Brigitte got nerfed. Twice in a day

I agree, just mentioning that it could be a bit skewed, and thats prob what they were talking about.

well the only tracer offer is her damage

if her damage was about to be nerfed she need other purpose to be viable

something like making her more mobile and more surviveable

i dont mind:
-25% damage nerf
-1 sec blink CD (making it 2 sec cd)
recall now 6 sec

so now she is basicly just a harasser and picking up low / injured target that run away

i don’t know what you’re on about, you said pro metas have nothing do with ladder

easy to pull off metas like beyblade will go down in ladder, some are harder so it only works at higher ranks while others can work as low as gold

All dps rely on their tanks and supports. Even flankers. If the space is not made they can be targeted and killed much easier. Also many tanks do more overall dps than many dps heroes, and have more mobility too. Each roll depends on the one to perform well.

How are you not following this? I try to explain it so you can understand but you just ignore my point and change your question? What do you want to know? I’ll try and explain but you have to ask clearly.

Brigitte was this game’s biggest mistake

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you’re the one that is going off tracks

i simply stated that easy metas are easily done in ladder. if pharmercy becomes meta do you think it will only work in pro play?

Yet tracers pulse can still kill multi toons. mmmmmmmm nerfed.

So was moria when she come out, oh and to think of it, many other toons as well.

Your point? It is still the dps ult with the least amount of kills per game. Obviously only counting ults that actually do dmg.

Yes they do. In the higher tiers you see DPS peel all the time and follow the tanks lead. But this is virtually non existent below mid diamond.

DPS in the lower tier flat out ignores space that tanks make. They play completely independent from the team. This hurts the tanks and supports disproportionately.

If a tank is playing well then yes they can out damage DPS. I would call it a stretch to say tanks have more mobility than DPS.

Yes but this is not how the game is being played for 90% of players.

No, moira was fine. Brig wasn’t

If Bridget counters Tracer maybe swap of the Tracer.

If new Torb counters Bridget maybe swap off the Bridget.

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Why even talk about lower ranks when speaking about how the game functions and certain roles rely on others. We all know low ranks is just a mess of people running around with poor awarness and positioning. Often they dont even have 1 tank, let alone 2+ with 2+ healers.

Go check overbuff and compare the dmg from tanks like dva to dps heroes. She does more overall than most of them, same with hog and orisa. And there are takes with lots of mobilty. Diva, winston and especially hammond.

The 90% of players below diamond don’t even play Ow. They play a sort of COD version of the game. Why place any value in their balance demands? Why use data from tiers below diamond if it’s completely unreliable?

Tanks offer more leeway on mistakes. since 90% of the player base sucks and DPS is the hardest mechanical role it makes sense that the data is skewed in favor of tanks.

Pro and famous streamer said her skill is ridiculous.
I feel same thing.
I don’t wanna play this game cos it’s like COD OP WEAPONS.
Just nerf her shield and bash range and stun duration.

The nerf has made no difference to Brigitte on PTR other than Storm Bow + Storm Arrows breaks the shield at 545 damage, it’s a token nerf at best and we’ll see another nerf soon enough (5 second Whiplash I bet) If anything, this is a buff if people think shooting at Brigitte’s shield is any better of an idea than it was before.

Hoping whip shot is untouched and she getts self-healing nerf instead

People don’t even use it on cooldown most of the time because the animation exposes you, putting it in line with Inspire just makes sense.

Buff repair pack, but increase it’s cooldown, landing a successful whip shot resets cooldown. Reduce rocket flail range. Make shield bash apply only knockback if hit within the current 60° front cone angle radius, apply the stun effect on top of that only if she lands it within a 45° front cone angle radius.

That way you’d at least reward more skillful play and emphasize her support role more, instead of spamming m1 in a team fight and no effort shield bashing ults and flanks.