⚠ Brigitte Overbuff stat (she needs help!)

The real problem is she crumbles like a Zenyatta with an overly-amorous Reaper in your backline.

Brig needs 1-2 of the following buffs.

1- Let her heal instantly some of her Inspire when she hits things, and let the rest linger for a bit, a shorter duration maybe.
2 - Increase her shield health to 300+, there’s no way that laughable 200 is gonna last with the damage numbers going around.
3 - Let her repair pack give some armor instantly then heal over time for the rest.

When you’re the supposed shield-bearing CC-ridden survival-based member of the Support line, being easier to kill than Ana is not a good thing.

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doesn’t mean anything when her pickeate is so low. Before Sym’s rework, she had a 60+% win rate because she was only picked in scenarios where she would work.

It seems a hundred times already said that there are heroes who do not need to be able to particularly aim, but for whom positioning and close coordination with the team are critical, quick reaction to what is happening in the battle (Winston, Brigitte, Reinhardt). But when you repeat this nonsense about “low skill” from time to time, without hesitation, no one will listen to you.


Acceptable? Her winrate below Master is incredibly high. A hero that has 52.5% winrate in Bronze (where average is around 45-47) and 57.5% in Diamond is the textbook example of EZ mode auto-pilot hero. Literally the worst players in the game win on her more than hey lose, more than on almost any hero except those relying on AI to do their job.

Her overall power level is fine, as indicated by Master+ stats, but her power for skill requirement is incredible. Effort/reward ratio is through the roof. She does not need any buffs in the slightest. She needs to be re-worked to be more challenging and dynamic to play, to rely more on execution finesse than passive presence.

People do not want to play Brigitte because she is, frankly speaking, is boring and easy hero. Low mobility, low damage, no aim, short range, no resource management, no meaningful cooldown management. However she is the toughest support to kill and has strong-but-not-flashy healing and ultimate.

Players in a fast-paced competitive FPS game will always gravitate to difficult heroes, even when they are weak. That’s why McCree or Ana pickrates were historically always high, even when the heroes were considered troll picks.

Mass Rez Mercy says hi.

You can’t go by pickrate. That’s all player-based. She’s not being picked bc reaper/mei/orisa/sigma all counter her. Don’t feel bad. They counter the rest of the entire roster too.

Do you even played Overwatch or Brigitte for once? Because it’s seems you didn’t.

Very good ideas, I like it and hope Blizz takes this to remake Brig

Yes, I did play her. Few months after her release and after first half a dozen of nerfs I’ve decided to test first-hand if she is truly overpowered or not. So I’ve played her exclusively for 2 weeks straight and got around 250 SR in the process. She is extremely easy, forgiving and boring. Can’t imagine that recent re-work changed her difficulty in a meaningful way.

She is extremely easy, forgiving and boring. Can’t imagine that recent re-work changed her difficulty in a meaningful way.

As i thought. You have no idea what you’re talking about. “I played her after release and after first nerfs but I confidently declare that after the rework there is no difference.” You better not write anymore. Don’t disgrace yourself.

Or you better not write anymore? Not only you promote flaming and breed toxicity, but also try to confuse players spreading misinformation. “Acceptable” winrate.

Yes, it’s updated to work with role queue. It also has unified attack/defense into damage on some pages, but not all of them and not on the high-level view heroes summary, which yes, is annoying.

It does appear to have ignored all stats from role queue beta and not started collecting stats until role queue release, but it is correctly collecting them now.

It dramatically reduced her survivability, while moderately increasing her healing output (dramatically increasing it on paper, but not really so dramatic when you take into account the reduction in power from the armor bugfix; also she loses true instant burst healing in exchange for extra total healing - no more easy saves).

She cannot be in the frontline, which increases her positioning constraints and her reliance on accurately landing whipshot at max range. Whipshot itself was sped up, so landing those whipshots isn’t unreasonable, but it does require decent projectile aim.

Overall, I’d say she’s gotten moderately more difficult to play, and her overall output has been significantly reduced unless the enemy team is diving, in which case she gets to fully and freely use her whole kit on them.

Anyway, despite the “rework” being mostly numbers changes and only significantly changing Repair Pack, she plays in a considerably different fashion with considerably different results. It isn’t really useful to use Goats-era Brig as any kind of reference for what playing current Brig is like.

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Still better pickrate than Tracer.
Still better winrate than Tracer.
If Tracer is “fine”, then Brig is “fine” too.

Some more stats compared, if you want them

The hero got reworked. She’s still insane in the right scenario. You gotta swap when it’s not working, but hell man, 21hps over a 20m radius is pretty crazy. And when she’s got her ult running, she does 111hps to 3 allies and 51hps to the other 2 + the overheal advantage of her armor. Anyone who tells me Rally ain’t a defensive ult is crazy. It’s not reactionary, but it’s a fight winner

Mmmmmh, just the fact that her winrate got under 50% in one rank doesn’t mean something’s not okay. Even more so because said rank is GM.

One of the possible reasons for her winrate dropping so much in GM might be because it’s the only rank where the meta is implemented properly in most matches.

What’s more of a shock to me is that for the past 3 months this occurence is the first one of her having less than 50% winrate (and it’s already back to 50.17% on overbuff).

Moreover, she’s in the top 3 best heroes in terms of winrate during the past week up to diamond. So that’s pretty good if you ask me.

BUT, yes there is a but. Her pickrate definitely is very low.

One of the reason could be her recent rework that didn’t please most of her playerbase. She came from a brawler with a bit of heals to a healer with a bit of brawling, it makes her more teamplay and less in-the-face and self reliant, I can easily guess why people would stop playing her.

One other could be that she got more niche and excells at some missions but is just average most of the time.

But her winrate staying high doesn’t point to a hero that’s been broken, if you want to see a broken hero, look at Tracer, Sombra, Pharah and Soldier, all 4 of them both have a low pickrate and low winrate. Meaning they aren’t even niche.

Edit: But yeah, still Brig’s pickrate is really low for a support.

Thank God we have eyes that can be closed so we won’t see things like this

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she has controlled the game for the last year and a half, she doesn’t need help. she can sit and not be meta for a while.

Heros like Genji, and Tracer who have been irrelevant for the last year and a half need help. Not brig.

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I think brig is underrated. Her pick rates are low, because the current meta doesn’t support her play style. Every hero goes through meta’s where they’re good or bad.

That doesn’t mean she needs to be buffed.