Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

JuSt StAy AwAy FrOm tHe SuPpOrT ChArGiNg At YoU

when this game is all about controlling points and areas with several bottlenecks in a limited amount of time


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Stupid. A bunch of people complain about Brig and Bliz nerfs her because of it. She wasn’t overpowered, people just refused to adjust to her (like players need to play a little different against a Pharah, Rein, Mei…). The only thing needing to be removed was the ridiculous parkour stunts she can do.

Before anyone starts in with “well actually, stats show-” the stats are incomplete, there’s enough people with private profiles that it means little (overbuff can’t include data from private profiles).

They can nerf a hero because a bunch of people don’t like it, but leave f-tier heroes in the trash (along with their bugs). Bliz doesn’t care about people playing a balanced game, they care about people’s entertainment when watching professionals play it.

Someone could never have played Overwatch before and come in and in a hour or 2 you will be a very strong player if you play Brig. She takes almost ZERO skill but has a high impact.

I don’t get annoyed when a Widow snipes me because at least she has to aim. Get caught near a Brig? She kills you but with no skill needed.


because you were either on point or escorting the payload

you know, playing this objective-based game


Why should you bother about play of the game anyways? It does nothing except feed your ego.

Nope. The design is still beyond awful.

She should never have been added.

Also implying the nerfs will have any chance of dropping her down in pick rate. My sides.

No it’s removing a retardedly designed hero from the meta. As it should be.

I actually this change will make her feel very playable and breathable. The big issue a lot of people have with Brig is that she has far too much survibility for a support. Considering what she does, she is a prime target to take out, but it’s difficult when her shield can feel harder to burst down than Rein’s, and most of her kit is centered around that shield.

When Lucio was originally reworked, they lowered his self-heal signifigantly literally citing that they didn’t think a support should have that much survibility and combat situations, so when they introduced Brig everyone was like ‘Um…’. I think this will make Brig players have to think on their feet a lot more often, and will allow the truly talented Brig players to shine through, while not feeling quite so overbearing to play against for everyone else. :blush:

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Isn’t she though? BeT yOu DiDn’T sEe ThAt CoMiNg. ArE yOu EvEn TrYiNg? Honestly it’s worse than the enemy team having a sheeeeeeeeeeeild generator.

So the fact that there is direct counterplay to her ult makes it unusable? Enter Lucio’s ult and sombra’s ult. That is much more devastating than torb’s ult vs brig’s ult.

Huh, so it was extremely hard to kill Zen as Tracer, you’re totally right. Tracer can’t just one clip him whether he’s out of position or not. No, it was super hard.

Funny how people say “there shouldn’t be such a skill gap needed in the 1v1 between Brigitte and Tracer” and how Tracer needs to put more effort in to kill Brig. Zen’s skill level needs to be worlds than the Tracer higher to kill a Tracer. But that’s fine right?

Support is just a category.


My point is that I’m somewhat fine with this but people will continue to ask for her to be nerfed. And until she’s gutted, they won’t stop, and I’m afraid of that.

DPS are getting buffed healers are getting nerfed. ACROSS the board. mercy is trash tier in comparison to all others since her healing was reduced from 60hps to 50hps. Moira will be the next one to get a nerf.

I’m really pissed that the entire support class is getting nerfed. It’s already hard to climb as a healer and now it’ll be even harder. It’s the classic case of “good dps can climb way faster than good supports”. Where this really comes into play is if you have a bad week and drop well below your typical rank, it takes a really long time to recover if you are a support. DPS players can recover from a losing streak almost as fast as they dropped. it’s BS.


She needs to be gutted before she can really be re-tuned. Her entire existence is a contradiction to what this game is supposed to play like.
The problem is of course that someone who is playing someone else and losing horribly can switch off to Brig without the rest of their team having to change anything and suddenly they’re making progress? That’s a sign that a hero is overtuned, whether you like it or not.

Someone like me has done exactly that multiple times. I have little experience with Brigitte, but experience doesn’t count for a whole lot with her. She is too strong of a pick and does too much. Jack of all trades aren’t supposed to be great at everything that they do, and Brig is.

You saying this admits your ignorance of Brig’s nuances. Your opinion is now invalid. I can’t take your suggestion seriously to gut and retune her, which is essentially a rework. Its too early to even ask for a Brig rework.

Moving on,

Blizzard won’t do that. They aren’t stupid.

Whenever a hero is released, Blizzard will almost always make them OP.

Its easier to start a hero really strong and slowly nerf them to find the sweet spot, than vice versa. Let’s face it, Brig on release was freaking OP…

5 sec CD with a huge hitbox made bash a spammable no brainer move.

7 seconds with smaller bash hitbox now requires smart decision making. Brig mains can miss bash more often and get punished for it.

I really don’t think Blizzard is going to nerf her anymore. This final nerf should be enough to bring Brig inline with other heroes.

edit: and her ult was really strong with 150 armor stacked.


Wrong. It’s illustrating just how out-of-the-box user-friendly she really is. If I don’t know how to play her, but can choose her and can turn the tide of games with my limited functioning knowledge of Brigitte, that tells me that in the hands of someone who has played her for a long time, knows her ins and outs, she is absolutely game breaking. No hero can boast that, honestly. Can you name any? Maybe Tracer, but Tracer always had counters, people just didn’t want to use them.

That’s exactly it. YOU don’t want her nerfed because she is your crutch. They take her away and you are going to watch your SR plummet because you are, quite frankly, probably not that good at the game. You play the most lenient, most mechanically devoid character in the entire game. Even Reinhardt has to aim Firestrike and his charge. What do you have to aim? Your knockback? Big whoop. Huge hitbox. Your stun? Again, one of the most forgiving stuns in the game. McCree’s would have you crying on the floor with how inaccurate the animation is but please tell us more about how Brigitte requires nuance and skill?

Please find my other comments on this thread and make this statement again

I’ve said it repeatedly here, but I can’t expect you to follow over 400 replies.

I’m ok with this 100 hp nerf. It won’t affect my Brig play significantly. that 100 HP won’t save me for long against 2 heroes (half a second at most).

Against solo flankers, I rarely get my shield below 200 before I’ve dealt with them.

I accept nerfs Blizz does on my hero. I learn to adapt.

I won’t be responding to you anymore, because you don’t bring anything significant to the table. You are trying to attack me as a person. Not my position on Brigitte or Overwatch in general.

Have a good day.

edit: Here is my original comment on Brig’s nerf for proof I’m not against her nerfs.

They did it to Sombra. Why wouldn’t they do the same? They nerf characters for fan-service, pretty much.

Again, I find her nerf fine, I’m just upset that people will still complain.

And in your post you admit that she is blatantly overpowered without even realizing it.

Don’t feed me that “I won’t be replying to you because you’re attacking me as a person” nonsense. Telling you that I think you likely don’t have skill at the game is not attacking you as a person. It’s a logical assumption based on your hero choice and how braindead easy she is to play.

You admit that pretty much nobody can beat you 1v1 anyway. I can only assume from my own expansive knowledge on human behavior that you tell yourself that these people are forced into retreating because you’re better than they are–when the reality is that you are playing a braindead easy hero that counters over half the roster.

We have a different view on Sombra’s changes. I dont’ see it as a nerf or buff. It’s a change to her kit. But that’s another story.