Brigitte is broken

  1. She can heal up to 480 HP over her entire team just by tapping RMB and looking in a general direction. She can also heal her own armor, making it even more difficult to take her down, especially for those with lower damage. Her armor that she can give to others with her healing ability stays up for 5 seconds and the ability is on a 6 second cooldown. That’s an effective 1 second cooldown.
  2. Damage isn’t the issue here. But since you wanna address it…
    She can do 120 damage (Shield bash = 50, whip shot = 70. Sad you can’t argue with actual numbers to prove your point) in less than .1 seconds with her shield bash + whip shot animation cancel. While you’re stunned, she can also get off 2 hits on you, effectively dealing 190 damage to a single target, on a 6 second cooldown. The entire time she is healing and in the 1.2 seconds you’re doing 90 damage, you have effectively healed 20 HP back or more likely 20 armor that takes between 30-40 damage to take down.
  3. Her movement is short range, but it’s nearly instant and has nearly no counterplay. Imagine if McCree’s combat role stunned an enemy and defended McCree at the same time. It’s the same concept, since you wanna compare it to McCree. Staying out of its range isn’t really an option because its hitbox is ridiculously broken (Seriously, if you haven’t seen any video evidence of it, I’d recommend it. It’s the most broken hitbox since PTR doomfist). Not to mention it’s on a 5 second cooldown, so every 5 seconds, she can get 6m closer to you with a high probability to stun. If you have no movement abilities or yours are on cooldown (because most have atleast double the CD of shield bash) you’re screwed and will die.
  4. Small shield =/= bad shield. Winston’s shield is the largest in the game but gets shreaded nearly instantly. Why? Because everything hits it. Brigitte’s shield doesn’t have that issue and it’s allowed to have the same HP as a dedicated tank’s shield.
  5. Rally is a strong ult regardless. Being able to give your allies 150 permanent armor is ridiculous. Especially with the passive healing you have going on in the middle of a fight.

Here’s a list of bugs I’ve found while playing against and playing Brigitte:

  • Sometimes, her whip doesn’t knock enemies back, allowing her to have more damage than she should.
  • Sombra’s hack doesn’t disable her passive like it should nor does it disable her charge ultimate.
  • Shield bash hitbox is atleast 3x the size of the shield itself. If you want video proof, I can show you.
  • She can cancel her shield bash animation and still get the stun + whatever damage comes after she stuns the enemy
  • She can Emote while using her shield in some circumstances
  • Sometimes projectiles clip through the shield
  • Splash damage goes through the shield, making Junkrat and Pharah the only real counters to the shield

Seriously, she has issues. All of them are bad for her and the players.


What is her win rate?

I mean, if it isn’t high then she isn’t broken.

Winrate doesn’t mean much. Playrate means more about how OP they are. Symmetra once has a .01% playrate in GM, but a 100% winrate. So that says something.

Anyway, here are the stats from overbuff

Pickrate – 4/27 – 6.36%
Winrate – 100% – Seriously, this means nothing. She is in QP, she is always gonna win if both sides have her.
On Fire % – 1/27 – 24.31% – This is 13% higher than the next hero, reaper at 11.85%

Brigitte is currently healing more than Zenyatta, has more avg objective time than Orisa, and has more solo kills than Moira. I’ll let you think about that.

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First of all! YAY!!! Someone to uses the stats! This makes you a wonderful person.

Lets have a look at her stats…

Pick Rate: it is the first 2 weeks of the hero in the game. They always have a high pick rate. It is dropping FAST, like faster than usual the curve looks like Orisa’s.

Win Rate: Because blizzard apis stopped putting that data out all heroes show as 100% win rate…

On fire: It means nothing. It is tuned by Blizzard. It has no effect on game play.

Healing: the last weeks data - she healed LESS per game than Zen. which would make her the new holder of being the worst healer for actually healing.

I mean, she is an off healer, and she is healing what you expect there (same as Zen)

Objective time: She is going down last in the team fight - that is a big bonus.

Solo Kills: 1.2 per game, moira kills 1.18 per game - better than Moira by 0.02 - It could be that she is solo killing a flanker, which is her job - that is pretty funny considering the salt she gets for it.

Damage: less than Moira AND Zen, but does beat Ana, and Mercy. that is… well… sad.

So lets recap.

  • Heals like Zen
  • Kills like Moira.
  • Does less damage than either of them.
  • but is hard to kill

Now if it was kills the same as Zen and heals the same as Moira, I would agree she is overpowered, but, well… The stats are … not good.


She is OP against lower ranks, that’s why I’ve been playing her a lot, and that’s why so many people insta-lock her.

Everyone shouting about how he’s a counter to Tracer, but a half-way decent Tracer has already learned Brigitte’s effective range and will stay just outside of it and whittle her down.

I’m assuming higher ranked players (high than me) don’t have near as much trouble with her - except the salty people who only want their own characters to be viable.

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Again… Ive made a post on how to fix this:

First of all. Is that not her intended role? She is a front-line support. So I don’t see that as a problem considering her kit reflects this concept.

Also she was described by Jeff Kaplan to be meta changing, so the team obviously made her to shake up things. I don’t think Blizzard will go back on that. Also there are more changes coming through with the other heroes, we are looking at a lot of buffs in the future, and Brigitte’s current strength might be in anticipation of that.

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I recommend going to EeveeA’s past streams and finding the ones where she is playing Comp with her (custom game with competitive rules)

Watching a support play Brigitte how she should be played is a good way to get a feel on how the meta will be with her imo and how Brigitte works. But if you go watch a DPS play her, they won’t even be using her kit right :man_shrugging:

She has a good kit, the devs kinda overtuned a bit, she seems a bit rushed out, considering that none of the voice lines with other heroes were added when she launched.

In my opinion, since she is a support, her shield bash shouldn’t deal damage and shouldn’t overpower other heroes charges, that looks like to be more of a mistake than anything else at the moment, but no words from the developers.

Just wait for the Hanzo rework, the Reaper buffs, and the Mei buffs

Brigitte on the PTR with just the Reaper and Mei buffs feels like a troll pick as is; just wait for the dust to settle after those changes hit.

Plus they are waiting for Ana changes as well after the Reaper/ Mei buffs to see how a tank heavy meta fares; so if it is good and Ana gets her much needed buffs, she’s a HUGE counter to Brigitte as well

Just give it a bit of time, play more Pharah, Soldier, and Junkrat.

There’s changes on the way soon

At low ranks, she solos 1.6 per game, which is better.

Also she IS good 1v1 and yeah, low rank fights are more a bunch of 1v1’s than a team fight, so she would do well there.

No, she is not “objectively broken” at all, she’s easily countered


Sombra’s hack does not disable her passive, Inspire. If Sombra were to hack it then she would be able to hack Reaper’s passive, and Moira’s. Passives from shooting (or sucking, in Moira’s case :wink:) are not hackable.

“since she’s a support” is a dumb argument. You think supports should just be free kills?

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She was meant to kill tracers / genjis who got too close, so yeah, shield was meant to do damage.

Yeah, I read that thread it was all nerf, when you don’t know her win rates, and you made her healing rates worse, when she had the lowest of the supports already.

Sorry man, I just don’t take those threads too seriously. Go look at her stats, and start balancing from there.

Doing balancing from salty forum posts is the worst way to do any kind of balance. Do you remember how many people posted that Mercy 2.0 was DOA she was so bad? I do. Remember the crazy salt around sombra? I do.


What are you talking about? Did you ever read it? The healing is 100% better than what it is right now… what are you even talking about

No, she stuns them, isn’t that enough? Or she is going to continue being the DPS/Tank/Support hybrid that is master of all, bad at none?

Last time I saw, her basic attacks deals damage, she has a good chunk of health and can keep enemies away from her with her shift.

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It’s, almost like, Mercys have to avoid a Tracer because they’ll fck you up instantly,

or playing Zenyatta and having to avoid a Sombra

or playing Orisa and having to avoid a Tracer

or playing literally every hero (excluding tanks) and having to worry about a Tracer one clipping you unless you play Pharah and fly away with her boost.

I wish DF had her CDs…

Inspire: Healing: 12 HPS (down from 16)
Area of effect: 20 meters (requires LoS)

So Worse.

Repair Pack
Healing: 125 health (down from 150 health. Armor unchanged)

so Worse.

How is that healing being 100% better?

Just because you nerf EVERYTHING else more, it doesn’t mean you made something good.

Yes you made Inspire constant, but that makes the hero more dull.

You know WHY they changed lucio right?

Just wait till we see her pick rate in comp (spoiler alert, it will be bad), and see what blizzard does about it (spoiler alert, they will buff her)

She is roughly in the same space as Zen but her close in fighting and extra survival doesn’t make up for a damn good ranged attack and discord.