Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

I know right?! I been slaying brigs left and right with reaper and other heroes. 600 hp is the same a roadhog that doesnt heal. If you can kill a roadhog you can kill a brig shield, and without her shield she’s pretty SOL

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She was fine when she was released. Blizzard is terrible at balance. Nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf, with some useless “buffs” sprinkled in, then probably a rework somewhere down the line because they don’t want to admit that the nerfs were a mistake.

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Oh no, some counter play from one hero, from an ultimate ability. Clearly Brig is gonna be garbage now.


I didn’t like the Tracer nerf either.

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What’s up with Torb ult?

being able to handle isn’t a counter. a counter is something brig has absolutely no chance of winning against, unless she vastly out skills them. The only characters like that currently are junkrat and Pharah. I don’t think Brig is “OP” per se, but I do think her kit is too forgiving, and has too much impact for its amount of skill required.


I think its very telling how Genji Tracer Wdowmaker Hanzo and Doomfist were/are apparently considered “so broken” and “so OP” but Brig, who makes playing tanks and anyone who cant spam her from across the map a total nightmare isnt even annoying.

this forum :joy:


Mei has this amazing ability to freeze heros even ones with shield. And she has the 250hp and ways to prevent damage to duel brigitte.

Ana’s bionade is a death sentence to her. Brig survives cause of her self healing without that she is easy pickings. Of course ana cant duel her but she can make her pretty worthless and easy to kill.

Dva can bust the shield pretty fast and if brig dances around before losses a fight she can boost away from her. Brig hitbox is pretty big making dva’s guns able to dish out solid damage.


Or Rein that wipes the floor with her. Or, pretty much any tank, as they can borderline ignore her “damage” output.


Torb ult is stronger against armor than any other HP type.

Yeah while I think 600 was ok I personally did agree with nerfing it to 500 and at the lowest 400 but today I realized if no one shoots at her shield to break it they will just keep complaining about it no matter what.

Once you break Brigitte’s shield she’s so open especially if you aren’t in her range at all.


tbh torbs new ult is a skillless ability… and brigittes ult is also skillless.

thats the level of balance we have reached now.

If that was a viable reason for balance changes then I’d love it if Widow, Hanzo, Pharah and Junk were “balanced” as well.


I don’t think people realize a good Mei is super scary against Brigitte because we have to hold our shield up in order to not get frozen sure we can bash and whipshot mei to get her away from us but mei was her wall and ice block to block us and heal herself,

While she’s not a direct counter she makes it so that the Brigitte has to focus on her if the Mei decides to target her and only her.

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The main way to stop a brig it to prevent their value. You wouldnt rush a bastion you shouldnt rush a brig you have to outplay them from a distance for the most part and either her or her team will fall without heal aura. And if you have to fight her directly doomfist and reaper are solid picks even torb could fight her up close with his own armor and rivet gun if he had to.

The main problem people have fighting brigitte is the same as other characters. You shouldnt play doomfist with pharah flying around, you shouldnt play close close range hitscan with brig in a match. burst damage and range are her weaknesses, which reminds me hanzo is good vs brig too


wouldn’t that mean brig is out of position and doing the wrong thing? if brig is 1v1ing a tank with no teammates, that’s player error, not kit weakness.

Are you upset because it will require you to actually make calculated decisions now?

  1. Mei cannot freeze through shields, the exception being Defense Matrix.
  2. She has ONE way of avoiding damage. That way is on a 12 second cooldown and will put Mei right back in the precarious situation she was in before once she thaws because she still will have to deal with Brigitte’s shield and being bashed in the face, much like with Reinhardt.
  1. Anyone is easy to kill when they can’t regenerate.That isn’t unique to Brigitte, nor is as devasting since she has a shield to keep herself alive during the four seconds she can’t heal.
  2. You said Ana can deal with her easily, yet you admit that she can’t do it and has to leave it to her teammates.
  1. DVA cannot break the shield pretty fast. Her DPS is 168.
  2. She can only boost every five seconds. Doing so lowers her own damage output, making it take even longer to kill her. Not to mention that unless she flees to the high ground, Brigitte can just dash after her.
  3. While DVA is shooting her, Brigitte is healing herself, making it take even longer to kill Brigitte.

None of these three can handle Brigitte at all.


No, Torb is just a counter to his daughter. Torb counters all armor characters with his ult ability.

A Brig Defender echo chamber…
Sixth most picked hero at GM with a win rate of 56%. That’s all i’m gonna say. She deserved this nerf, and the new Torb and Pharah’s buffs will hopefully make her less absurd.