Brigitte is broken

She has 200 health and 50 as armour and she has a 600 helath shield, even if she misses that non sense she’s not going to die against anything other then Mei comps that block her in.

Dosen’t matter, once she makes it to comp I might just finally throw in the towel, I’ve already watched one of my mains get turned into an unfun mess and now I’ve got this brand new hero that makes my other two mains a living hell to play.
Let’s hope blizz tweaks her because 5 second no skill stun is ridiculous and the fact Rein has no counterplay like he does the McCree stun is telling

There are already heroes wh ooccupy Reins space, they’re names are McCree and Reaper and several others,
Oh Roadhog yeah he’s also there next to Rein.
Brigitte is minor damage and minor healing next to Rein and a stun that is ridiculous and counters him too freaking hard
Not to mention how easy it makes her beat Reaper at the only range he’s effective at


Yes, exactly how she counters a tank. She stuns a tank, prevent him from doing his job, which is protecting his team and it may also mean his death since the tank stays on the frontline in case you are unaware of. I’m tired of a Brigitte simply walking up to me, shield bashing taking no damage and then I get pulled by a f*cking Roadhog and just end up dead, no way to avoid it because how easy it is to pull that off as Brigitte.

You know why people don’t get mad at Mccree stunning everyone? Because unlike her, he has a long CD on his flashbang, the stun effect wear off faster and he has to put himself in a great disadvantage because he is a ranged hero.

Surviving as Mercy requires high game sense, surviving as Brigitte requires you to have half a brain and spam “Mace to the face”.

So yes, I’m mad at her countering so many God damm heroes with little to no effort on her side. She can prevent Flankers from doing their jobs, Tanks from doing their jobs and Supports from doing their jobs.


A bit OP so a nerf will come. Other than that, nothing catastrophic in Quick Play, to be honest. If you’re team is doing 2 Heal + 2 Tank she shouldn’t be a huge issue.

Listing her stats doesn’t make a point.

She will die to burst damage like everyone else.

Then quit, goodbye.

McCree?! Okay, you’re dumb, please go.

Burst damage, you mean like Reaper whom she actually freaking counters too?
I meant Mei not McCree

Or Reinhardt who she actually counters his charge?

So lemme get this straight. You claim…

Her 1 second stun is enough to drop ANY tank in the game.

Yet you don’t have enough burst to kill HER…who has less health and shield than any tank in the game.

Something doesn’t add up.

Also, there is a way to “avoid it”, its called the “S” key on your keyboard, or the “down arrow” if you prefer. BACK UP.

Learn to bait the stun like you’d bait any other ability.

So? Don’t blind charge.

Let’s see, Winston jumps with his team, she stuns him, he receives burst damage, pretty much down. D.VA jumps into the enemy with her team, again, in the frontlines doing her job, she is going to retreat… NOPE, shield bash. Reinhardt is protecting his team… Shield bash, hook or burst damage, also dead. So yes, I’m giving you this answers in first hand since I play those tanks, like I said, the tanks who have an easier time with her are Zarya and Orisa.

I hope you know that her shield bash actually has a little charge forward? Because the way you talked “Just press S” doesn’t seem like you do.

You know why it’s harder to burst damage her than other tanks? She is smaller, she has her own shield(So she got her tanks protection + hers) and probably a healer healing her.

So, as a tank I should be letting my team take unnecessary damage to try to bait her? Like you said, something doesn’t add up.


This guy gets it!!!

So we just solved Dive meta? The hero that was supposedly designed to stop that meta is working as intended? K.

Range her.

Yes I know it goes forward, account for that and give her space.

Range her.

If she’s close enough to you she can shield bash you, she doesn’t have “more shields” to protect her, she’s probably out of position and vulnerable to burst. RANGE HER.

The answer you keep avoiding, is RANGE HER. She’s a strong melee hero, everything you said just says that over and over again. Range her and she becomes quite bad.

You can’t base balance on QP btw. People don’t play QP correctly. In Comp where people are more willing to swap and counter, an Orisa, Hog, Pharah, Junk, Mercy, Moira is gonna wipe the floor with any Brigitte comp you got.

So you’re saying the anwer is to get to range and then don’t see how this might JUST MIGHT be a problem for heroes like Rein and Reaper?


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So use other heroes, thats the point of the game.


2 heroes who are struggling becoming neigh obselete because of the existance of one hero, one hero who plays in the area those two heroes are supposed to dominate (the melee range in Reapers case)
She beats Reaper of all people with her damn stun in reapers ideal range, this is not something that should be considered okay


Reaper is getting buffs. Rein works great with Brig.

Reapers buffs do nothing to actually help his dueling power against Brig, itt saves him a few seconds dosen’t change the fact he can’t break her shield before she gets her second bash (which is on a shorter cooldown then wraith form in case you weren’t aware)

She does not work “well with Rein” she just exists in the same space, just like DPS like Reaper or defence flankers or other tanks, it’s nothing compared to how how much she can pressure a rein to move and give up space just by existing or if he dosen’t give up space she makes him lower his shield while the spam is coming in from her team.


and you have never played D’va if you think that range is enough for Brigitte either that or you’re a moron.

D’va can’t do anything more then tickle damage at the range that exceeds that of Brigittes basic attack

Yes, I play D.Va a lot.

Missiles. Also she has to get CLOSE to stun you…close to D.Va means her guns are NOT useless are they? And no, D.Va’s effective range (especially for shield busting) is further than Brig’s Melee

You can’t have it both ways guy.

Yes, let’s see, you are in the middle of a team fight, Brigitte stuns D.VA, your team attacks her, but the enemy team also attacks you, you raise your shield again, walk back a little bit, your tanks walk foward, D.VA is already out of the mech, but, what a about Brigitte?(Assuming she has a brain evolved enough to be able to think) Brigitte is fine, just going back to the frontlines to help her team, no problem at all.