Brigitte made Winston F tier, and it's a problem

Because she needs the former 2 as a melee tank/hybrid.
Removing any one of these 2 make her useless on protecting teammate.
Shield bash CD is getting nerf, even if only by 1 second, but let us see how does it go along with the ult nerf…

Wanna know what her biggest problem is? The ability to make an entire class (tank) frustrating, boring and make you feel useless by playing them, feeling you are there doing stuff but with no reward but destroying your keyboard out of anger because she can easily stun you every 5s

The thing people fail at is that they want to always play their hero. If the enemy has Bridget, how about you just accept the counter and not pick Winston.
The when there isn’t a Bridget, hey you can use him now.

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I don’t mind soft counters in this game, but there is absolutely no room to outplay a Pharah as Brigette. This is a HUGE issue.


When you play dive Brigitte is bad, maps like Gibraltar or Numbani first point for example.

This is what winston has done to ana make her unplayable

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Can’t counter dive if you can’t counter the tanks.

Also ,winston needs a full on rework, he needs an entire comp built around him to be viable and has one of the ,and has one of the most if not the most boring and one dimensional kit out of all heroes.

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Remember I say turn around him so you got less chance to be hook. Can “only work” with Tracer/Genji.

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You know what I’m surprised by, since Brigette got released there was at least 1 thread from every dive character main complaining about her (Tracer,Winston,Genji) EXCEPT D.Va mains.

This is ironic since the forums considers them one of the ‘main’ whiners with Mercy mains yet they aren’t even talking about her.
What’s even more ironic is that the same Genji and Tracer mains telling Mercy and D.Va mains to suck their nerfs up are whining about their pretty minor nerfs in comparison to Mercy and D.Va and starting some ‘no skill heroes’ campaign. Idk I just find that laughable.


Myself as winston main i have zero issues with brig. Even reaper have problems to kill me cuz i always escape in time. The only character i have problems as winston is Bastion.

Honestly if you are DIVING-IN jumping like a no brainer u deserve to be killed. I hate BRIG with all my soul but she barely counter winston lol

Yep, she hard counters everyone unless you just avoid her at all costs. I think they’re starting to get that message (seeing as some initial nerfs are on the way).

That’s not true at all. You literally just hide behind your shield and walk in to a building. If the Pharah chases you, then the Pharah dies. Pharah also isn’t considered overpowered and doesn’t have a stupid high win rate. Pharah has very easy and reliable counterplay, unlike Brigitte. If even the best players in the game are having trouble countering a single hero, maybe… just maybe, that hero is broken.

Also it’s spelled Brigitte*.

Brigitte was made to counter dive, winston IS dive

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There’s a difference between countering dive, and countering everything.

Winston is meant to target squishies. Brig isn’t designed to be a squishy hero. Get over it and just jump to someone else away from her.

Good, Winston is a garbage low-skill hero that is overplayed and the easiest tank to kill. I’ll be glad to see less of him.


Oh are we suddenly talking about NOT fighting 1v1s? Ok then.

You literally don’t dive solo onto a Brigitte with Winston. Also, for the record, Winston can definitely win a 1v1 against Brig, if he gets the land + melee off before she stuns. It deletes her armor, and she cannot out damage him without it.

And new syymetra possibly will make impossible to play brigitte.

About time. He was the cause of dive, the REASON WHY dive is here in the first place.

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I would rather have Dive for 6 months than have the upcoming meta for one. This meta is the only one that has rewarded spammy and low skill heroes.

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