Brigitte is broken

I feel like I’m overreacting a bit, but when a support can lead a push and win, I think something might be wrong. So I figured I bring it to the forums to hear everyone else’s thoughts.


She can’t tho. She has 250hp and has a 16hps self heal.


you are over-reacting


Her CDs are overtuned, but not bonkers broken


Yea she is. She objectively is and that isn’t a discussion. Although I like her overall design. Shielding a teammate with your body, pushing enemies away, healing them for an absurd amount. Aoe heal on hit.

The only problem is her own defensive capability. And her extremely low cooldowns.

I feel like her movement speed should get reduced more when she has her shield up, slightly lower her shield value, fix her idiotic shield bash hitbox, raise the shield bash cd slightly, give her the lucio treatment and reduce her healing done with her aura on herself.


Nice first post tho.

I just think it’s crazy that she can do all of that as well as heal her armor. Making her hitpoints that she heals after 200 HP be 1.3x as effective.


Tell me, how do you feel about Lucio?


It’s not just “support” and “non-support”. She is an offtank-offhealer hybrid and basically this is quite new to OW so I’m waiting her competitive debut how this will turn out.


Idk, her playstyle seems fine, but she should be more in line with other heroes balance wise.

If you try her in Total Mayhem she actually seems fairly balanced. Aside from the occassional Shield Bash 1v1 stunlock you really see her playstyle come through in this mode. The only problem is that she can chase down a hero easily without any risk to herself.


I wouldn’t call 16 healing per hit “an absurd amount” her healing is actually pretty low in comparison to everyone else in the support class.


Waiting for competitive isn’t a great option. We said “wait until she is live” for the 2 weeks she was on the PTR. Now, she is live. And we wanna push it back another month?


Brigitte is objectively overloaded and broken. She needs to be toned down a lot.


Yea, but the problem is that she has a lucio aura (which is basically the only thing making lucio unique) in addition to all her other tools. If lucio’s got nerfed Brigitte’s should definitely also be. And it’s not like she’ll die. She still has a 600 hp shield (hopefully this will get lowered a bit as well). She simply can’t fck around like an idiot anymore.


I mean you cannot measure how OP / UP she is in quickplay. QP has nothing to do with balance.


she is broken. cant kill her even 2v1 with dps heroes on her range. outside of her range you just waste time shooting a shield.


That’s true, but she can’t heal herself while not in combat, so that’s a drawback for her aura in comparison to Lucio’s, plus she can’t do speed which also makes Lucio unique. As far as her shield goes, she moves quite slowly with it and is vulnerable to splash damage, so I don’t think that’s all that great for escapes.

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I love Brigitte, but she IS OP as hell. I laugh a little out load when a Winston land near me, cause i just got a free kill. Her CD’s are to low honestly. I wish Doomfists CD’s were that low. This chick is a tanks nightmare. She can charge in and strait up un-lodge that Tank from whatever he was protecting. Maybe that’s her roll though. You put a Zenyatta orb on here and she becomes almost unstoppable as long as she can swing that mace. It’s fun, but guilty fun.


No the problem is that she doesn’t move slow with her shield. She moves slower than her normal movement speed. Not slow. And her shield regenerates out of combat. This is the part we call skill and knowing how to utilize your abilities. You don’t need healing if you have a shield protecting you all the time. And if she is low while her shield is broken and she doesn’t have the time to back off to regenerate it, you aren’t about to make some crazy play anyways - you’re dead. That’s just her design.


Well, by that logic we can’t tell if she is balanced in Comp either.

After all, comp is just quickplay but with skill ratings attatched.

Seriously. She is out. She has been out. And she continues to dominate games where 6 stacks are trying to win in QP. If it’s a dead even matchup with both teams of equal skill and coordination but one has a Brigitte, the team with Brigitte will win all the time.

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Only problem I have with her is that shield bash. It’s better than McCree’s in every way except range and people it can affect.

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