Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

i get it, but my point still stands.

Which point? Do you mean the original one about why he was nerfed?

yes, that one pretty much

Imagine being so irate that you throw context out the window.

I don’t know why it said the second quote was yours, but you probably know it was mine anyway.

meanwhile mercy mains “mercy needs a fix shes unplayable atm”
community: “shut up and learn another hero”


Good. It’s tiresome having to use 200 iq on a 50 iq hero

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This pleases me.

“waaaaaah cry some more!” -Heavy 2007

No, nerf her some more please.

Stop this!

Brigitte got nerfed to the ground and got a new hard counter in person of her own father. If the patch lands on live, everyone starts to cry about how underpowered Brigitte is.

If we go by what the forums say, this has already happened three times now.

I don’t see an issue with a hero countering Brig comps. It makes GOATS and other such comps have a counter that isn’t just mirroring it. Besides, isn’t that what Brig does?

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Brig mains, I am a brig main, and I’m telling you the 100 hp isn’t a huge difference.

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What i wanted to say is Torb replaced Pharahs role in hard countering Brig since the splash damage got nerfed.

All characters who can do splash damage, easily melt barriers, snipe from distance are counters, plus Sombra with her hack. Or 2v1 teamwork to kill her like to kill Pharah, Roadhog, Bastion, Mei, etc.

Most of players hate to switch during a match so there wont be any counter against the enemy comp but a spiraling toxicity what makes your team lose from inside out.

Yes Torb did replace pharah.

All he has to do is shoot her, and the turret will assist. Her shield will go down rather quickly, If a Hanzo is shooting too, kiss a stupid brig dead.

Torb pretty much benches Brig on PTR.

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I’m adding a caveat to my claim torb counters brig.

Torb needs strategic placement of himself and the turret to effectively counter brig.

Brig can still close the gap by spamming shields and landing a whip shot.

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That doesn’t excuse your hypocrisy. I never debated the length of time either Brigitte or Tracer was meta. I’m pointing out that it’s BS for you to tell Tracer mains to ADAPT OR SWITCH LOL then complain when you get hit with nerfs to your character.


Why can’t Mercy mains play Brigitte?

If this nerf goes live, then my switch from a support-tank flex to a tank main will be all but complete.

This latest Brig nerf is nothing short of capitulation to a loud minority of complainers who refuse to counter an easily-counterable hero.

Ana has become OP, full-stop.

And don’t even get me started on what they’ve done to Mercy.

Literally the only support I would enjoy playing now is Lucio, and I’m sure they’re going to find a way to ruin him too.

Design-wise, the tank line is in a far better place than the support line is. Plus, the game can never have too many tank mains. :shield:

Once you break her shield, she’s running for cover to the Rein or Orisa on her team, or if she’s on a dive-type comp let them run the show while a healer gets her back to full, she’s armored the Rein even further, and she’s back in the fight… In less than two seconds.

People saying D.Va counters her… lol. Only if she’s being controlled by a total noob.
She fits into pretty much every comp, can easily go out of position without being punished for her mistakes, makes up for the mistakes of her team mates being out of position with her E, her ult… You may as well just wait for it to wear off. She does too much at once. Area denial, decent healing, excellent defensive capabilities. Can she be dealt with? Yeah. If your team is willing to coordinate. The problem is very similar to pre-rework Symmetra in that she could be countered, but the amount of effort the Symm team had to put in was miles below the effort the attacking team had to put in if they wanted to break through the choke.
FINAL EDIT: I think it’s funny you guys say D.Va counters her when I have hundreds of hours on D.Va and I have to switch off the moment I see Baguette, usually to Pharah.

It seems the HP nerf is more of a “this’ll shut them up” change than an actual balance change. 100hp doesn’t really mean much when it’s on a shield, since shields just soak up damage incredibly quickly with little to no aim required on the attacker’s part. So on paper it seems like crap since it’s a straight -20% to her shield’s bulk. But when put into action, it just means her shield breaks 0.3-1 second faster lmao.

Now if only they would buff Mercy, Lucio, Symmetra, Bastion, and so on. But since the Torb rework I assume we’ll be having 2 months of Torb tweaks followed by Bastion’s rework/rebalance. So that’ll be fun to look forward to. Hopefully the other “could be better for obvious reasons” Heroes get some changes along the way. Blizzard’s usually good at making balance changes in short amounts of time (1 month IS short in MMO game development time, m’dudes).