I don’t mind soft counters in this game, but there is absolutely no room to outplay a Brigitte as Winston. This is a HUGE issue.
Imagine me, hardly any playtime on Brigitte. I could go against Fissure, one of the best Winston players in the game, and kill him before he even gets me to half health. In what world is that possibly balanced?
Imagine Pharah vs a hitscan. The hitscan has some advantages, but the Pharah can still be effective if she plays smart and can beat the hitscan player if she’s more skilled. This is what counters should be like.
Why should she give armor + have an AoE healing regen? Why should shield bash have a 5 second cooldown?
It’s not a problem because she’s designed to do exactly that. She’s supposed to counter the dive tanks because she’s supposed to counter dive.
Dive is not just the flanker DPS. It’s completely enabled by the dive tanks, and if she cannot stop them, she cannot stop dive.
The whole point of Overwatch is to switch heroes when you get countered. Now it’s the dive heroes’ turn. The rest of us have been swapping as necessary since release, and they have not.
It’s a problem, because there is absolutely no situation in which Winston is a good hero choice anymore. They may as well have removed him from the game as long as the enemy has a Brigitte.
Did you read my post about counters? Just because the enemy has a Widow and I’m playing Pharah, doesn’t mean I can’t still pull my weight. Counters should make it more difficult to do your job, not impossible.
Again, Overeactionwatch.
Without Brig we probably would be going through another multiple seasons of dive, and besides if you’re gonna counter dive heroes you’ve gotta target the tanks for the most part which she does exactly that.
And good Winston players will figure out how to keep pulling their weight even as Brigitte players figure her out. It’s an arms race at this point. Not a black and white scenario like you suggest.
She doesn’t delete him, and he’s not completely helpless. She counters him pretty hard, but it’s not as if she’s the only target he’s allowed to go after as long as she’s on the board.
You don’t get good at a hero by playing them when they’re strong. You get good with them by playing them when they’re weak. Winston has been very strong for a very, very long time so his players are not as strong as they might otherwise be. They’ve had a crutch called “dive” since season five. Now it’s being taken away and they need time to adjust.
Yes, Dive at your rank was totally used. I believe you, in spite of the pickrates for Dive characters (Winston being the most important) at that rank being abysmal.
How long do we have to wait before we can even talk about if Brigitte is broken or not?
I’m sick to death of this, we had her on PTS, where she was strong, we had her for like what 2 months in Qp and Arcade? Where people still said she was too strong.
Enough waiting. I’m not going to keep waiting and suffering in Competitive because I lose control of my character every 4 seconds. She needs to not bash through shields, then I’d be down to wait a bit more to see if she still is too strong.
No other character has made the game this unfun for me. She needs to be changed.
EDIT: Also, did you notice how the goal post for how long we have to wait keeps shifting?
-Too strong on PTS
“Oh she isn’t even live yet, wait till she goes live to judge”
-Too strong in QP and Arcade
“That doesn’t count, we have to wait till she is competitive to see how strong she is”
-Too strong in comp
“Chill she hasn’t been in comp long, give it time”
We have to wait as long as we had to for Mercy at this rate.
I understand the feeling, when Brig fights Winston, she basically has monkey brain for dinner. The only tank that can counter her is Orisa. Endurance helps a hell of a lot, she has enough damage you destroy the shield, and her halt can keep Brig at a distance.
She stops Winston from doing his job which is diving squishies in the backline particularly healers. And you know that typically wouldn’t be a problem just another counter for Winston, but THE MAIN ISSUE IS THAT BRIG IS A SUPPORT.
Supports should never be allowed to counter Winston. Maybe to have a fair fight against him BUT NEVER counter him. That’s like making a tank that counters Reaper (oh yea season 1-3 Roadhog and look how well that turned out. A Hog everygame literally going uncontested constantly destroying everyone and the forums in a uproar) it throws the meta completely out of order.
Idk what they’re gonna do and Blizz prob won’t listen but when I’m playing Winston I typically can’t dive the Zen or Mercy when Brig is around cuz all of her attacks completely ignore my shield and if I can’t do my main job as Winston then I might as well swap off Winston.
Currently without a Diva or Tracer helping Winston his damage is pretty much neutralized by AoE healing, and we now have 3 AoE healers, 5 if you count the mercy and zen ults. With Dva and Tracer slowly (and finally) being toned down Winston needs more damage in order to make himself useful outside of playing with those 2 heroes. These changes would make Winston more lethal at close range and extend his tingly-tickle-consistency to another 4 meters.
Initially not a bad idea I feel like that would one of the right directions you could go in for buffing Winston, but ultimately this would be too powerful for an auto-aim ability. I could straight delete the enemy team with this kind of power at my hands you also gotta remember that Winston’s leap does 50 dmg when landing on/next to enemies.