Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

It is impressive. He’s an OWL caliber Brigitte, and is the best OWL Brigitte. He can beat other players in OWL while playing her, and he makes smart game moves.

Again, disagreeing with you is not trolling. You should really learn the difference.

If a silver can do it, it’s really not that impressive. Maybe to you, but that just says a lot about your ability and why you think Brigitte requires any.

I’m up to fight with this lunatic. Hopefully I’ll last longer than he does.

You can’t do it. You are nowhere close to his level on Brigitte.

Oh and now I’m a lunatic for disagreeing with you?
Who’s trolling who now? How self-righteous can you get?

You’re a lunatic because youre so dead set on your point that you’re falsifying information and stretching the truth.

You fight the fight only a small few are brave enough to do.

Just a warning, he won’t directly make comments on the changes. He will focus on your character, and try to label you. Focus back and don’t get distracted by his labels.

Labels are an easy bait to rile people. Trolls know this and will use it as much as possible.

I recommend you brush up on your reading comprehension. I never said I was better than Mickie. You said that (and thanks I guess?) I said turning 180 degrees and hitting a button isn’t that impressive.

That’s great advice, if I were actually trolling. I’m just pointing out to this guy that he’s whining on the forums that the most overpowered hero in the game is getting a nerf that won’t even make a dent in how overpowered she is.

I pointed out that he lacks skill, that’s the closest I have come to attacking his character. Are you done acting like some kind of self-righteous Aragorn insert, or are you going to explain to me where all this nuance and skill for Brigitte is? I legitimately do not see it.

EDIT: Yeah I guess it’s easier to LABEL your opponent a troll and run away with your tail between your legs like a coward than to actually engage in a real argument. You keep talking about all this skill that she has, well where is it? Explain it to me. Tell me how Brigitte takes skill, but keep in mind that I’ve played her and wrecked face with her with minimal knowledge of how she played prior to.
I’m waiting.

Which means you think you can play Brigitte like Mickie. That’s just one example of what he does. Mickie’s existence proves Brigitte is not easy.

That’s a fallacy though. You just made a logical leap by extrapolating something that wasn’t there. I never once said I was better than Mickie. I don’t even know who Mickie is, because I don’t bother to keep up with the “pro” scene. That stuff is for teens. I said setting your mouse sensitivity to a higher setting and turning 180 degrees does not require that much skill. At no point did I ever once say “lol I’m better than Mickie I could beat that guy,” you put those words in my mouth.

And then you call me the troll? Golly gee.

But you did say it was simple and have said that Brigitte takes no skill.

If she takes no skill, look at Mickie.

Lol what? So suddenly one anecdotal example is enough to prove that she ISN’T overpowered? Do you understand how this works?

Countless anecdotal examples of Brigitte being blatantly overpowered
Not good enough
One example of some guy “proving” Brig isn’t easy
Totally good enough guise!

So are you done calling me a troll yet?

She doesn’t take skill. Whatever Mickie does with her is his own skill + her blatantly overpowered nature. If anything it would be a stunning example of just how broken she is in the right hands, but please keep on.

So much for putting words in your mouth huh? Yeah doesn’t feel good does it? Except I wasn’t doing it intentionally, I got you mixed up with another person whereas you BLATANTLY put words in my mouth.

I didn’t, I was making inferences off other things you had said and stated you thought you could play Brigitte like Mickie could.


Done with this conversation.

Don’t reply to this comment pls and ty!

That’s a really fancy way of saying that you were putting words in my mouth dude.

So in other words you acknowledge that you’re completely wrong in your assertion that Brigitte takes any skill whatsoever (honestly claiming that she does is twofold 1. insulting to the people with hundreds of hours on the myriad heroes she either directly or indirectly counters 2. makes you look extremely egotistical because the general consensus is that no, Brigitte does not require any mechanical skill, and barely requires any game knowledge to play effectively.

Let’s compare that to someone like say, Torbjorn, who has turret management to contend with, minimal protection, a primary fire that has a fairly predictable but still somewhat unruly arc, a secondary fire with a huge spread that’s really only useful in close range (think reaper), has to constantly go out of position to collect scrap, etc. He’s easily countered and quite honestly for a hero that half of his DPS or more is literally an aimbot, takes a surprising amount of skill to use effectively. Countless, countless examples like this. You trying to say Brig takes any skill at all is like pissing in the face of everybody else.

You know Brigitte puts up and down shield instantly right?
She can let shield and herself take turns to soak damage, putting up shield for a second or two to let inspiration kick in and get her armor back.
Using her shield wisely can make her drastically harder to kill than a Roadhog with breather, plus inspiration can’t be interrupted and her shield recovers a bit too after roughly 4 consecutive swings. A smart Brigitte never lets her shield break unless against high burst ults.