Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

Nah it’s only about Brig, since everyone on these forums maining her is like “Just adapt or switch”. So I’m returning the advice.


That good hope the next nerf she get remove period.

So I would really like a better understanding of this.

Brig is a niche pick but she has to remain viable in all situations?

Brig is a niche pick but has to be played because “meta”?

She has a 57% winrate on Overbuff and since Overbuff can’t pull all of the actual data because private profiles, she probably has around 60%+ in reality.

This hero is so unfun to play against and is so meta boring that it’s a surprise she got past play testing. I really don’t understand why a hero has to be SO tanky to the point that she outshines a TANK?

If anything, I’m glad her Roadhog on a stick is getting nerfed. It recharges faster than Rein’s AND has a smaller hitbox.

And before I start getting replies like “just stay out of her range 4head” or “just pick her counters 4head”, please tell me how I can avoid a Brig on the OBJECTIVE?, You know… the thing that is a necessity if you want to win?

Now tell me how Phara can be played in the double sniper meta that Brig forced? What about Junkrat? You know, the hero that is 5th most F tier in GM? And almost as low in ALL ranks?

This hero has no reliable counters, more survivability than Hog with vape, and damage that when ON POINT where the game takes place is so potent, she can take out half a team by herself with Rally.

Absolutely the worst hero design I’ve ever seen.


I just hope they put Brigitte in the ground


Yeah Brig mains, adapt or JUST SWITCH LOL! Just like you told Tracer mains.

Now tracers and genjis can finally use less brains ,yay :smiley:


My buddy is a brig main, he wants to quit the game now

She now has her daddy to counter her.
There she’s acted up so much, she’s now grounded.

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Soft? these are her hard counters…

she was not fine by any means. she was broken. and this latest change might still not be enough. I think it will be but we’ll see.

I mean… you’re complaining that an extremely resilient hero (one of the hardest heroes to kill) is a little bit less resilient. That’s a good change, not a bad one. She wasn’t a weakling before, and neither will she be a weakling after this nerf. She needed this. Very much. And there’s mountains of proof about it.

Subjective opinion.

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A m1+W playstyle? Better nerf Reinhardt…

heavy sarcasm

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But the irony is … this thread was created by someone who is literally complaining about Brig getting a counter. XD (And receiving the same treatment that Tracer received - getting nerfed AND getting a counter … but that was supposedly ok and we were supposed to suck it up and deal with it. :P)

“Just stay out of the lava’s range. Lul4Head.” :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just pointing out the double standards going on here. People who defended Brig being too strong would always say “Just stay out of her range,” or “Just adapt.” But the first sign that she’s going to get a counter to her ulti, these same people lose their minds and start blaming flanker mains. XD

Like sheesh guys, come on. I’m not one to gloat, so I’m not going to. But I can’t help but point out the irony (hypocrisy?) in all this.

I don’t even know if this nerf was needed, or how much it’ll affect things, so I’m not going to sit here and make up an opinion to suit my agenda. I guess we’ll just see how it plays out.



I’ll be honest, I’m not quite sure what your point is here.

If you mean Torb can counter Junk and Pharah ults, that’s… debatable, but I guess I can see the argument. Though that’s completely irrelevant to a thread about Brig.

If you mean Junk and Pharah ults can counter Brig… Those are still the same as they always have been. That’s irrelevant to a thread about the upcoming changes.

So I dunno. Maybe I missed something.

Yo how can anyone defend this garbage. Brigitte is easily the most broken hero in overwatch. She’s completely overpowered. There is no true counter in the game for Brigitte. She’s a tank, dps, healer does this not bother anyone. The math behind her swinging her hammer and hitting anyone is insane. One swing equals a self-heal, a team heal, and damage to anyone caught in the path. Add to this a combo that does 150 damage and is inescapable, makes this character insane to play. She’s unkillable from practically any range due to her shield. being practically a third tank. This character is completely unreasonable. The skill ceiling for this character is so low and the rewards for being able to aim at a character in your pov is incredible.

She needs to be completely reworked or removed from the game.

Just gonna point out that whole point of Torb’s ult is he shoots the lava.

All he needs to do is shoot at her feet and it’s guaranteed damage.

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So she has 6 hard counters at least. Wow. That’s quite a lot.

You have to understand though. The amount of 1 trick Brigs who climb to a rank they don’t deserve is ridiculous. No other hero can do that so easily. She takes no time to learn, and is viable in so many ways. What they should do is a rework to make her focus on one aspect of her kit instead of doing everything. I do agree that she may not be OP, but there aren’t many ways of dealing with her. She is sometimes required to play in a match because CC is so necessary.

sorry i just skipped that part, no problems then

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Hey, remember when people said this about 90° bash angle, 5s cooldown, 150 armor Brigitte and claimed that the only people who could possibly think that she was broken were flanker onetricks? While she was spamming bash on people not even on her screen and making her team impervious to anything that isn’t damage boosted gravdragon with a Q press?

I think people should stop treating characters like sacred cows and actually be objective. She was obviously broken at launch and protected then for ??? reasons, and is currently statistically overperforming on live and is being protected for the same nonsensical reason. You don’t need to be able to tank Soldier fire for multiple clips to be able to counter Tracer or Winston.

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Except Brigitte wasn’t meta for nearly as long as Tracer and her being bad brings Tracer back!