Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

assuming that your whole team is just going to stand in his molten poop like idiots

You ever opened the forums that day? That week? That month? That “until today”?

Again, if that’s your argument, then “We can’t not get on the objective to avoid being bashed” can’t be an argument either.

I remember when everyone was calling me crazy and arguing with me how devs won’t nerf her and that they know better and that I’m bad and devs are GODS.

Now they be calling devs dumb for nerfing her.

GG Bois.

Btw, she will get nerfed even more. I can bet on that. I still think that she’ll remain OP with this nerf.

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Tracer / Genji Mains will always complain about her until she is dead. They cant accept a Hard Counter

Brigitte doesnt need any more nerfs

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Until they can kill Zen easily once again, they won’t stop. And to some of you Tracer/Genji mains reading this.

It did not take that much skill to kill a Zen.

That’s a big problem in a 6v6 team game. And tell me why exactly she can’t do anything? She can freeze her (and she has to hold her nerfed shield instead of trying to kill her) and deal big dmg. She can outheal her combo by herself.

And Brigitte’s damage output sinks against gigantic health pool. And i would add Soldier, Hanzo, Widow, Orisa, Roadhog. Sombra to counter list

LOL - do you see people coming into the forums to complain to the degree about even Mei, my main, who people liken to the devil?

She needed toning down a bit, and she got tagged. I still say nerfing her own health would have been better, but we’ll see how the change goes.

I do have issue with this statement: “People that cry about balance wouldn’t do so if their character was overpowered. It’s called a meta & Brigitte is fine”

This is just not the case frequently, some nerfs are due to pros and top players themselves maining a character saying they are too effective in some way. Also, even if this were true, that is no reason to allow an unbalanced character to remain that way.

The most broken character was ever added in overwatch. I am glad she nerfed. Also flail might be stan, not shild - then she would become a skill required personage. Now she is annoying crap, which broken game.

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Her shield was already really easy to break. It’s not looking good for her. Now Torb ja better against armor as well…

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Brigitte can move lava is not, if Brigitte saw the lava then walked on it then she deserve it

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It’s not like Doomfist can instakill you,’s ult can kill you even if you are out of LoS, Rein can instakill you etc. You are not biased at all, no.

With Brigitte there are no soft counters and you should know about that.

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Hanzo, Widow and Junkrat who?

Pharah will need more skill to counter Brig, I am thankful for that.

Pharah pretty much forced me to switch of Brig, and they didn’t even need to be that good.

With her splash damage nerfs, I feel a bit better. Albeit, she can launch those rockets pretty fast now, so I still have to be careful.

Briggite have strong counters, meanwhile Doomfist…

This nerf will break the Hero. She’s already very bad against player that know how focusing the shield is effective. It’s not about 100 HP, it’s about making the shield focus an “go to” option. A single Hanzo Storm Arrow barrage will break the shield.

Everything you just said literally applies to every other hero in even greater effect than it will ever apply to Brig.

I really don’t think the 100 hp to her shields is a huge deal, but I’m not happy about it either.

If my shield is getting focused by 2+ heroes, a 100 hp isn’t going to keep it up much longer (half a second at most) anyways. Against a solo flanker, I usually never have my shield drop lower than 200 before I either kill them or force a retreat.

No it won’t, but it will bring it to 80 hp, which is pretty low that a full charge arrow will break it.


It had the SAME health than WINSTON bubble, she is not a TANK why she competes with Winston bubble? bad designed.

Same about baddies in silver-gold-plat-low diamond who complains about dive, when in those ranks Dive comp never works, you never had a good or Zen who knows what they are doing.

Almost 3 years of being the worst character in the game , getting buff is now bad? this is just ridiculous.

Every single ultimate in this game have some kind of risk, Rally had NONE, just press Q as soon you get it.

Yes is in fact, is the main reason why a large portion of the player base already quit the game because of her

I feel like she is getting the Mercy nerf treatment from Blizzard. I got the wierd feeling that they’re not even close to being done with her. Expect future nerfs after this cause it’s clear they rather hear DPS praise them rather than allow a potentially fun hero to continue going forward.

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