Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

Why place value in their lowbie opinions? Money. Some might even call it common sense. Blizzard like every other dev has to cater to the entire playerbase. As superior as “players diamond and above” would like to feel, Blizzard is a company that wants to retain paying customers. So yes, they are playing OW as well. If you’re elite you’re in a minority which might have a little bit of value in Twitch streaming and the esports angle, but otherwise… bad news for you if you think there’s special treatment. A bunch of little sub-biomes of the same game come together to whine on Reddit and these forums. And every balance decision by big devs, Activision Blizzard included, is curtailing the biggest whiners in order to keep people feeling happy and buying the game and MTX.

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Lol @ someone asking “why can’t we just disregard 90% of the player base?” with a straight face.

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This is the big thing. Yeah, an easy to land stun with a quick combo for 180 damage will counter Tracer. It’ll also counter about 70% of the hero roster.

Brigitte was designed as a band-aid solution to the problem, and no effort was put in to tailor the solution to the problem. It would’ve been -much- more effective to focus on hitting those mobility heroes where it hurts in ways that lower-mobility heroes are much less affected by.

Like an instant hack, instead of a stun. Would leave Tracer dead in the water, and Genji too, possibly.

Also, Brigitte is peak bruiser syndrome, where she is spread out among a bunch of different roles and has to do all of them at least decently or that part of her kit will feel bad to play. Problem is that if someone is 75% healer, 75% assassin and 75% tank, the net result is 225% unbalanced.

It was just, from the ground up, godawful design.

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They could give her a paper shield, give her 50 total health with no armour, take away her shield bash, make her whipshot make her stop moving for 20 seconds before pushing herself off the map, make her armour pack do literally nothing, and people will still moan and complain about her.
I’m sick of it. I want to see Tracer get this kind of treatment. It won’t happen EVER because she’s a popular flanker and DPS pick, same with Genji same with Hanzo, people won’t ask for their DPS to be gutted but they’ll sit there and whinge until Support is an unplayable class, even though they don’t even play any of the characters in it.


You’re right, but some people will still find her annoying, because everything is annoying for some people. Actually I think she was good at launch… she’s just not actually a Healer for me, she’s a Healer Tank Dps, she’s made to play with 2 other healers and 2 other tanks in order to be really good, and if no, her healing isn’t that good.

And what’s the problem with Cc ? Just avoid them !

  1. Massaging her barrier down 100hp is not a nerf. The bash ability still rocks & the amount of time or distance she can push has been reduced slightly but not removed/nerfed.

  2. A buff to 1 or more characters is preferable to a debuff, or worse, a nerfing of another option.
    Rally is a large area effect and instantly applied to allow teammates to split up, Molten Core requires aim to place 1 of 10 possible pools that can be avoided.

This ability is more deadly for groups of 3 or more trying to concentrate their firepower & defenses within a small area than it is for a group hoping to use Rally.

  1. If she’s not OP but annoying, you’re not really arguing for anyone but instead trying to perpetuate the complaints you dislike.
    Will the meta change now? Hopefully.
    Is it for the better? Of course it is. It’s either massage the meta or release a new game with a new meta.

IMO, the problem with Brigitte was never her shield. It was her damage output.

I was okay with the change that made her fall down when trying to stun rein… this shield one though?

All they really needed to do is make it easier to tell when her shield is about to break… it can be difficult to see from farther away.

Lmao did you actually read the quote?

I feel like the shield nerf was a pretty big one and lit was probably overkill. They probably should have made it 550 or 525. But I do see where the devs are coming from though. Brig just has too many ways to not die. She can use her shield, boop people away, stun combo them, 1v1 them, or tank a few shots when inspire is up so she has enough time to get away. They might want to nerf her overwhelming counter to dive, but they would have to buff another part of her kit as well.

I can switch any moment but it kinda gets boring when you can switch to only 2 or 3 heroes.

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Tell this to those EU world cup teams playing 3-3 mirror games almost non-stop today.
Brig got like 3 or so viable counters. And none of them are hard counters, running pharmercy is good so long as your team isnt getting destroyed 4v6 on the ground each time.
500hp shield is more than enough for brig to do her job which is to pocket backline and defend it from dive.

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Torb is a hard counter now. I can’t say how good Pharah will be against Brig now (especially with the splash radius reduction) but I’d assume that it’s still possible to hit Brig even while her shield’s up. DF is also a solid counter due to his burst damage that ignores shields. That’s 3 solid counters, and that’s not even taking soft counters into consideration.

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She may not be op. But she is annoying.

I had a whole thread calling me a whiny Tracer one trick for pointing that out when I have hundreds of hours on Mccree :rofl:

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If I get it right, your logic kinda goes like this - “if they nerfed Genji’s ultimate damage output by xx% so he can’t just kill an entire team with it including tanks (same as tracer before the nerf) he would just need to adapt”.

Isn’t the Brigitte argument “you can’t avoid her, you gotta get on the point”.


The same doesn’t apply to Torb’s area denial ult?:thinking:

even if they got 1 of her counter stronger and added new hard-counter

Give it a couple of weeks, and let’s see then. If she still has the same winrate, something obiously has to be done.

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And junk and his ult
And pharah (especially now) and her ult