As a dps im afraid to fight healers

By the fact Illari’s headshots do 1.5x damage instead of 2x.

Learn the hero before you start crying about it.

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Those are called “Abilities” every hero has several of them. if you’re mad at a hero having abilities, this is not the game for you.


How does that show Illari’s crit register is balanced?

It goes both aways. As a support, I’m afraid to fight DPS. Because half of the time, they’re smurfs. Whenever I’m playing DPS, I’m also constantly against smurfs (usually DPS or support; mostly DPS).

But I get what you mean about DPS being a riskier role now with the buff of support’s self-sustain. But I actually think lack of second tank has got a lot to do with DPS being harder to play as well. The only reason why it was so much easier to contest supports in S1 was because supports were underpowered and DPS like sojourn were mega overtuned.

Also, switching is vital now in OW2. You can no longer pick a hero before the game starts, and stay on it the entire round and win. You could do that more often back in OW1, but in OW2, every role (especially tanks) must switch regularly now if they want to bring value to the team.

Heck, half of the time, I can’t even get value out of tracer anymore even in QP and have to switch if I wanna win. The hero imbalance and rock-paper-scissors is affecting every role.

Why are you even close to the enemy team???

Like what is the wacky situation you described?

You dont have to do that with any pylon because there is no spot in the map where she can put it and still heal constantly without it being vulnerable somehow. Maybe in some 2CP maps, that are now removed.

‘‘Shoot the pylon with your back to the enemy’’ that is not diving. That is not flanking. You are just walking through a chokepoint like an idiot.

But as you said: I do it all the time as Symmetra. Prep a sentry bomb, two orbs to the pylon, sentrybomb-orb the Illari. Any hero with good projectile damage can just lol at the pylon.

Did I say I mained Mei? No.

But also right now Sym requires more aiming than everyone’s hitscan acceptable babygirl Soldier. Who can pop a 200hp with bodyshots and a rocket to someone’s general direction.

Her escape is mostly worse than other heroes’, her pylon sustain is literally 30 hps and her passive sustain only works if you play at range and give her opportunity to take cover. The moment you dive her said passive sustain does absolutely nothing.

She has to reposition constantly if she isnt parked in one position. Most maps dont allow parking in one position. And she has to reposition into a place where it doesnt get instantly blown up while still getting some value out of it.

Yes? I am a flex player. And I fully acknowledge that the multitasking that supports have to do, specially the ones meant to be doing everything at once like Illari is far bigger than that of most DPS heroes right now, as their gameplay is extremely simple.

Tracer being weak to turrets is nothing new. She is a close range hero with medium damage that specializes on constant pressure and opportunity kills. Why are you even trying to destroy a pylon with a hero with no long range option.

Not sure why you’re being snarky with me. But you think abilities, part of each heroes kit, shouldn’t be considered as part of balancing?

I guess that explains this post from 2018: Brigitte is SO godamn OP - #11 by Punkrawk-11116

Yeah, 2018 Brigitte obviously wasn’t a problem. It was just the evil tank and DPS players that unfairly caused Brig and her abilities to get nerfed 20 times within two years after that post of yours.

No, what he is saying is that you are talking as if Illari had it for free.

A post from 5 years ago has to be the most weird thing to pull up to try to own someone.

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Haha ok my guy keep believeing that even though alot of aim communities rank ow2 hitscan as the hardest, or atleast one of the hardest mainstream fps to aim on.

Its so insane that this forum has gaslite itself to thinking junkrat and sym take more aim than cass or widow but hey, keep dreaming.

For one, it doesn’t excuse the rude snarkiness.

For another, I’m saying and everyone else is saying Illari is imbalanced because her kit in combination is too good. The reasons are laid out plainly.

When someone like me says we’re perfectly happy to have Illari be scary and keep it a skill matchup, suddenly some tortured reasons are given as to why she needs to be mechanically easier.

One of the first things I found that wasn’t Illari related and showed some blatant bias. I’m not spending more than 15 seconds searching to be honest. But go ahead, defend the rudeness.

I still find playing dps, with hit and run tactics more fun than tank rn.

heck as strong as support is it’s rather boring just spaming the strong CDs as fast as you can.

Support overtuned af, this is evident by the long queue times. Anyone disagreeing is being dishonest and is enjoying the overpowered state of supports. They are SUPPORT not DAMAGE. They shouldn’t be able to do anything at all alone and should be punished for bad position instead of having 2 get out of jail free cards.

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And how does this suggest that she needs the bigger crit register box? As you’ve said she has enough sustain to hold her own for ranged damage, but with the massive crit register box and sustain she’s even stronger against flankers.

Force the 11 second cooldown on her pylon no matter what. Then it’ll be more balanced.

So which DPS would you recommend take down the pylon?

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ah yes because their guns do so much less damage when you’re near them.

yes just assume that they are being idiots sure.

yes baiting one of the minimum 3 “get out of jail free card” abilities is how you be an effective dps. (unless you just play snipers or hitscans and just spam.)

What an excellent example of OW2 incentivizing making individual plays; making it damn near impossible to get solo kills on anyone, unless they are grossly out of position.

yes let’s have the most rewarding reaper play style be the least skillful one.
Stand next to your own tank and shoot the biggest target.

wonderful takes all around.

Uh you don’t play illari much- its not just control or even flashpoint with areas where you can keep her pylon… lots of areas on hybrid maps, push, payload, etc. to hide her pylon in. If I am pushing the payload or point during an offense or retake I will be in a team fight. Sym isnt really the answer for illari- I’ve only seen sentry bomb like that as a meme that works when your enemies ignore it. I havent seen the dont “push a point as a team” argument since paris was a hated map lmao.

He swears by sym and mei being able to delete pylon in any location without risk every time.

DPS role is literally to get kills and the problem isn’t supports getting kills, it’s making it too easy.

Kiriko’s crit hitbox on her projectiles is giant compared to any dps, if you want to give them the ability to get kills, don’t make it so easy.

Man, you really went digging for a five year old post, and still missed the point (“Help I get rolled when I play bad!” wasn’t a compelling argument for nerfs back then and it’s still not.)

Also if you’re seriously comparing Illari to 2018 brigitte, then man I dunno what to tell you except “watch out for stairs” and “don’t drown in the shower”

Anyway champ. Illari has abilities, as we’ve noted. These abilities do things. You seem to be mad at that reality. Explain why.

Kiriko actually makes sense given how she can’t heal + DPS at the same time. Her innate DPS is still low.

Illari/Bap/Moira have too many mechanics that allow them to easily hit high DPS numbers and healing at the same time. Illari is a little misleading because pylon heals 37.5 is just high enough and can be done at the same time she does her own dmg she tends to get rather high of both.

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lmao no it doesn’t make sense.

It makes quite a lot of sense.

Kiriko has quite a bit on par with Ana for TTK, but requires more effort.

Ana will 3bodyshot you in 2.4s.
Kiriko will 5bodyshot you in 2.5s.

Ana has a 2bodyshot + nade kill that is a 1.6s + nade kill with a super easy finisher on bionade for size of hitbox.
Kiriko has a 3HKO in 1.5s with a required headshot and 2 bodyshots.

The only advantage Kiriko has is a double hs requirement for a 1.0s TTK.