Reinhardt’s still usable, and this can be proved by the fact that in a bossfight, even if he’s buffed to the moon, the ability he has to 1v6 people is impressive.
He does large damage if people get too close, his ult can take out an entire team with coordination, charge can one-shot almost everything, and his shield is the largest in the game, both in terms of size and HP. He’s not unusable at all, I just get the feeling people don’t know how to use him.
i play alot of rien, i would say im alright at him. even if im not good take a GMs word for it, fragehardt is grandmaster and he agrees that rien is very very buggy and has been destroyed by power creep
No offense to your man fragehardt, but I don’t care what he says. In a game where anyone can play anything, I prefer to work off of what I know about heroes, and I know more about Reinhardt than I do a lot of others.
Rein can counter to an extent most heroes that shoot through shields (apart from Sym perhaps)
Rein can do enough close range damage to be a serious threat on points
His shield is large enough to help an entire team on a push
The exact bugs you’re complaining about can give him incredible mobility. Slopes may be glitchy with charge, but once you learn to use the glitch, well… Nobody expects a flying reinhardt.
That being said- yes, there is an argument for power creep. But I don’t think it’s enough to make him unusable.
Winston has dived and invalidated so many heros of this game and been the frontrunner in the dive meta.
If Bridgette, who was meant to counter dive, makes Winston F tier then she has done her job. I feel absolutely 0 pity towards Winston being countered by her. Especially given how many times Ana and Zenyatta have been absolutely dumpstered by Winston.
I’ve faced dive. You’re suggesting that I’ve never faced it and have zero idea what it is.
Majority comp in QP at most levels is double sniper because people suck. But I have faced and been a part of teams that played dive because one or two people were on mic and coordinated the team, or people just saw what was happening at character select and a dive team happened to form.
It happens. Not all the time, but when a meta is dominant, it’s dominant.
What the problem is her ult wiston does nothing against armour he is useless till the entire team has no armour again. If anything bridgetta also enables the most annoying parts of dive like 350 hp genji ults. There is no getting better at him there is no counter play.
You’ve answered your own question in various posts, my dude. Winston will have to outplay her by choosing his approach more carefully. If you have a good Pharah vs a good Widow, what do you do? Fly around trying to spam rockets at her before she lands a shot? Or do you avoid her sight lines and instead focus on wrecking the enemy team?
In this game, you try to counter heroes and when you are being countered you need to ask “am I bringing enough value to my team right now?” Pharah in the case of only having an enemy Widow to worry about can easily justify her pick by being aware and avoiding the threat instead of simply trying to 1v1 it.
Playing Junkrat and they roll a Pharah that is focusing you? Either swap or be more careful about your positioning, attack from better angles and make sure you are dealing enough dps to justify running your hero.
Winston? I’ve seen so many of them leap at a Brigitte expecting something to happen and it never does… ask yourself, can you bring value to your team without leaping into Brigitte’s lap? Are you actively countering other heroes with your pick? Should you be melee distance to her or should you drop your bubble from afar and trust your dps to melt her a bit first?
if you cant sleep a giant gorilla even with barrier in play you need to work on your ana it’s literally impossible for him to completely exit or enter the barrier with his huge model before you can dart him unless you just have god awful timing.
to be honest you could just put Brig in dive with mercy and boom a better Dive. It may not work 100% well on maps with ton of high ground but outside of that I don’t see why Brig wouldn’t do a better job at diving than lucio or zen.
yea right. “Good Winston”. That bullsh*t excuse would have actually been actually acceptable, had it been true. However, fall of winston’s pickrate to half even in GM, says otherwise.
So now, winstons have to outplay the hell out of their enemy to counter a mediocre briggite? What kind of a justification is this?
I can’t take you seriously when you’re suggesting Winston nerfs. Just because you don’t like fighting him or you don’t like Dive doesn’t justify him being nerfed. That’s is some ridiculously heavy bias.
I’ve already said this like 3000 times and I don’t get what is so hard to understand about this simple af concept that even a 6 six year old could understand but let me say it one more time.
You CANNOT blame ONE hero for the entirety of DIVE. The exception being when DVA could delete almost every type of damage for 4 seconds straight while Winston held right click. But even WITHOUT DIVE her old Matrix was easily too powerful lmao. DVA was in every game simply to be a DM bot whether the team was Diving or not. The ability to eat ults for a during of 4 seconds and essentially any other incoming damage would be stupid to pass up.
So matrix got nerfed and justifably so.
Back to Dive. Dive is a team-based stratedy. Yes Winston does create space for his team to move in but that’s what literally any other tank does. That’s the job of a tank and the only reason it works so well is because his team backs him up IMMEDIETELY. If tracer and genji weren’t so overstacked to begin with Dive would’ve have NEVER been so powerful lmao. It’s the combination of all these powerful heroes that made it broken. Tracer pulse did insane dmg, Genji has the most over-stacked kit in the game with high/fast dps that carries no fall off for any of his abilities and on top of that his Deflect use to be as big as Rein’s flippin shield. But Winston is the main problem???
If you actually wanna go down the road for who to blame for Dive Winston would be literally at the very bottom of the barrel. Look at his kit and what it has to offer. While his leap is very mobile it doesn’t do much outside of 50 dmg when landing on someone and besides that he gets a glass shield and the second lowest dps in the game. Why on earth would you ever think he’s the main reason for Dive being so strong use brain plz.
So wait. Its OK if Mccree can Stun winston when he attempts a dive and then gets demolished be the rest of the team. But god for bid a Hero (Which I like calling a Rear guard) that’s built to counter dive because that just op…
It’s nice to see that there’s at least one thread where people don’t treat Winston like a Sinless Simian Jesus completely innocent of any involvement with dive