⚠ Brigitte Overbuff stat (she needs help!)

Still better pickrate than Tracer.
Still better winrate than Tracer.
If Tracer is “fine”, then Brig is “fine” too.

Some more stats compared, if you want them

The hero got reworked. She’s still insane in the right scenario. You gotta swap when it’s not working, but hell man, 21hps over a 20m radius is pretty crazy. And when she’s got her ult running, she does 111hps to 3 allies and 51hps to the other 2 + the overheal advantage of her armor. Anyone who tells me Rally ain’t a defensive ult is crazy. It’s not reactionary, but it’s a fight winner

Mmmmmh, just the fact that her winrate got under 50% in one rank doesn’t mean something’s not okay. Even more so because said rank is GM.

One of the possible reasons for her winrate dropping so much in GM might be because it’s the only rank where the meta is implemented properly in most matches.

What’s more of a shock to me is that for the past 3 months this occurence is the first one of her having less than 50% winrate (and it’s already back to 50.17% on overbuff).

Moreover, she’s in the top 3 best heroes in terms of winrate during the past week up to diamond. So that’s pretty good if you ask me.

BUT, yes there is a but. Her pickrate definitely is very low.

One of the reason could be her recent rework that didn’t please most of her playerbase. She came from a brawler with a bit of heals to a healer with a bit of brawling, it makes her more teamplay and less in-the-face and self reliant, I can easily guess why people would stop playing her.

One other could be that she got more niche and excells at some missions but is just average most of the time.

But her winrate staying high doesn’t point to a hero that’s been broken, if you want to see a broken hero, look at Tracer, Sombra, Pharah and Soldier, all 4 of them both have a low pickrate and low winrate. Meaning they aren’t even niche.

Edit: But yeah, still Brig’s pickrate is really low for a support.

Thank God we have eyes that can be closed so we won’t see things like this

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she has controlled the game for the last year and a half, she doesn’t need help. she can sit and not be meta for a while.

Heros like Genji, and Tracer who have been irrelevant for the last year and a half need help. Not brig.

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I think brig is underrated. Her pick rates are low, because the current meta doesn’t support her play style. Every hero goes through meta’s where they’re good or bad.

That doesn’t mean she needs to be buffed.