Brigitte is broken

It’s, almost like, Mercys have to avoid a Tracer because they’ll fck you up instantly,

or playing Zenyatta and having to avoid a Sombra

or playing Orisa and having to avoid a Tracer

or playing literally every hero (excluding tanks) and having to worry about a Tracer one clipping you unless you play Pharah and fly away with her boost.

I wish DF had her CDs…

Inspire: Healing: 12 HPS (down from 16)
Area of effect: 20 meters (requires LoS)

So Worse.

Repair Pack
Healing: 125 health (down from 150 health. Armor unchanged)

so Worse.

How is that healing being 100% better?

Just because you nerf EVERYTHING else more, it doesn’t mean you made something good.

Yes you made Inspire constant, but that makes the hero more dull.

You know WHY they changed lucio right?

Just wait till we see her pick rate in comp (spoiler alert, it will be bad), and see what blizzard does about it (spoiler alert, they will buff her)

She is roughly in the same space as Zen but her close in fighting and extra survival doesn’t make up for a damn good ranged attack and discord.

She’s not a master of all, she’s very good at VERY close range. What do you not understand about melee?

The real question is who are you playing that you have such an issue and why won’t you swap?

Grab junkrat and melt her. Take Soldier and burn down that shield. She can’t shield bash if you shoot the shield. People just wanna ignore barriers instead of breaking them, which is VASTLY better.

Only problem I have is how hard she counters Reinthart right now, especially since Rein is already struggling with the existance of a tank that does his job but better in the form of Orisa (who isn’t nearly as easily stopped by Brigitte.

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And this is ALSO my issue. Rein is collateral damage. He deserves better than that. I SUSPECT her bash won’t stun through shields in the long term.

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She also works amazingly WITH Rein as she’s suppose too. So wouldn’t that INCREASE his pickrate?

I don’t think her being suicidal and stunning Rein for 1 second is worth it at all. Its still better to just burn down Rein’s shield AFAP

With 2 DPS heroes? That’s a bit of a stretch.

Time breaking her shield is not wasted, it opens her up to death.

So, found your problem, you play the game wrong.

I have no idea what makes Brigitte so good with Rein that other healers can’t do, her heals per second isn’t going to sustain a rein swinging his hammer in the fight like an Ana, Moira or even Mercy can.
Also do you have any idea how much damage gets through in one second, pair her with a junk and you’ve got two casualties in that one second

Using stun to open the way for a shatter is what they are talking about.

It really is only good against other Reins.

Ok, I was wrong :slight_smile: - they are talking about using her as a Melee buff.

Its the fact they are both melee DPS, it basically doubles Rein’s aggressive effectiveness, the healing is enough.

Nobody is claiming she’s a main healer, you of course need a Mercy or Moira to help out.

You know how people have preferred roles? I like tanking, and let me tell you something, she is countering pretty much every tank except Orisa and Zarya, both, who, in my opinion are the most boring heroes on the current roster, Brigitte requires low mechanical skill and you barely need game sense since your job is mostly to protect yourself and stay on the frontlines, unlike someone like Reinhardt who requires low mechanical skill but a great deal of gamesense.

She right now, is countering Flankers, tanks other supports and DPS who are trying to help their team on the payload.

and both sides can do that…so whats the problem?

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That isn’t a synnergy that’s just a “oh hey, we’re here together” I can get the same effect and more damage with a reaper beside me or even better a Mei keeping them in place and dealing enough damage to charge kill tanks.
You might have a point about the whole stunning for shatter thing… except that again Orisa isn’t shut down and neither is winston, so it’s only other reintharts, and who the hell is gonna play Rein with this little pain in the but making your life even more thell then Sombra before the Grace period was removed.

No, she is countering poor players who don’t work together.

How does she counter a tank? A 1 second stun? Come on.

Surviving is “low game sense”? Do you listen to yourself?

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It isn’t a problem. Stunning Rein to force his shield down is what ruins him.

Dva ult + Stun, Rein ult + Stun, Sombra hack + Stun, Junkrat Ult + Stun. Anything big you could defend against using the shield is not something you can rely on.

Also it is annoying as all hell being stunned ever 4 seconds :wink:

Being designed to stand in the same game-space isn’t synnergy?

Brig brings a utility stun for Rein. That’s HUGE for Rein.

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So if you see Brig coming to your Rein, the Rein backs up…The Brig goes to stun, misses, dies, and you win.

Comp will show you.

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Yes, it does.

150 HP Repair Pack @ 6 second cooldown is not enough healing

60 seconds ÷ 6 seconds = 10 Repair Packs @ 150HP which = 1500 Healing per min
60 seconds ÷ 4 seconds = 15 Repair Packs @ 125HP which = 1875 Healing per min

If Brigitte uses the Repair Pack on cooldown.

This doesn’t even include the non stop healing of Inspire, not to mention the extra 16HPS when you hit someone with your abilities.

So yea… it does make her healing better.

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