rolled. Without the Zarya backing her and Rein up team B would of most likely lost.

No one character makes or breaks a Meta IMO. It comes down to how they synergize with other Heroes to make or break a Meta.

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umm its still a skill shot. can’t really debate that lol

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Are you kidding? The people that are primarily defending Brigitte are low ranked support mains. You yourself are a gold support main.

The pros, the people who are objectively good at this game have spoken on Brigitte’s balance and you guys have rejected them as elitist streamers who are trying to protect dive.

Me personally I wouldn’t do too much changes to Brigitte as though I think she’s overtuned I also think she could fall out of favor really quickly if the wrong things were applied. It’s hard to carefully nerf her as her specific strengths are very team oriented and there’s really no one thing you can point to and say is an objective problem in a 3 support stack.

I believe at the minimum they should have changed her shield bash cooldown to 7 or 8 seconds and see how she fares. For her to perform her role correctly she will always have to be somewhat tanky so I would hesitate to nerf her shield health as that would lower her survivability and lower her offensive potential with shield bash(though if nothing else helps this may be what they have to go with).

I would also be hesitant to nerf her healing as on face value it’s pretty low, but with two other supports her AOE heal and armor pack make the team pretty survivable. Again I think we have to wait and see how the current nerfs turn out but if it doesn’t change much the devs could look into lowering her inspire duration by one second or increasing the cooldown on armor pack by one second.

Armor pack, Brigitte’s tankiness and her disruptive abilities combined with two other supports are what’s making initial teamfights take crazy long as the usual method of punishing supports by bursting them down is gone. Maybe only one of these aspects needs to be lowered further and time will tell but it’s laughable if people think much is going to change from the current nerfs she’s received.

There needs to be bigger windows to punish her and her team which her low cooldowns currently do not allow for.

The difference between Soldier, Tracer and Widow is that if they miss a shot, at best they need to wait a second or two before they try again.

If Brig or Hog miss their Es, they gotta hold that for what’s basically an eternity in Overwatch time.

I don’t dismiss the pros’ opinions, but I’ve seen numerous occasions where what they believed was going to happen and what actually happened were two different things.

For example, when Mercy 2.0 happened, the pros celebrated that she now “took skill” and had her “skill ceiling raised” while being “more balanced” without multi-Rez. In the meantime, several posters here including myself and Titanium were worried that this would actually dumb down her gameplay and make her a must-pick.

Guess who was correct? Hint: not the pros.


The default key is shift for both Whipshot and hook, isn’t it?

Oh you’re right. I was going by my bindings. My bad.

I understood it, but there are so many pedants on this board that will attack you without even thinking about what you really meant.

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The majority of the forums said that Mercy was ruined and why would people think Valkyrie could ever make up for reviving the entire team. There were very few people overall in the early days who called out Mercy being overpowered and those that did were heavily downvoted.

On top of that even when it was obvious that she was overpowered and achieved a 100% pickrate people were still saying blatantly stupid things like “click her head” or “just ult her with Soldier or Mccree in Valk” or “Mercy is flying in the sky this is a team game just shoot her down”.

Just like people are saying foolish things like “Stay away from Brigitte” or “break her shield” right now. Everyone has a turn at being wrong with predictions, however it is only the forums that have the evidence right in front of them and still refuse to believe a character is broken.

I’ll take an incorrect prediction before something happens over people who are currently seeing something happen right in front of them and still deny it’s impact.

Why do people dismiss the actual counterplay to Brigitte as if it bolsters their argument to come off as ignorant?

This is how you play against her. People are learning even now that she’s not as terrifying as she was when she came out in comp on Day 1.


Yeah, because of the lack of engagement or fun in her play, mostly. Not specifically because she’s weak.

Apples and oranges. The stats in Mercy’s Valk showed a much different story than what Brigitte’s currently* do. Brigitte is strong–not denying that–and she is very difficult to deal with if played correctly. However, her Healing, Elims, Final Blows, nor other stats support this unkillable, steamrolling juggernaut that everyone’s afraid of.

.* - Acknowledging that Overbuff is an unreliable source of info, but it and Master Overwatch are pretty much the only data we can actually track.

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It’s actually tiring talking to some of you.

The counterplay to Mercy was to shoot her with Mccree and Soldier ults, the counterplay was to focus her with your team, to kill her when she went in for instant resses. That didn’t change that Mercy was overpowered and it was extremely difficult to pull off what people were touting as counters.

Yes, this is the counterplay to Brigitte, but in an actual match it’s easier said than done. You can’t just choose to stay away from characters who want to engage you, you can’t just break Brigitte’s shield unless she is massively overextending. This is what I mean by the proof is right in front of people and they’re still in denial.

Initial fights aren’t taking a minute+ to resolve because Brigitte is a character that you can just easily punish. By design she is hardto punish. Which isn’t a problem, the problem is when the hard to punish character is so hard to punish that there really aren’t much openings and fights are taking super long to resolve.

And yet you come off just as ignorant and insulting to act as if there’s zero counterplay to these characters just because they might be overtuned. Make all the argument you want saying “it’s not as easy as…” but to claim that it’s just foolish to even mention she has counterplay makes your argument worse.

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No, when the Valkyrie changes first hit people weren’t talking about a lack of engagement or her being fun to play. They were saying Valk was weak compared to mass resurrection.

Unless you’re playing in a crap rank give it time. None of her raw stats are a good indicator of her power because she’s not that type of character. Her strength isn’t in putting out raw healing, or raw damage. How much armor she’s providing isn’t tracked.

When someone whose job it is to train other players says he’s watching scrims and Brigitte is putting out 10k healing and damage you would think people would pay attention.

Blizzard has already given her 3 nerfs in a very short time span yet you people believe that this character is absolutely okay. The same thing happened with Mercy, even when she was being nerfed people kept saying that there was no problem. You cannot see what is right in front of you even as it is happening.

Every character has counterplay no matter how broken they are. To tout counterplay as a reason that a character is fine is stupid for the reasons listed above. The most broken thing the game has ever seen had counterplay, that didn’t change it from being any less broken. Brigitte has already gotten nerfs, she’s not the absolutely fine character you portray her to be, or Blizzard wouldn’t have nerfed her on day two.

They already see that it’s a problem, you can continue to live in la la land.

You can’t balance a Melee hero like Brig without taking away her stun so she will always be op.