Brigitte is Underwhelming

They said that Brigitte will be “meta changing” hero, or “shake up the meta” not sure, and i just don’t see that happening.
First of all i am not sure what is her role exactly and what is her place in this game.

Her healing is bad.
Her DMG is bad.
Her range is bad.
Her shield is small and easily destroyed.

She is not a good healer, she is not a good DMG dealer/melee hero, she is not a tank. Some ppl will say: “Well she can be all of that.” And i disagree. She does too many thing but nothing from what she does have real impact on the match. She is just… there. It’s like they didn’t even know what to do with her exactly.
I know that it might be too early to talk about this but these are my first impressions.

I think that Moira is overall much better hero and that she had/have much bigger impact on the game.


she has stuns and is a 3rd tank with her ulti up

playing with teams that have no real build and really non aggressive tanks you can end up doing a lot more than you think you can with her


Respectable opinion. The thing with Baguette is that you need to damage people to heal your team a bit, so all you need to do is stand near everyone and whip enemies far away for some good heals. Her ult is pretty good, too. Right now, I think I’m calling this meta the Pushover Meta; mainly because it’s the supports that get to harass the flankers for once.


Comparing her to Moira is probably a bit unfair. Moira is honestly one of the best designed and polished heroes in the entire roster. Easily the best newly released hero. Brigitte doesn’t live up to that sure, but that’s a high bar.


From the games I’ve managed to play with her, Brig’s raw healing numbers are pure trash. You absolutely cannot run her with anyone other than Mercy or Moira. However, I believe the idea is that rather than a whole team Support, she is designed to be played up front with the DPS, but just behind the main tank(s).

But you can’t really whip enemies “far away”, right?


“Hey man, don’t expect the developers to make two well made characters in a row”


The Whip Shot distance is pretty long. I think it’s maybe 20-30 meters, so you’ll be able to reach people.

On the note of healing, well shes not a main healer so of course she isnt going ton heal as much.

I thought this until I played with my group last night. Playing w/ her and a main healer, I gotta say… as a main tank, she makes life a bit easier, especially when diving in/ being dived on. Unless she’s being focused down, she’s able to shut down Tracer/Genji with relative ease, and having her passive continue to heal as she’s just holding down left click… it’s pretty great. Her Whipshot is baller AF against Phara. Now, if there are two healers AND her? Dude. Death Ball meta FTW.


Considering the other new releases are Doomfist, Sombra and Ana, it was a bit hopeful tbh.

Orisa is cool though.

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It’s just weird to think we should expect every new character to be half assed on release


Wouldn’t say expect it, but just don’t be too surprised.

Blizzard like making heroes that encourage gameplay elements so annoying such that the moment the hero becomes meta it upsets people. Moira is just the least offensive one. Unless you’re Genji.

Baugette is pretty niche she needs a a team around her to be any good. The one good game i hade with her was in a 2/2/2 with a rein/dva tank. where we mostly stuck witht he rein. She was great there and she synergizes with rein pretty well imo.

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agree…let call her Trashgitte


Seems more like to me they’re designing so nobody steps on tracer’s toes.

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No one called her a trash tho. So no.

How do you figure that?

It goes 20 meters, at a speed of 40 meters per second

I’ve been calling it the American Football Meta, because everyone gets right up in eachothers face and sort of just stays there until a flanker does something about it or one sides shield goes down.

Or Reinhardt sacks the QB.