Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

I like how you just like saying Brig Defender when a decent chunk of us who are defending her are fine with this nerf we just don’t want her becoming the next Mercy.


Once you break Brigitte’s shield she’s still got more health than any other support.


And she has armor and self-healing, as well.

sigh another unnecessary Brigitte nerf…


and…like that’s such a poor argument. Break her shield and keep shooting her.


Her shield previously had 600 HP, the health of Roadhog, a convenient hitbox to protect herself and expose it to less fire, and also very quick regeneration. Her shield would come back in a few moments after you destroyed it, there was virtually no effect. You can’t keep out of range if you want to take the objective.


Seriously. I want her to be nerfed to hell so nobody plays her anymore then overwatch will be fun again.


I think this isnt that bad. And Torbion isnt a Dive hero anyway

She’s so freaking annoying. After she entered the game, it seemed like nothing ever died anymore. I’m looking forward to playing Torbjorn and grounding my daughter in a few weeks


youve never seen a reinhardt get frozen with his shield up? really!?! Same applie to brigitte.

without her heal aura brig cant brawl cause she is going to take alot of damage and no way to heal, its a death sentence to her.

So brigitte can fly now? I missed that buff when did that happen?

you guys saying countering means you always win, your very wrong. Countering means you just have a better chance to win. I have seen tracer mains on here state that brig is no porblem for them. I personally have gone toe to toe with brigs as tracer too and won when brig is supposed to beat tracer everytime apparently.

She’s tough not unkillable. When you treat her like a 250hp hero and not some immortal monster she is able to be beaten with some skill and common sense. She cant block and attack at the same time besides her bash. If you can bait the bash she cant attack you without putting herself into harms way. When she attacks you attack when she shields you need to either bust the shield or prepare for the next bash.


OH NO! Brigitte’s ult has a counter now!? Like every other ult in the game? Oh man I’m so sorry you can’t mindlessly press Q anymore. Must be real hard for you brig mains to have to think before acting.

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She’s also the most vulnerable in ways she has no real escapes people treat shield bash like she moves cross map (with the recently discovered bug some can make some bigger distances) but her standard bash moves her like 5-8 meters. She is limited by her range. Most spports have escapes and such once brig is in a fight she pretty much has to win i t or die cause escape is almost never an option for her. She can knockback enemies and retreat if she needs to, but over half the cast has mobility moves too and can reclose the gap.

honestly though im so tired of repeating myself in these topics.

She is killable, just takes some common sense and sometimes a little teamwork IN A TEAM BASED GAME


I could careless about her Ult. The shield nerf was uncalled for. Will that 100 make a difference? I’m still going to stun you and hit you 3-5 times and kill you.


Some people just can’t accept that melee-based heroes are in the game. She could do 10 damage per melee swing and people would still go:
“Ummmmm NERF Brigitte, she can do a 15 hit combo oneshot kill, way too OP”


If only this made sense. “Who cares if this hero is OP they’ve bene nerfed 6-8 times even though they’re still OP we should leave them alone.”


People just want bridgette gutted because they have no idea how to play around her even though she is not meta like ana + lucio.


Her main dps is 58.8
If you want to count we combo which takes a 7 second cool down 155/7 gives you the total dps of the combo (yes you account for cool downs in dps calculations).

She is not a dps at all.
Her healing is the lowest for supports.

Get over it.


Yeah I’ve been in plenty of matches where once people focus Brigitte she’s pretty useless due to only being able to really focus down one person.


Tracer need in actually counter though. The devs even said tracer pulse bomb was to good against tanks.

She’s meta on GOATs though and is central to that composition.

Frankly, I didn’t like this change. Oh, i’m sorry that my ultimate ability can kill a single tank. So overpowered. It felt kind of a lame excuse for a nerf, but in the end it didn’t really change much.