Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

2? I know of 5 (hard and soft) counters off the top of my head; Junkrat, Zarya, Pharah, Reaper, Sombra. If a hero works against Rein or Doomfist, they work against Brigitte.

That’s because the developers keep going half dedication on her designs. They never complete it. If anything they left bad taste in people because they left her in that condition for such a long time. They refuse to do work on her because Jeff thinks he and his crew did an outstanding job regardless of statistics and results.

To be honest, stat tracking sites are on the fritz due to the introduction of private profiles. (although I don’t know if they fixed that already)

I definitely know about that whole half-finished thing. Like what happened when Roadhog was first nerfed on his one-shot and wasn’t playable until they gave a massive boon to Take a Breather.

It is 16hps for herself, it really isn’t that huge of an issue unless you’re Moira.

First off, you must play a lot of Brigitte. I can’t check because your profile is blocked.
Second, Many many people have gotten into ranks that they don’t deserve to be in by one-tricking the hero, that’s ok if they’re good enough, but it discourages the point of the game( Switching to counter opponents).
Third, the only change she honestly needed was a reduced self-heal like Lucio, thus making her more skill based and making eliminating my second point.

She is annoying ,with the self heal, and the only thing OP is her self-heal in a fight. You’re right when it comes to her combo if you’re that close you were asking for it.

This I can absolutely agree with. Maining Brigitte, Inspire is subtly overtuned. And I don’t want it changed at all. It is an important part of her kit that has a glaring weakness or 2.

You clearly underestimate the power of the forum community. lol


I recently started playing her and I like the place that she’s in. A mild challenge with good decision making skills. If they make her any harder to play, which nerfs eventually equal. She’ll be unviable and the meta will go back to hyper aggressive dive. Brigette is progress, nerfing her is regress.

Don’t particularly feel the need to back it up? That statement is born entirely out of frustration and I will happily admit to indulging in hyperbole because I’m frustrated:

  1. Symmetra was my go-to character on defense and
  • she has lost barrier on E which was, more than the ramp up damage, how she survived in close quarter combat
  • her current aim is fine other than some players (ME ME ME) having issues seeing a pale white beam and it being too short given it’s lack of slowing effects (Mei’s beam is a bit longer, aims the same, and has a slow > hack > stun effects)
  • her turrets (though tougher and throwable which is interesting) were reduced to 3 and she did not receive any compensation on turret cooldown to allow her to be more reactive or proactive with them
  • while I appreciate not hearing Junkrat spamming “I think they have a shield generator” on a team opposing Sym, the loss of shield generator was devastating
  • her current ult, while occasionally useful, is generally lackluster
  • her teleporter placement is a rage-inducing buggy lag fest and uses the same mechanic as Reaper’s Shadowstep… an ability which is almost universally accepted as one of the worst in the game because it is a rage-inducy buggy lag fest.
  • her teleporter usefulness is gimmicky at best because it isn’t even semi-permanent (it lasts 10 seconds) and cannot break los.
  • to make the teleporter placement even worst… it’s on E which is the keystroke Sym’s used to hit for barrier when in close quarter combat against someone like Junkrat.
  1. Mercy (before Moira’s release) was my go-to healer (I’m a flex player) and devs said they turned Mercy into a battle moth (which I hated btw because it was brokenly OP and more boring than mass rez Mercy) because they wanted Mercy to stop “hiding” and be “more engaging”:
  • Hiding was something I never saw Mercy do or did myself… except the same way that everyone “hid” … ducking for cover from fire or an ult that would kill them. But Blizz turned Mercy into a statue to rez, so she is not REQUIRED to hide if she wants to use the one unique ability that she offers to the game.
  • Being “more engaging” doesn’t make sense either. All her nerfs means she can never stop pressing the LMB or friendlies start dying (especially the last one to 50 hps which means Mercy has gone from a character who could heal sufficiently well enough to get 5 kills every 10 minutes between healing/boosting to a character who is lucky to get 1-3 kills a game).

Here’s a list of projectile weapons used by heroes:

  • Ana: Biotic Rifle: Unscoped
  • Bastion: Configuration: Tank primary fire
  • D.Va: Light Gun
  • Doomfist: Hand Cannon
  • Genji: Shuriken and Fan of Blades
  • Lúcio: Sonic Amplifier primary fire-
  • Mei: Icicle (subject to damage falloff)
  • Mercy: Caduceus Blaster
  • Orisa: Fusion Driver
  • Pharah: Rocket Launcher
  • Roadhog: Scrap Gun alternate fire before detonation
  • Symmetra: Energy Ball
  • Zenyatta: Orb of Destruction primary and alternate fire
  • Orisa: Fusion Driver primary fire

And arcing projectile weapons used by heroes

  • Hanzo: Storm Bow
  • Junkrat: Frag Launcher
  • Roadhog: Scrap Gun primary fire and alternate fire after detonation (both are subjects to damage falloff)
  • Torbjörn: Rivet Gun primary and alternate fire (subject to damage falloff)
  • Zarya: Particle Cannon alternate fire

Feel free to think about how many times you’ve seen these characters get POTG. (FYI my favorite weapons in the game are projectile weapons and I do fine with them. I actually enjoy DVAs pistol so much I often forget to get back in my mech because I’m enjoying headshotting… and yeah I’ve gotten potg with her doing that.)

I only said that because since the balance changes happened to exactly heroes that fit that description, it could be seen as if Blizzard aproves this type of behaviour, wich isn’t a very socially acceptable thing and could lead to more serious stuff.

Ok, I guess I should’ve been more on point there, let me try again:

So, how hard do you think it is to get PotG with Zen?

Since I was talking about aim, Zen is 100% reliant on it to be effective at dealing damage, Moira isn’t, so to an average player (let’s say a platinum level player), it’s easier to get PotG with Moira than it is with Zen.

I wasn’t talking about projectile heroes in general, but I guess the way I wrote left room for different points of view, my bad.

i site you to my previous responses:

Oh, like when Roadhog got dragged through the dirt

(20 charararacters)

what i mean is

both with Brig and old Symm its VERY easy to see when your being countered hard,making the choice to change to another hero easier.

new symm is harder to see,which is why har winrate has dropped (i think?) As well as other heroes that you feel you are doing something,but actually being softcountered,and not noticing it.

Despite my hyperbole, I don’t think Blizzard approves of sexism. I don’t think they’re deliberately choosing to rebalance characters because they are female. I think they legitimately see the changes as necessary because they’ve been told by metrics we don’t have access to that Symmetra and Mercy (and DVA, Mei, Roadhog, Sombra, and Pharah) need work.

But instead of making tiny changes (as they’ve done with Doomfist with his bug corrections), they make sweeping changes and sometimes those sweeping changes go the wrong direction.

As an example, the current Symmetra is better on attack (because buggy teleporter or not, you now have gimmicks you didn’t have before that let’s you employ unexpected bottlenecks to your advantage). But she’s virtually useless on certain maps for defense (because 3 tougher, throwable turrets aren’t as effective as proximity alerts and don’t do as much damage as 6 turrets that must be placed in proximity).

BUT I do think that Blizzard has been taking the advise of forum and OWL teams about the value of mechanical skills (which are typically* seen as valuable to players who are men/boys) and the lack of value to intuitive and predictive skills (which are typically* seen as valuable to players who are women/girls)… so Blizzard is nerfing soft aim characters who get their kills by assisting their allies, or by predicting and intercepting enemies.

edit to add: using word typically here because it’s not always the case, I’ve run into entirely too many players of both genders who are predictive gamers rather than mechanical/reflex gamers

Ok, I guess I should’ve been more on point there, let me try again:

So, how hard do you think it is to get PotG with Zen?

Since I was talking about aim, Zen is 100% reliant on it to be effective at dealing damage, Moira isn’t, so to an average player (let’s say a platinum level player), it’s easier to get PotG with Moira than it is with Zen.

I wasn’t talking about projectile heroes in general, but I guess the way I wrote left room for different points of view, my bad.

I don’t really play Zenyatta. But I get kills by predicting where enemies are going, not by “clicking on their head”. So yes, I have an easier time of “aiming” with projectiles. Probably because I used to do a lot of archery irl? I don’t know. Projectiles to me have a more intuitive skill and I’m much better at them. So Soldier, despite feeling like a more old school character who has call backs to characters like Duke Nukem (god I loved that game), isn’t my go-to for DPS and he likely never will be.

That’s my point, I also don’t think they aprove it, but the way you said it, could be seen as that, so I’d say for you to take that as a “friendly warning” when it comes to the use of words, specially if they come out of frustration. :slight_smile:

See, that is not the same for everyone, I’m a Lúcio main, so slow speed burst fire projectiles. To be useful with him when it comes to damage I also gotta predict enemy movement, to land at least 2 out of his 4 shots. Not to mention map awareness for wallrides and escape routes.

Now that sounds hella cool :smiley:

I’d say Soldier is more of a pick up and play dps than any other in the category, he is made to be intuitive to play, like: “here’s your rifle, a grenade launcher and a medkit, go for it”.

Most people that played other fps will “feel at home” playing him, with a few exceptions, like yourself.

bri is still powerful in my opinion she just needs less sustainability for herself and more healing for her team rally finally has a good counter because she was almost impossible to kill in rally as long as she had a team im pretty happy with the changes coming

Eh, I doubt I’ll get punished for joking about sexism while frustrated with nerfs. I’ve been playing Blizzard games since Diablo (1) released, played WOW from release for 7 years, then Diablo 3. Blizz is reasonable with their COC, I never been even slapped on the hand. Nor has anyone in my gaming guild ever been slapped on the hand.

If I could claim any character as a main, it’d be Symmetra… so if you ask me, Lucio doesn’t have slow speed projectiles :wink:. Symmetra now relies on her secondary fire to get kills (honestly, I was getting a lot of kills with those before the rework and the faster speed has just made that easier). She doesn’t have the self-defense needed to use primary fire unless she’s out of choices.

I agree. He’s definitely an old school “you’ve done this on other games, here’s our variant” sort of character. And I wouldn’t say I feel homeless while playing him. If I get him in something like Mystery Heroes, chances are that he’ll be mine for the rest of the game. But he isn’t my favorite because 1) I’d rather tank or heal and 2) if I’m going to DPS, I can annoy the enemies much more effectively with other characters.

When you have to change your icon from Brigitte because you’re defending her so ferociously that it’s really obvious that you have ulterior motives

Her shield shouldn’t been nerf, bash should have been on a longer cooldown like 7 or 8 seconds