Brig rant, I h8 this hero
this is what armor does to sustained DPS, and people wonder why poke DPS are permanently meta LOL


Brigs strong right now, and I can see why you’d think she’d be annoying, but her role is an anti dive hero.

I don’t think she’s OP though, she seems really balanced after the 200hp balance change.

shes not balanced they just actually made her killable so you can remove her value from a fight


What? HOW?

Even if you hate her, this doesn’t make sense because she doesn’t. You can’t change the definition of Area of Effect. It’s ok to rant but you shouldn’t use fallacies in your rant.


think the AOE part was a typo, she has 3 really good sustain abilities in her kit, 2 of which being AOE and 3 charges of the other, thats way too strong

what do people think of this rework?

recall. not hard to press recall unless its at the far side of your keyboard


Nice troll post, gave me a laugh


I think she is balanced after her HP nerf. But that’s just my opinion.
I think people often exaggerate her kit and keep listing every good thing about a hero without listing weaknesses which I am firmly against.


her weakness is switching off of an entire subclass of heroes, thats the issue, she hard counters an entire sect of characters by existing and people are OK with it

Brig is in the trashcan for the most part. The majority of the player base no longer has any problem with her or sees her in their games. The only way to fix her is to fully rework her entire kit, again.

yes, do that, completely scrap current brig into a fully new kit, the current one is a sunk cost

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That would be an exaggeration. You can still play dive into brig, but you can use other heroes like bap, hog, etc to support anti dive comps. If what you said was true, then ball and tracer would not be meta, and brig would be higher picked. Pre-nerf brig though I would agree she basically denied dive comps (It’s funny because she was used in dive for a bit with zen)

That being said I agree with this. I firmly believe it would be better if she was a durable peeler rather than a durable healer peeler.

Because it hasn’t been OP in months.

The future is now, old man. :eye::lips::eye:


you play burst DPS heroes, your character literally isnt effected by how strong she is

what year is this???

Ball and tracer are just strong heroes and played in poke comps

tracer can do damage from range and avoid brig
(tracer 76 meme)

ball is best tank because shields were nerfed, and he wasn’t

people just play the best heroes and try to do damage and not die

at least from what I’ve seen (sigma ball tracer ash mercy zen etc)
it’s not an actual dive comp it’s 2 dive heroes being broken
enough to not care about brig

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What did you expect to happen during a rallying brig?

Is zen’s ult OP too?

Maybe thats the answer to all your problems?


For a Brig to survive from a widow that is focusing on her- it must be a pretty crap widow. Widow can own Brig.

Actually since they never reverted tracer’s falloff in the powercreep nerfs she can range a brig and stay out of her flail and stun range. That goes back to if they are actually a good tracer or not.

She only has one Aoe healing ability? Inspire.

She has incredibly low damage. She has have a lot of cc but that’s to keep inspire going. She stun is overrated. Stay out her range.

Not baptiste but I am not disagreeing with sigma and brig being in likeness.

That’s a matter of opinion. She saved the game for me as a support player.

I’m thinking you don’t play brig. I’d recommend first you play her for a bit before you act like you know this hero. I also think you are not in higher elos and struggle with counter picking.

Brig is not hard to conquer especially now in her overnerfed state.


It’s an ultimate, use beat and the same effect is had. This is also one of the only ways a character can survive a widow headshot in any capacity, which is stupid

She hard counters bad tracers. Good travers can fairly easily play around brig and continue to drain resources away from the frontline. Brig doesn’t even have a long enough stun to whip + flail a stunned tracer before recall, so to have any kill pressure recall has to be forced first, usually requiring either bash or whip

That passive requires the brig to actively position to attempt to proc it, it heals less than Lucio for more effort and is her only self heal

1 heal, one armour giving, one single target cooldown with 3 charges that requires a lot of resource management to not run out mid fight

200hp (maybe 450 with the shield if you have to burn through and maybe +75 from selfheal over the course of a fight. No where near the protection or burst resistance of a tank

2nd lowest damage in the game

Worse than mcrees btw

637k views on the grand finals VoD, most people don’t watch live.

Yep that is in fact how ultimates work