Brigitte is SO godamn OP

Okay, so in the whatever passing weeks, since this devil has been released, I have had a horrible experience. Like every game, I will be playing Symm (as I main that gurl) and ill be chilling and Oh wow a lone Brigitte, I am at full charge with my photon projector LETS DO THIS, so I corner this abomination with 110% confidence ready to kill her and… yep, okay thats fine, its cool that you can stunm ewith 70 dmagae, than use your shield to block me and THAN gain back literally 100000% of damage you recived and than slaughter me, thats cool, I deifnitlery dont mind I got oblivioated by a healer who never heals. She is disgustingly op, I don’t know if its the 100% accuracy Mcree stun, the op healing she receives or the oversized shield she has but I have had nothing but unfair 1v1’s with her and I hope she never gets released into comp until she has been nerfed into oblivion.

FYI, I have even had this problem with Zaraya and every other hero, like I was just playing and I was at about 60 charge and I was with a teammate Mie, we cornered her and she than stunned BOTH of us than proceded to literally be invincible and a task to kill whilst repeatedly stunning us an gaining back her health with armour.

to conclude she does bearly any healing when she is on my team, her stun is to OP, her shield has too much health (it should be like 400, she is impossible to kill and should not be an op support who heals that amount. so please respond. thanks


nom nom

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


If you duel Brigitte as Symmetra you’re going to have a bad time.


But it should not be like that

basically everyone who gets killed by symm, she never heals, is in the support category, and guess what? also pretty good at close range 1v1s (maybe switch to counter brig because she counters symm, thats like my complaining that symm is op because i can’t 1v1 her as genji)


I showed you my Photon Barrier please respond


Try reading some of my suggestions:

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shes a hecking defensive dps, they are moving her out of support. Also, if u let yourself get close enough to my microwave, you deserve to die


Symmetra is a 200 HP hero with zero burst, no self-care, no movement, reliant on melee range, whose CC exists only as stationary points, which she has to prepare beforehand. Yes, brigitte wrecked you in a 1v1; literally anyone will wreck Symmetra in 1v1; especially when it’s, as you describe, Symmetra charging at them with her beam.

Know how Symmetra fights brigitte? Keep range and spam bubbles at her. They go through her shield and brigitte has a huge hitbox for those charged bubbles ot hit. Try to lure her into a turret hut. If you can’t do these things, retreat.

Crazy idea, I know, but “running away” IS a viable response ot a fight in overwatch, you don’t always have to fight to the death. In fact it’s usually better if you don’t. be a coward, you’ll actually do better.

As for Mei and Zarya? Sounds like bad posiitoning to me. She could only stun both of you if you are literally standing on top of each other. Space out a bit, Zarya out-ranges brigitte and brigitte has no remedy for Mei’s slow.

Play better. or perhaps, play Pharah or junkrat.


I 100% agree, she should be less dps and more healing

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okay brig is a support/tank hybrid, she’s meant to protect. Also if u let yourself get close enough to a hero with a stun and a 150 damage combo, you deserve to die.


Lol what are you even saying? Brigitte has the fourth lowest DPS (technically third, but I’m rounding) in the game and the fourth lowest damage output in the game. Symmetra has greater damage output than Brigitte (6559 vs 6305)


I reckon she should NOT be able to penetrate a shield or a photon barrier. just like Reinhardt or roadhogs hook. But i can 1v1 literally any hero but brigitte

Yes…it should. The whole of Overwatch is based on counters.

  • She can’t stun you with 70 damage, her shield bash does 50.
  • Your full charged beam can do 120 dmg per sec, killing her shield and stun in 5s.
  • She doesn’t have OP regen, she literally heals for 16 hps. 16. That’s the lowest in the game.
  • “She stunned BOTH of us” except her stun only affects one person at a time. She literally can’t stun more than that.
  • You say “oversized shield” when she can’t even protect herself from splash damage because it’s that small

Stop making up lies that are clearly wrong, this is just beyond embarrassing. A lot of Sym’s don’t like to change, but they learn about counters. Stop making up lies and screaming that you can’t melt every character in the game. That’s not how OW works for anyone.


but she gets like 700 heals per socond when shes slapping you with her chains

You just ruined whatever argument you may have had, with this post.

I mean I don’t even know if you had an argument as I didn’t read your original one but yeah, so it’s okay for Sym to beam someone to death at close range but not Brig? Riiiiiiight

Learn to stand back a bit and shoot her.



Her self-heal is lower than Lucio’s healing lol and the only healer that does less healing output than her is Zenyatta, and it’s not even that much less. This is April Fool’s?


Melee goes through shields. Rein and Torbjorn’s hammers, Brigitte’s mace, Genji’s dash and ultimate, Doomfist’s uppercut / rocket fist, and every character’s basic melee attack.

Yep, Symmetra can kill pretty much anyone who just stands there and takes it. So can Mercy (in fact it’s my experience that Mercy does it better, since she gets headshot bonuses) But anyone who actually has a clue what htey’re doing is going to smash a symmetra who’s coming at them like leeroy jenkins.


but hers should’nt cause it heals people