Brigitte is Underwhelming

They already told us they balance around Tracer. Bridgette had a combo that reliably took out Tracer. It was nerfed out/is now ping dependent. Ana can no longer two shot her. To a far lesser extent, Orisa And Doomfist are huge targets for her.


Did you win the match you played as her or did you lose?

She seems to be significantly better when she’s on a winning team than when she is on a losing team.

I like her CC, a Roadhog player and I destroyed 3-4 players at end of my last match. I think it really depends on teamplay an character picks.

Her range is shorter, but her DPS is higher than Moira’s. I think she’s pretty strong overall, but her shield could probably need a size increase.

Fighting against her in DM is worse than Junk and Moira though… Sigh

Play her with a Reinhart and see what happens…


Brigitte’s combo is still super reliable. Practice a lil, idk. I did it like ten times in a game without missing one.

Ana, true, but at the same time she didn’t originally have such a fast fire rate, such a large clip size, such a large grenade AOE, and her sleepdart allowed Tracer to instantly wake up (although that was a bug).

It’s funny to read this post alongside all the nerf Brigitte posts. There’s some wildly differing opinions about her at the moment.

For my part, I like her. I think she’s a good hero. And I plan on playing her.

And her healing is 20m with LOS, so technically you could be 40m away from your team and still heal them.

You guys are all so negative. I really hope the devs don’t read this and see everyone calling their new hero they’ve been working on “half-assed”. Let’s reserve judgement for now. Personally I really like her and find that she’s really good with a solid frontline.


Fun fact: every new hero failed to deliver expected meta change besides Ana.

Also give Brig more time.

wha, ana was a trash can when she first came out…


And if you don’t have a team to get up near and attack/defend with, she’s kinda useless it seems so far. I’m worried she’s going to be so dependent on having actual teamwork and coordination that she may rarely get to shine.

I love teamwork and coordination, most OW players do not, it seems.

Only had a few matches where I got to play her, and from my experience & observing others, it really depends on the team comp and playstyle whether she’s maximizing her impact.


Personal opinion to improve.
HPS should be 20-25. She should not have the same heal rate as Lucio’s passive when she has to meet a condition to activate it.
Rally should have a radius of 12-15 meters, not 8.


She’s potentially meta changing because her kit combats dive comp and also compliments Reinhardt which could make him more viable in future again, too.

If you’re doing your job properly as her and get in the right positions, protecting the right allies, the shield charge and mace knock back can stop a diving Winston or D.Va in their tracks.

I had some luck against Tracers and Genjis too. Ok, she’s not going to solo counter the entire shabang of dive… but it’s a start and as and when people figure out other heroes she compliments/works well with, like Rein, as a whole we may find a comp that can combat dive effectively.

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Forgive me for my cynicism when new heroes have a habit of being dead on arrival

Except Brigette actually seems fairly decent and is a blast to play. You guys need to hold off on calling her “dead on arrival” when she’s only been out for a day.

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Yup she will be niche because reinhardt comps are niche. However if she turns out too weak and if the pros don’t even use her in reinhardt comps, then it’s not the end.

Brigitte seems to be a hero that is easy to buff

cancer/spam comps with moira+ brigite are coming

I feel the same. She just feels strange to me.