Brigette, the new "MustPick", Now 16.13% Pickrate? (gm)

I know, but I was just asking you about how you understand the secret of Brigitte? Most people just walk at her and think she won’t give them a smack down.

I’m pretty sure you’re being sarcastic at this point.

It’s too early to point to her winrate and say that she’s a problem.


People have pointed out what her problems are far before her winrate was even released in comp. It’s sad but some of you will only admit the obvious after her pickrate skyrockets and/or after she gets a nerf. Some of you will still refuse to see she was overtuned even after she’s nerfed.

If the forums denied Mercy was overpowered and to click on her head 4head for a 100% pickrate Mercy I have no doubt a lot of you will be unable to recognize anything less than that.


Can you please quote exactly where I said everyone hates support?

I have seen people say that support should be easily killed, and I’m not sure how that translates into everyone hating support :confused:

And im not denying small data pools. But its kind of an issue when PTR was TELLING THEM she was an overloaded kit, and they let her come into the game with a nerf that only positively affected Tracer…

Ah, yeah I got ya now.

I actually watched a clip on Reddit yesterday of an Ana 1v1 a Brigitte and win. But despite that, no, I don’t try to 1v1 a Brigitte. This game ultimately should never be based on balancing around “1v1 fights” because that’s not what this game was intended for.

But to your point, yes, the secret to fighting Brigitte is to stay out of range, lol.


Nah, I’m just not bronze and I understand the role mechanics. Similar to why Moira needs a nerf.

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Supports shouldn’t be easy to kill jus because they heal. Just because their core design is to heal, that doesn’t mean they should be easy to kill :I


This statement is not true and it’s a strawman argument to Brigitte’s problems. Zen and Lucio have always been able to fight back, in one vs one fights too.

Yes I agree with you there are people like some Genji/Tracer mains that get pissed off that Moira has a slight advantage against them with easy aim and self healing. However it’s not just flankers complaining about Brigitte. We have tank mains and even Reinhardt players who I rarely see complaining about anything pointing out the flaws in this character.

The argument is much deeper than “people just don’t want a support to fight back”. If that’s what you want to reduce it to be my guest but the counter argument to that is “support(Mercy mains) never want overtuned supports balanced”.

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Ah yes.
By saying some, I most definitely mean all.
Every single one of them.

You keep reducing my post to that, after all. :woman_shrugging:

I’ve seen people (should I say not everyone, or can you understand that when I say ‘some’ I don’t mean everyone?) get angry that Mercy was able to kill them or Ana. Because they should be able to get in and get an easy kill.

And she has a 100% win rate in Bronze, but only a 40% win rate in Gold and a 50% win rate in Diamond.

The sample size is too small. The fact that her win rate is so variable across tiers and doesn’t even produce a curve is proof that those numbers mean nothing yet. We need a larger data set before the stats mean anything.

You didn’t use the word some, few, small ,etc. In fact you said the opposite by saying plenty. So again I’ll say there are plenty of support and Mercy mains who will defend overtuned supports to the death.

I’ve seen it with Mercy 2.0, I’ve seen it with the Zen nerf and we’re seeing it with Brigitte so I’m not surprised. To some people overpowered interactions are fine just because it’s on a support.

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OP has zero playtime on brigitte and onetricks her direct counter

i dont even anymore


Numbers are pretty close in 3 highest tiers though.

0,01% pick rate so according to sombra mains she needs a buff.

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The highest tiers are the ones to look at but even I agree that we should give it more time. By now many people have put forth their argument as to what is wrong with Brigitte but some people will just not listen until there’s hard evidence or Blizzard comes out and says their metrics are also showing she’s overperforming or a specific interaction of her kit is a bit overtuned.

Like with Sombra’s hack people pointed out with video evidence why it was too strong but people kept pointing to her pick and winrate to deny it. Also like I pointed out before there were people claiming Mercy was just fine when she reached 100% pickrate so don’t get your hopes up that people will think Brigitte is overtuned.

She’s no where near Mercy 2.0 so many will not see an issue.

Well at least you know there are tons of issues with brigitte.

Ah yes Winrate… Truely the most reliable statistic to base your argument on. Remember the time they buffed Symmetra when she had such a high winrate. Ah good times.


Aside from the small sample, there is a lot of factors here, none of which have to do with her just being OP.

  1. She was introduced to counter a composition that had been dominating competitive. Thus the community has to learn a new way of play that they aren’t use to. Naturally this would mean teams with a Brigitte win more.

  2. People need to learn to counter. Plain and simple. All the time she spent in quick play was not a good indicato of how she’d be used in comp. This too would also likely boost her win rate.

  3. She’s coming into comp with a lot of players already having a lot of hours on her, thus they’re mechanically sound. Compare this to previous new heroes who were introduced to comp on day 1 and would get steam rolled. Also likely helps her win rate.

Add up all these factors and you have a hero with a skewed win rate:


She also had an insanely low pickrate… Brig is getting played about as much as zarya from the current sample size. Infact -all- characters have a low sample size, some even lower than Brig’s and she’s still above them… so in 1 week, 1, not 2, I expect them to figure out that they made a mistake because its going to push a lot of people up tiers they should not be in because of an inflated kit.

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