Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

Only Rein and Zarya’s alt fire are able to deal decent damage against her, the rest of the tanks are based on multiple low damage hits that deal much less damage towards armour, while Brig is healing herself constantly with every couple of hits she gets in, making it a nightmare to 1v1 her, and most of the time if a tank is in a 1v1 situation with her then they’re out of position and are wasting their time.

Excuse me what?


This shield change doesnt affect tracer in any noticable way. It mostly helps mid ranged hitscans, s76 and mccree. Both heroes currently arent even remotely viable vs brig comps.


She is not annoying.

Need a dictionary?

I don’t think anything was wrong with brigitta at all!!! Is like Mercy she is getting really stupid and unnecessary nerfs. Which is sad :cry: Brigitta would always get in front of me for me to be able to get my rez with this nerf is going to be harder :frowning: Also, they need another rework for Mercy :sob:

people will always complain about a character that punishes bad gameplay and positioning. As long as brig can do her job, people will complain.

much like hog before he got gutted. He punished bad positioning and gameplay way harder than brig ever did and does, and he was only ‘op’ imo due to him eradicating tanks 9/10 of their hp with one combo.

its why i laugh when i see people say they want hog back, usually they are the same people that wanted him nerfed. They forget just how much he countered their bad gameplay and positioning


Two way street. I don’t, and will not, believe that the people who suggest her shield bash should instantly destroy her shield are being objective about her balance, or that her shield should be 300 HP, or that whipshot and shield bash should switch their CC’s.

Never had a significant problem with brig, at least with the heroes I play.
On the contrary, the first week of her being deployed I mentioned the she had far too much HP on her shield and that it could use some toning down, but given the nerfs to shield bash and armor generation, I guess she could keep that hp amount, now she’ll have all these nerfs stacked against her, not sure how she will play out competitively.


He punished bad play and positioning while being easily punished for bad play and positioning himself. Key difference between Hog and Brig

are you kidding me? roadhog was practically a flanker for a reason during that time, he couldnt be easily punished.

Especially with ana falling out of the meta.

Large head hitbox,
No damage reduction while TAB
Can’t move while TAB.
Loud footsteps even while crouching
Literally no way of stopping himself from taking damage

Yes he was easy to punish. He was an ult battery like now but at least brought some value through his picks. Do you know how easy it was to duel Hog as Tracer before? Unlike now, if he missed his hook he was likely dead because he was easy to punish

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i played and mained roadhog during that time, idk about you, but good roadhogs dealt with tracer way better during that time.

Nothing is a nerf or a buff until it is live.

No, old roadhog punished playing the game at all.

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Considering that TAB made him and easy stick target and his head was much bigger and pulse did 400 damage, he is literally better versus Tracer now compared to before. That is like the only person he is better against. The movement, 50% damage reduction and reduced head size means pulse is harder to farm, harder to stick and easier to just ignore by healing through


Sure if you were always out of position or had bots playing DVa or Zarya in your team

Not really. Go watch some videos of season 1 / 2 of Roadhog.

Right, cause its not like the tanks can dive in and select the battle conditions…

I guess being killed and walking back from spawn is “out of position” Just never die kay guys?

Yeah and? Do those clips show the thousands of hooks that were bubbled? Why clips from before DM worked properly? After DM worked properly DVa was an easy way to stop the damage in addition to Zarya. Do those clips show Hog being farmed when he was out of position due to TAB not allowing movement? Like what is the point of this? I can probably find a video of Torb doing work, does it actually mean anything? Nope