Brigitte is Underwhelming

I have 1 hour on brig.My favorite/main hero the last few months is DF,i can tell you,even at my low 2600-2700sh xp ,that df is much more fun and more dangerous with brig around.Heck,you can get 2-3 sec cover to recharge skills and them start punching people like cray cray (lol).I really like her this far,but I’ll have to wait for competitive games to get more “data” in.Love her so far.

One less person that instalocks her from me :sunglasses:

On a more serious note, I don’t think she works well in certain kinds of teams. That’s fine though, she seems to work great in others.

You’re comparing a main healer with an off-healer and then act surprised when the off-healer doesn’t heals as much as the main healer.

Off-healers biggest strength is utility. They’re not meant the biggest source of healing in a team. That’s the main healer’s job.

Her damage is low but it enables her to swing more, activating Inspire. Inspire requires LoS, constantly activating Inspire secures that teammates get hit with it if they’re moving around shields constantly.

Her shield is for her protection first and foremost and helps her to move to the frontline and attack enemies. She is also backline protector. That is why all of her CC abilities are fantastic against short range enemies but that is her niche. She is extremely weak against ranged enemies.

She is a great off-healer because she gives armor+healing and has strong CC attacks. Comparing her to a dps in terms of damage, to a main healer in terms of hps or a tank in terms of damage blocked is just unfair.

The only thing I think should be changed on her is the heal CD.

5 seconds is a bit much and feels almost useless.
3 Seconds is far more reasonable.

I’m not so sure about the meta changing, if getting dived by a Winston and she can’t do much to stop them or the Tracer that goes with them. However she’s everything but underwhelming. Her sustained healing is pretty strong and she can throw some heal + armor on a flanker, she has a really good and easy to land stun and her attack is pretty fast.

She’s weak against long range comps, but very strong in brawls. So far I think she’s a good addition to the roster.

This is why delaying her for comp is pointless. She only works with a team around her. She isn’t going to do anything running with 5 dps in QP.

Like any hero, the rest of the team comp matters a lot. I feel like she’s really strong when paired with Rein and Zarya. She’s much better as an “off-support” than an off-tank.

Besides Ana (only for a short time) Blizzard has yet to release a meta defining hero.

Almost all their releases have been underwhelming, they need to start churning out way more heroes and other content or they’re going to continue losing players and their precious OWL will fall apart.

She’s an off tank support, like 2 healers, her, 2 tanks and a dps…might be the new incoming wave.

However she also works REALLY well with dive

Then add a zarya… Was alot of fun yesterday. Finally able to play Zarya again…

It’s weird, in my experience she is either utterly trash or carry. It all depends on the team comps and play styles of both teams.

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The heals are so weak going to be hard keeping tanks alive long enough…

She’s not bad at all.
She provides so much space for the DPS to perform and her ULT is insane.

Brigitte plus Lucio= Fun :smiley:

Almost like they labeled her as an off healer, off tank kind of in the middle thing :stuck_out_tongue:

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She’s anti-dive for sure. She can peel for her other healer really well. Flanker nightmare.

Just like Zarya, she needs Rein

Genji’s describe her has a jack of all trades. Reinhardts and Lucio’s descrive her as a . . . 4 of all trades. Better than a 2 right?

I disagree. Zarya’s dont need a rein, but could benefit from one. (What a zarya really needs is a pocket healer, for when barrier tanking suddenly, and unexpectedly becomes body blocking.)

I feel like anyone who says she isn’t meta defining is basing this off of the QP 5 dps 1 Briggitte meta, instead of the actual meta she is supposed to counter.