Another stupid brig rework

  • Repair Pack
  1. now an AOE heal like inspire is now
    15 HPS for 6 seconds
  2. activations stack up to 12 seconds

otherwise unchanged

  • Inspire
  1. now does 10% life steal as an aoe heal
  2. takes 0.5 seconds off repair pack Cd otherwise unchanged
  • Whipshot
  1. now applies knockdown for 0.5 seconds
  2. 8-second cooldown
  3. 0.45 second cast-time
  4. still does cc
  • shield
  1. hp 300
  • Shield bash
  1. no longer stuns
  2. now does half as much knock back as Lucio boop
  3. damage: 5
  4. cooldown 6 seconds

otherwise unchanged

IDK you tell me


I think they should just completely rework her cooldowns. A tankier healer with a damn shield, cc and stun, best ult in the game, consistent-ez damage, aoe healing(2 of them lol).

You can’t balance a hero that does everything, you either make em garbage or make them op there is no in between. I think her entire kit needs a rework, trying to balance her cooldowns is like beating a dead horse at this point


Brig now only has one AOE heal but otherwise everything else is true

my reworked brig has two AOE heals but doesn’t have a stun and cc she
has a stun that cc’s like doom punch or sigma rock

I’m kinda confused about what you mean
this is a rework I removed whip shot and her ability to burst heal

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If you take away whipshot you need to give her back quite a bit of damage elsewhere.


Shield bash does 4 times the damage with this rework, and it could be raised
to 45 like whip shot now
but removing whipshot the most skillful part of brigs kit to make
shield bash even scarier feels like not a great idea

(honestly I want to keep whip shot but brig having that and shield bash is kinda
the main problem with her now)

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Whipshot is 70. Shield bashs 20 on nearly double the cd with the added requirement of the enemie being close and your shield to not be broken would never cut it

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how about this whipshot does a very brief stun to cancel ults and shield bash
is now just lucio boop with a shield infront of you and a longer cd?

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Stunning whipshot is gonna be broken as hell (i would take it, balance probably not)

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was gonna mention sleep but it has a 12 second cd oof

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Thats the issue with Brig. Her being viable while also fun to play as and against is a hard task.

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What if whipshot had a 7-second Cd and applied knockdown for 0.5 seconds?
(trying to make it similar to rock brig can’t use whip shot while
behind a shield and this stuns for less time, so it seems fair)

Could potentially work if you either give her cast time or slow the projectile down so enemies have time to react.

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Also I just did the math:

M1 (35) animation canceled into whipshot (70, which now applies the knock down) into another M1 (35) animation canceled into shield bash (20) does 160 damage that is pretty much not reactable to. So Tracer Mains are gonna have an issue with that.

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Whipshot as it is now has an 0.2 second cast-time plus it has to travel
so, if I’m doing the math right
80 meters a second
= 8 meters in 0.1 seconds
= 4 meters in 0.05 seconds
= 2 meters in 0.025 seconds

after a primary fire at max range 6 meters

You should have 0.23 seconds to react…
So I guess you are right lol

I did increase the cast time to 0.45 though for my rework

realized this is a dva nerf so i did have some buffs listed here

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Brig is a hard one to balance/rework

Yep a rework is quite difficult for brig and hard for the community to accept since there is a stigma around Brig

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I think the stigma she has from the majority of the community really doesn’t work in Brigs favour in any regard.

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