⚠ Brigitte Overbuff stat (she needs help!)

I’m gonna give detailed statistics of Brigitte based on this site Overbuff. So we can evaluate her current state in competitive games and the impact of changes in this hero.

:warning: LAST 3 MONTHS:

All ranks: Pickrate: 1.56%. Winrate: 54.36%
Grandmaster: Pickrate: 1.73%. Winrate: 53.78%
Master: Pickrate: 1.21%. Winrate: 54.05%
Diamond: Pickrate: 1.18%. Winrate: 55.59%
Platinum: Pickrate: 1.35%. Winrate: 55.04%
Gold: Pickrate: 1.78%. Winrate: 54.24%
Silver: Pickrate: 2.01%. Winrate: 53.13%
Bronze: Pickrate: 1.99%. Winrate: 52.25%

:exclamation: In all ranks Brigitte had lowest pickrate of the all healers and pretty low pickrate of all heroes. But her winrate was averages around 52.5%. Nevertheless, one way or another, the popularity of choosing a hero at all ranks and its obvious benefit to the teams remain. Look further.

:warning: LAST MONTH:

All ranks: Pickrate: 0.92%. Winrate: 54.59%
Grandmaster: Pickrate: 0.89%. Winrate: 49.57%
Master: Pickrate: 0.82%. Winrate: 53.96%
Diamond: Pickrate: 0.73%. Winrate: 57.35%
Platinum: Pickrate: 0.84%. Winrate: 55.00%
Gold: Pickrate: 0.97%. Winrate: 54.98%
Silver: Pickrate: 1.16%. Winrate: 52.25%
Bronze: Pickrate: 1.46%. Winrate: 53.84%

:exclamation: As we can see, despite a slight winrate increase at some ranks, the average indicator remains approximately the same. That is a good stat. However, the pickrate has become extremely low and rarely exceeds even 1%. At the same time, I do not exclude the possibility that Overbuff statistics for the month may be a little inaccurate due to the transition to a new competitive game system and beta testing. Continue.

:warning: LAST WEEK

All ranks: Pickrate: 0.80%. Winrate: 54.43%
Grandmaster: Pickrate: 0.85%. Winrate: 48.66%
Master: Pickrate: 0.73%. Winrate: 52.93%
Diamond: Pickrate: 0.69%. Winrate: 57.48%
Platinum: Pickrate: 0.71%. Winrate: 55.17%
Gold: Pickrate: 0.79%. Winrate: 54.83%
Silver: Pickrate: 1.01%. Winrate: 52.21%
Bronze: Pickrate: 1.39%. Winrate: 52.49%

:warning: As we can see, an incredible decline has occurred of pickrate. But average winrate is still acceptable. But not in GM. It is the first time when winrate hit the lowest winrate point in 48.66%. This is NOT okay.

:exclamation: TOTAL:

Blizzard wants to make Brigitte more support than a hybrid, and I understand that. However, will such a hero be popular and all the more useful for the team and the game as a whole? Hero who designed to heal the team by melee attack can’t heal enough because of low survivability. And most people see that and don’t want to play that kind of support. They just want to play a HERO but not fight with her confusing gameplay. And there are so many good ideas on forum how to make Brigitte’s gameplay better. You can choose one of them:

  • Let her whipshot go through the barriers.
  • Let her heal herself by using repairpack.
  • Let her trigger inspire by using repairpack.
  • Buff shield HP to 250-300 at least.
  • Increase shield bash damage.
  • Buff self-healing to 70% at least.
  • Connect her shield HP with allies around her (+50 shield HP from 1 teammate).

Why Blizzard still keeping the silence? Brigitte needs buffs. I will continue to monitor statistics, including monthly, but this is even obvious with the example of weekly statistics.

Thank you for reading. Leave your comments and suggestions.


So her winrate is fine but she is less popular… this sounds like a community issue rather then a balance issue. People perceive her as weak and even though her actual win rate does not back that claim up perception can be reality so the only thing Blizzard would do is probably say “no she isnt weak” in an attempt to counter that narrative rather then actually buff her based on the raw data you provided and assuming its accuracy.


Is overbuff even updated?
It still has the Defense category.


Some character are way worse, at least she has positive winrate.


Other interpretation could be that people are using her in less cases, but in cases where she still has the same win rate as before. Means, she cannot be played all the time, but more for specific reasons, where shes still doing fine.

As much as I’d like to see some sort of slight buff like inspire lasting longer, or having a slightly higher aoe…

She doesn’t actually need buffs as your statistics clearly indicate.


Pickrate shows effectiveness. People don’t want to play heroes who are difficult or to be in a battle which is dangerous. Therefore, they choose heroes who can do the same, only much more convenient and safer for themselves.

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Shes been the worst healer for months and they nerf her like this smh.

But youll still have people saying shes fine or even too strong because all they want to look at is her winrate, which is average for such a niche character


Pickrate mainly reflects the community’s perception of the hero and how well they synergize with the top meta picks, not their actual power. Ana’s pickrate went down and Moira’s pickrate skyrocketed, yet until a few weeks ago Ana was considered OP and Moira a throw pick at high ranks.

The data is till way too small and insufficient to draw a conclusion, especially considering how one-sided the meta is right now with the double shield poopshow. Nerf the OP heroes first and then you can tell who needs buffs and who doesn’t. According to your logic Tracer needs buffs too.

Horrifically bad suggestion. Free permanent inspire + free unblockable 70 burst damage + free unblockable boop on a 20m range weapon

Horrendously awful proposal. Brig felt impossible to 1v1 with 16hps and you want her to be able to pocket herself for 60-71hps.

Again, free skilless permanent inspire. Funny fact is people who give these suggestions are also usually the ones who complain about her being “too passive” and a “backline repair pack bot”

Yes. That is the only sensible suggestion. I think 250 is enough.


… no it doesn’t. If a hero has 20% winrate and a 100% pickrate is that an effective hero? If a 1% pickrate hero has 80% winrate, is that not an effective hero?

Pickrate shows popularity. A combination of pickrate and winrate shows how effective a hero is, but winrate is by far the more relevant stat, because a situational hero will have a high winrate if picked in the correct scenarios (think Mei on Hanamura defense even before she was meta), even if the overall pickrate isn’t very high.

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The hero with 20% winrate and a 100% didn’t exist and will not exist at all. That’s impossible.

… I was illustrating a point? :man_facepalming: You made an assertion, and I presented a hypothetical scenario within the parameters of your assertion that shows your assertion to be either wrong or incomplete.

Whether or not that specific example ever existed is irrelevant.

In every technical, Symmetra is no longer the lowest pick support right now. That, in and of itself is already a big problem. Like, no support should be beaten their pick rate by Symmetra, she’s a dps for goodness sake and there is a lot of DPS compare to support.

Also, WHAT HAPPENED TO ZEN’S PICK RATE??? Why did he have a sudden drop? What happened? AND IT’S HAPPENING ALL ACROSS THE RANKS!!!

Irrelevant, but I don’t think it’s mathematically possible for a hero to have 20% winrate and 100% pickrate. In that case the winrate should be exactly 50%

This just means she is niche. She isn’t played much but when she is, she wins often. She needs special conditions to play but if they are met she does great. That might actually mean she is balanced.

Exactly this data shows a correlation between how easy she was to use and get value out of and everyone wanted the I win hero. The new data shows how few people want to actually work for a hero to be effective.

The data shows the community just wants to abuse an easy to use hero.

Depends how the pickrate percentage is defined, and that has differed from website to website and game to game. Basically, it depends on whether you only care if a hero is picked on one side when calculating your percentage. So if you have a sample of one game and Winston is played by one of the teams, that’s either 100% pickrate (Winston has been played in 1 out of 1 games) or 50% pickrate (1 out of the 2 teams picked Winston).

But yeah, if Overbuff considers that a 50% pickrate, you’re right, though I’m not 100% sure it does. You have to remember that when these websites were created, we still had no hero limit, so that kind of a system wouldn’t work, because you could have as many as 12 Winstons in a single game, and then the question becomes whether they ever changed the way their algorithms calculate pickrate. :man_shrugging:


Yes, that is correct. I took for granted that 100% pickrate means in both teams.

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Seeing as they haven’t even changed the fact that Symm is still in the support category I highly doubt they have

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Nothing wrong with having situational picks in a game like OW. Some heroes have more use in general compared to others due to design and there’s no way around that.

Brig will eventually be back due to some stupid buff that will make people QQ on this forum.