Brig rant, I h8 this hero

You press Q and you win fights LOL

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Shield bash is an escape not as good as Lucio
or bap but it is an escape

if they shoot your shield it does and you can turn your
shield towards the ground they shot or bash away

whipshot is a ranged attack that does 70 damage on a 4 scond cd

fair and is probably the main reason she isn’t played at lower ranks

so does rein and he can’t heal people
also, to stun he has to drop his shield
and aim towards an enemy with his
back to a nearby wall or he just dies
(I forgot about ult, but it’s an ult)
this is what armor does to sustained DPS, and people wonder why poke DPS are permanently meta LOL


Brigs strong right now, and I can see why you’d think she’d be annoying, but her role is an anti dive hero.

I don’t think she’s OP though, she seems really balanced after the 200hp balance change.

shes not balanced they just actually made her killable so you can remove her value from a fight


What? HOW?

Even if you hate her, this doesn’t make sense because she doesn’t. You can’t change the definition of Area of Effect. It’s ok to rant but you shouldn’t use fallacies in your rant.


think the AOE part was a typo, she has 3 really good sustain abilities in her kit, 2 of which being AOE and 3 charges of the other, thats way too strong

what do people think of this rework?

recall. not hard to press recall unless its at the far side of your keyboard


Nice troll post, gave me a laugh


I think she is balanced after her HP nerf. But that’s just my opinion.
I think people often exaggerate her kit and keep listing every good thing about a hero without listing weaknesses which I am firmly against.


her weakness is switching off of an entire subclass of heroes, thats the issue, she hard counters an entire sect of characters by existing and people are OK with it

Brig is in the trashcan for the most part. The majority of the player base no longer has any problem with her or sees her in their games. The only way to fix her is to fully rework her entire kit, again.

yes, do that, completely scrap current brig into a fully new kit, the current one is a sunk cost

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That would be an exaggeration. You can still play dive into brig, but you can use other heroes like bap, hog, etc to support anti dive comps. If what you said was true, then ball and tracer would not be meta, and brig would be higher picked. Pre-nerf brig though I would agree she basically denied dive comps (It’s funny because she was used in dive for a bit with zen)

That being said I agree with this. I firmly believe it would be better if she was a durable peeler rather than a durable healer peeler.

Because it hasn’t been OP in months.

The future is now, old man. :eye::lips::eye:


you play burst DPS heroes, your character literally isnt effected by how strong she is

what year is this???

Ball and tracer are just strong heroes and played in poke comps

tracer can do damage from range and avoid brig
(tracer 76 meme)

ball is best tank because shields were nerfed, and he wasn’t

people just play the best heroes and try to do damage and not die

at least from what I’ve seen (sigma ball tracer ash mercy zen etc)
it’s not an actual dive comp it’s 2 dive heroes being broken
enough to not care about brig

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What did you expect to happen during a rallying brig?

Is zen’s ult OP too?

Maybe thats the answer to all your problems?