Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

Not with my molton core btch! Daddy’s home!

True but GOATS is not doing as hot as we one imagined sadly :frowning:

She a tank support hybrid. No she isn’t a dps her dps is low and her fraging potential is nothing compared to Zen’s or other dps heros. She isn’t a dps. Hell all of the other tanks get more elims and damage. Are they dps to.

Well, i’d say it’s one of the most popular compositions and was the most used composition in the World Cup IIRC. The meta is very diverse, so we still didn’t find an ideal versatile 6-composition yet.

I’m sorry my ult killed a single tank. Stop right their tracer pule bomb tanks which is extremely easy and takes little skill. You lost a tank meaning the can easily push in on that one pick. Pluse tracer charges up pulse bomb extremely fast.

Simple… Tracer was and still is in need of tuning down.
Her Pulse Bomb nerf pretty much changed her from just doing her job of harrasing the backline (Supports) while avoiding the tanks to
Delete support and then harrass the tanks.
She was actually one of the heroes to pick up as a TANK BUSTER. That is not what a flanker should do. And her Pulse Nerf was a step into the right direction but ultimatly didn’t change as much. Either her Damage or her mobility need to take another hit… esspecially if her reliable counter continues to get nerfed.

True, but the other ultimates have team wipe potential. And the whole point of ultimates is to tilt the odds of a teamfight, isn’t it? A 300 easy-to-miss bomb isn’t exactly game changing in the slightest.

Why does she needs tuning down? She has a good pick rate but her win rate is unimpressive. She’s popular but she’s not dominant in the slightest.

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goats was literally one-tricked to steamroll kr contenders’s final and (just today) eu contenders’s final

It’s not that hard to hit pulse. Bomb on tanks with their massive pulse bombs. Also all of those team wipe ultimate can be played around. It’s hard to play around tracer pulse bombing tank by her flanking. I do agree ults need to be game changer. Which is why I dislike how weak valk is.

Now Brigette mains have to use their brains damn the travesty


It is in fact quite easy to Pulse a tank. I was meaning to say that they were difficult to hit on squishies, but now I realized it didn’t make sense in context.

It’s hard to play around, but it’s admittedly a pretty underwhelming ultimate considering it’s potential, and how tanks can be saved from it easily by their abilities and help.

Tracer hard to balance one change make her op or useless. The issue with tracer is that her celling is so that she can carry by hereself without worrying about her own team performance.

She has both the mobility to avoid Tanks as well as the sheer Damage output to Bust them. That is far beyond what a Flanker class should be capable of doing. Her old Ultimate just made that even worse since unless you are Zarya there is nothing you could do to NOT lose more than half your Healthpool or straight up die from the damage. If they keep her Damage, she has to lose Mobility, if she is gonna keep the Mobility the Damage has to go down. Being fast AND hitting hard is to much. That’s what she still has, thats what she always had… thats why the Pulse Bomb nerf was ultimately pointless

One should think this shouldn’t be a possibility in a team based Game, hmm?

I will adamit brig made tracer pulse bomb useless against tanks. And can save squishes that weren’t stuck by pusle bomb.

They nerfed Brigitte?

Brig is currently the epitome of low skill ceiling to high-payoff. So she’s gonna keep getting hit until they feel they’ve brought her in-line.

Looking at the Pharah adjustments, they are re-working Heros to be more skill-based then tool-kit based. Which is the correct approach for a game wanting to be taken seriously as a Competitive Esport.

If you want to be truly Competitive, a Hero (or their tool kit) should not be more useful then mechanical skill. Skill needs to trump all and that’s not the case with a Hero like Brig


Brought her in line. How before the nerf all of the supports execpt ana had a balanced pickrate. The only thing separate brig is her high winrate. But that’s becuse the siuation she picked are siuation she can win.

It’s a scam I tell yah! A conspiracy!

I was already useing my brain. But alright I guess I’ll just use more than. :sunglasses::joy::kissing::hugs::slight_smile::thinking: