Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

she has a high winrate cause if you’re countered hard you switch off quickly,if you win,you dont.

like old symmetra

She was still OP after the last nerf for 90% of the player skill level.

A support that can consistently chase down most of the DPS roster for 15 seconds 1v1 and live is OP, period.

Alternatively, dps need to learn support doesn’t mean free kill and blizzard needs to get rid of the traditional roles and opt in for something more like dota’s role system.

Good. Screw Brigitte

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Haha yeah Mei has just been in a terrible spot since release… jfc

Every word you type is pure comedy gold. Support SHOULD mean free kill. That’s why they’re called SUPPORT. They’re not strong themselves, they heal or improve another character instead. Stop being out of position as a support and you won’t get picked off. It’s really simple.

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She isn’t like old Symmetra.
Her pick rate is magnitudes higher.

What are you talking about by “every other nerf”? The only nerf she has gotten since launch was to her ult charge.

Primary fire, secondary fire, ice wall and cryo have only received buffs from launch to present day.

Your point being that “oppressive heroes get nerfed”? That’s, uh, not exactly a slam-dunk conclusion you’ve got there.

Mobility counters should (and do in other games) act by stripping/disabling mobility skills while leaving others intact. Zarya’s ult does this but no other skill does, and nobody but nobody considers Zarya a Tracer counter because she has Grav. Expecting hard CC to do the job is just lazy and results in everyone who isn’t mobile hating their lives. It’s absurd to acknowledge this and then blame the mobile heroes for them getting inevitably nerfed.

Literally nobody below diamond believed this.

This says more about you and your elo than anything, tbh.

No, what my actual point was, was:

What you’re saying is flanker counters should be able to just disable mobility and nothing else. Essentially junkrats trap. And then what? The other key factor to a flanker is having insane burst damage. How do you counter that? Hard CC so they can’t… or, armor and a shield.

I’m barely masters, and from playing brig, I was able to make it to 3800 before experience a loss. This is not okay, you are incorrect.

Nice personal attack, bruv. You wanna friend me and 1v1? I’ll take you any time, any day. Guess you can’t actually find a logical reason that out of position supports shouldn’t be minced meat? Neither can the rest of us.

k keyboard warrior, gear down. Don’t let that barley gold elo get to your head now. You’re rank is actually so low it’s below average.

I kinda understand why you think mei was in a good place now.

I tanked my rank down to 1k less than a week ago for funsies. I’m already almost back up to gold.
Funny how you deflected and refused my challenge to 1v1. Is it because you’re a support main who got carried?
Looks at your profile Yup.

Oh, so you admit to throwing games? GG.

In a six stack, so nobody got griefed. Nobody cared that I was throwing, because nobody got hurt.
Says a lot about you though how you keep moving the goal posts and deflecting from my challenge–probably because you’re talking smack but can’t back it up.

Who moved the goalpost? The topic was about oppressive game mechanics are required to counter mobile hero’s.

You’re the one who cried too 1v1 lol. Don’t bother messaging again, i’m done here.

You have repeatedly changed the subject until we arrived at this point. Is it an absolute requirement that I must go back and quote your posts, or can you simply acknowledge that you were talking smack you can’t back up? Can you acknowledge that you feel support heroes should not be easy pickings because you are a constantly out of position Ana being carried?

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Am I the only Brig main that’s ok with this change? I’m not happy, but I don’t think it will completely break Brig.

I’ve said it repeatedly in this thread right here.


This okay, Celsius. She can turn into worm and people will keep complaining about it. There is no way to escape that.
What you can do is rely on OverTeam’s discernment. No wonder they’re nerfing her in multiple times. They are testing the level of consistency of complaints and seeing where the “firm ground” stay, to it does not end up in the “quicksand” of the excessive nerf problem.
Her good thing is she’s a “jack of all trade, master of none”. So no one nerf is going to make her really weak. I’m surprised they did not touch her passive. Maybe just slowing down her self-heal and letting the rest quiet already have settled … or maybe not, based on the desperation of “OP Bridgette” peoples.


In one game about class hero FPS with heroes what can fly, stealth, auto-heal, steal-heal, heal, shield, bubble shield, melee, close combat range, medium range, sniper, “spamzo”, block wall, invunerable block/form, easy teleporter travel, teamkill ult, anti-teamkill ult, “black hole” pull ult, denial area ult, and more various mechanics of the game? Yeah, why not?.. :roll_eyes:
What would be the “high skill” Genji without Double Jump and / or Dash reset? What if his ult was defensive instead of being an ult teamkill? And if the alternative shuriken attack was removed? :thinking:

I think you are confused by the fact that Blizzard made this game competitive for the sake of money, not for the sake of being better for the game. If that were the case (to be better for the game), the game would be 100% competitive from the start, which was not until OWL arrival.

Now they make modifications without foot or head, just because they had no vision to adjust the game. If they had, they would have noticed the problem of the defensive class from the start and have done things differently. Maybe they could have created the class “utility”, where Sombra, Mei, Sym, Torb, and Brig could be adjusted according to their nature, not over something like “hey, we need to turn the guy from the turret to the front assault ‘overlord’-click-fast. Why? Because it’s in the DPS class category now”.
Does anyone remember when OverTeam said we had heroes, not classes? Yep… :no_mouth: