Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

Roma busting out the Brig secrets.

Yeah I’ve learned to alternate between taking armor/health and shield damage. But I must land the whipshots or else I become a liability, unless the enemy engages. Than I laugh at their stupidity.

How do I become a liability? Well i’ve taken a support spot, but I can’t reliably heal anyone unless the enemy engages. They should realize this by noticing if my shields are weak or if I missed whipshots.

Chip damage is dangerous in Overwatch, and Brig is highly countered by longrange chip damage.

So the enemy hasn’t engaged, and they’ve been attacking from longrange aoe. I am now starved of healing chip damage. I’m probably half health/shield by this time. Thus I’m a liability, and I can be punished if they engage on someone else other than me. Why should they not engage with me? Well because THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I NEED TO HEAL MY TEAM. Caps so the nuance isn’t lost on anyone.

So you laugh at people struggling to kill you because you’re blatantly overpowered?

Weren’t you just on a soap box about trolls? And it turns out you are one.

You’re like one of those kids who says “no u”.

Goats especially with Brig destroys long range poke comp
Brig is a better offensive support than a defensive one
Don’t think most of Brigitte complaints are about her being an invincible point holder

Oh but they are, they really are.

Not even remotely comparable. I’ve gone into explicit detail, which is a fair magnitude higher than simply saying “no u”

Are you done being dishonest yet?

Few actually think she’s invincible, they think that the amount of effort put into her for the amount of value she puts out is extremely out of whack. She’s an extremely rewarding hero with few downsides or weaknesses and a whole lot of strengths.

The fact that you either can’t or won’t acknowledge that is pretty proof-positive that you don’t want her nerfed specifically because you know how strong she is.
PS nothing says weakminded more than running away from words.
“Wah, stop pointing out the glaring flaws and inconsistencies in my logic! You’re just a troll! Yeah that’s it! Lalalala~ I CAN’T HEAR YOU, YOU BIG STUPID MEANIE HEAD”- that’s you. That’s what I taught my six year old brother to do with classmate bullies; you aren’t even being bullied.

“Just stop attacking me if you want to deal with Brig!”

…hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Got any more sagely advice?

Actually a lot of people did. Brig was a counter that switched things up, and most agreed that Tracer did not need an ultimate nerf on top of it. Felt like further proof that Blizzard balance teams operate in silos and don’t communicate.

Brigitte is obviously statistically overpowered. She’s generally several points of winrate ahead of the other supports. In fact, she’s probably the biggest outlier in the supports, ahead by more than Mercy is behind in most ranks (although Mercy is off by more in master/GM).

I like playing her, but in honesty, she needs nerfs. This nerf shouldn’t even hurt her much when played as intended, she will usually get the benefit of the main tanks and not be needing too much shield HP.

“Stop nerfing brigitte”
Stop abusing her to climb to GM and be an absolute trashcan when you need to swap to another hero.

Not only has brig screwed the ladder, she has absolutely ruined GM due to plat players literally abusing her to climb. If you’re one tricking fine, so be it, but do not one trick a hero that is arguably the most overpowered and common pick in most games. A plat that climbed to GM with brig does not belong there. The second they are asked to play something else they are practically throwing.

Brigitte broke OW. Keep. Nerfing. Brigitte.

To anybody concerned, do not talk to InfamousZ33. He keeps derailing the conversation and will proceed to attack anybody’s skill who even tries to provide logical arguments on not nerfing Brigitte further. His input is just pure nonsense.


So Lucio, Ana and Moira were not buffed recently? Or is the entire support class just Mercy and Brig?

well Blizzard did say they weren’t opposed to killing off heroes, maybe they thought the current cast was too lovable, so they bought in a background character that nobody likes with the purpose to use her as drama fodder when she dies!
This is a blessing in disguise here.

It’s almost like it counters it or something.

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Lol what? How am I derailing anything? By disagreeing with you? What a joke. Your arguments have boiled down to: “Stop nerfing Brigitte! She’s my favorite hero! :(” Yeah, I’ve attacked people’s skill. So what? Brig does not take skill. I’m just letting you know that so you don’t get the impression that you’re actually skilled when you’re playing the most overtuned hero in the game.

Like I’ve said before, it’s almost comical watching a team go from losing horribly to nabbing a point or two in overtime because someone switched to Brig. That’s a sign of being overtuned, which you continue to ignore and fail to provide a counter-argument for. Instead you have opted to attack my character (with no argument presented) and accuse me of trolling for the crime of what? Disagreeing with you? LOLOL

His input is just pure nonsense

lmfao, it’s pure nonsense because I disagree with you? How disingenuous can you get?

Now, where would one find any bias in this, I wonder.

Someone can’t stand if his infallible dive gets countered, does certainly seem so.

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I get it Tracer might have been so overpowered in the past dive metas, but can we please stop entirely blaming her for everything that “destroyed” this game for you guys?

I am pretty sure there have been other heroes that we’re left untouch and had a pretty decent dominance for quite a while.

Blizzard can’t competently program and balance abilities? Shocker. Just look how they destroyed Mercy and Symmetra for example.

Woah there you need to chill out

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