Brigitte is broken

Maybe I mixxed up the whip shot ability when I thought of the range of her melee, still not exactly a decent counter, of course that’s fine D’va was supposed to be one of the counters, not freaking Reinthart and Reaper.
Frick, how many mains is one supposed to have in order to not get squashed with cancer? I thought four or five was enough.

So don’t let her stun you? Why are you standing still waiting for her to walk to you and stun you?

If you avoid that stun, your whole little story never happens.

Its not Unavoidable.

I’m sorry what? avoid her stun??? Did you not see her hitbox?

Its smaller then Genji’s deflect box.

No one is standing still, God damn man, do you realize how easy it is to hit the stun? I don’t think you really do. Have you seen the hitbox of the skill? Imagine if every single player complaining about Brigitte only did so because they were “standing still”. Reinhardt has low mobility -> Easy to hit, Winston has a big hit box and his only mobility is his jump -> Easy to hit etc, you get the point. You don’t need a god like aim to hit it, it’s one of the easiest skills to hit in fact.

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You keep repeating this “just hold S like” thing. Are you going to hold S right off the objective or hold S all the way away from taking a point?

It’s the tanks job to protect or push the objective and even walking backwards is slower than walking forwards… Putting all the talk about whether Brigitte is OP or not to the side it’s really a pointless argument to say stay away from any character in this game, it’s damn near impossible to stay away from anyone if they’re pushing in on you with their team.

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Well since everyone complaining is basing it on gameplay that doesn’t at ALL compare to what will be going on in competitive S11…the complaints are meaningless.

I do know its easy to dodge her stun, as I’ve baited it out of her MANY times now.

no it’s the same as genji…actually better.

watch?v=mT7hapkr3Hc pass this on youtube.

You can give up control of the objective FOR A LIMITED TIME to regain better positioning, this is called “Game sense”

Right, you go back in and she already has her shield bash, because, guess what, it only has a 5 seconds CD.

And to be honest, most of your suggestions on how to play against her is to not fight her at all, just retreat when you see her, not exactly helpful.

Right, which is why you range her…remember that part? Forget already? Back off the point, range her, regain the point.

This is simple stuff here, are you a bronze player?

So, one trick Orisa until they nerf Brigitte? Great.

Btw, what do you mean by range her? First destroy her tanks defense, then destroy her shield and then be able to attack her, considering, of course, that the person playing Brigitte is a 3 years old kid learning on how to move in the game?

What rank are you playing in where you don’t understand that a Brigitte pushing into something like a Rein at a choke is unavoidable? Nevermind I see.

There is no giving up control, Reinhardt and other non mobile tanks don’t move fast enough and it’s impossible to miss Brigitte’s stun on a tank once she’s in range, literally impossible.

Might want to avoid rank shaming people if you are in gold yourself. It’s starting to be extremely clear why you don’t understand simple concepts about the game.

Brigette’s stun is not that easy to land, trust me. That said, yes, she may be nerfed, eg. cooldowns can be increased.

On Reinhardt? Are we playing the same game?

You’re inventing game situations which are not practical. Nobody is protected all the time and she is a character thats gonna require HIGH DAMAGE to defeat, but it CAN be defeated.

I dunno what the hell Brigitte is suppose to do about a Orisa, Hog, Junk, Pharah, Mercy, Moira. That comp makes her basically worthless. Mercy isn’t even needed, Zen would be fine too.

no I don’t trust you, I have tested…that large hitbox hard to land, you sure you’re playing Brigette?

Yes but you say like it’s her vs 6 on the enemy team, tell you what, you are playing a 6v6 she is not alone facing all enemies, she has protection from her tanks, she has the damage from her dps and she has heals from her healer, SHE. IS. NOT. ALONE.

The team who lacks a Brigitte ALWAYS feels like you are in a disadvantage.

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I realize that, but she does take a slot.

So there is likely 1 less primary healer, or 1 less tank, or 1 less DPS.

Tell me how any comp with Brig beats the comp I presented to you.

You are basically saying “If you are having trouble with that Brigitte, convince your entire team to change to said heroes”

Anyways, what guarantee you have that the comp you presented won’t be countered by the enemy team? What if they also have Pharmacy, Moira, a Soldier 76, Any of the tanks, etc?