Brig no longer can combo Tracer

Again, I am perfectly fine with this. I would LIKE it if armor pack triggered her self heal (not Inspire) as a compensation, but it’s okay.

When I started playing her I kind of assumed that A) her stun didn’t go through shields and B) that her bash wasn’t all that powerful. Basically this will make everyone else play her as I did when I started playing her (slamming Rein from an angle, babysit tanks instead of running off, etc).

And again, you can still cancel out a pin / charge by Rein by slamming into him. Always fun.

True. But all those things require skill shots. Brig didn’t really require skill to counter Tracer.

The thing is, Tracer (even though yes you need to be skillful with Tracer too) is that the amount of skill required is much less on Tracers part here because her kit was designed for it.

She literally has a button to reset any mistakes.

Brig could stop Tracer in her tracks and kill her with a combo. Now that Brig can’t do that on her own, you need your team to help you fight Tracer. In a 1v1, Tracer will kill Brig now. No question… which is ironic because that was literally the reason why Brig was created.

Now… I know people say armor counters Tracer. That might be true. However, this isn’t a deathmatch, 1v1 all the time. This is a team game and normally Tracer is run with a Zen or Mercy and those damage boosts really make armor pointless when you have such high burst with Tracer.

Supports though, are normally in the back line and Tracer is a flanker so Tracer can bait out 1v1s or sometimes, its even good to spawn camp with her to pick off supports to keep them out of the fights.

So your natural reaction to that would be to make your team come back and help you get out of spawn right? Well… Im sorry but for 2-6 players to come back and help you deal with 1 hero because her kit is a little too strong doesn’t really scream balance to me.

On the other hand, a hero that requires no skill and totally shuts down Tracer isn’t really balanced either, especially when Brig ruined the game for so many other heroes.

Again… this comes down to hero balance. Which is trash right now.

The thing with Tracer is the insane range. I dont have a problem with Tracers DPS. Is it annoying to be one clipped? Of course… but you should be working with your team anyway. However, when Tracer can play outside the range of abilities that are meant to keep her in check, you have a balance problem.

The answer here is to rebalance Brig into more of a tanky support and to nerf Tracers range and/or spread to force Tracer to play closer to her targets to get the one clip.

All this will do is further the gap between good Tracers and bad ones while also making it more risky to play inside dangerous ranges. The thing is though, that is literally why Tracer has the kit that she does. Blink in and out of range, bait out abilities and Recall if things get messy.

Right now, Tracer can one clip a McCree outside the range of his Flashbang. Ive tested this out. Tracer doesn’t even have to bait out the ability there. As far as all the other things, those are just skill shots which are fine.

my issue with this. is brig already counters tracer, even without the bash combo. she doesn’t need to be nerfed. she has a solution in the game through brig armor. theres no reason to nerf her when she becomes useless as soon as brig ults.

Armour doesnt kill an uncontesed tracer.


You don’t kill a Tracer to counter her.

You spam armor and instant full heals on the person Tracer wants to kill. This cuts her DPS to a tickle(armour is best against rapid fire weapons) stopping her for doing her job and getting picks while your team has a much stronger sustain damage hero who is doing more damage and is charging a much better ULT.

This forces the Tracer to switch to a more effective hero to compete with the enemy team. That is how the current brig counters works.

Tracer has the mobility to stay away from brigs stun. So something Tracer CAN AVOID with ease was never the part of the kit that made her weak.

As long as Brig is still Viable she should still keep countering tracer in the same way she always has. The only reason this would change is if Brig is so bad so is no longer worth picking after the nerfs


Ive literally done this. Have you? Because guess what… she can.

Guess Brig is a close combat Healbot now. I better focus more at playing Winston since every other hero I tried to main can’t handle Tracer and Genji (Bastion, Rein (I get dizzy trying to find where the flea is) and now Brigitte)

What is next, increase of sleep dart’s cooldown?

I don’t even really LIKE Winston, but he is the only character I can play now that everything is too agile for everyone I like.

Brig is regularly switched for other supports in 3/3 tank/support comp. Sure, she is used more often than Zen, but she isn’t the linchpin holding it together.

I’d say Lucio and Rein are the key pieces in 3/3 compositions, while Brig brings sustain.

Even in OWWC I saw lots of Brigless goats comps. It wasn’t super often, but often enough.

In goats, she 100% is

This would make her even more trash than she will be after the PTR goes live tbh

No, it would make her totally different than she is now and more reliable as a healer

50… to 5???

Why not 50 to 30 or something, that’s ridiculous???

100% official- Overwatch doesn’t know how to balance their game.

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Can you list some of the games where 3 supports were ran and Brig wasn’t one of them? I’d like to see this.

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Here ya go. This was about 10 meters away. She can one clip even farther away too if you want.

Yea… balanced hero. Tracer so not a problem. Give me a break. She is broken and has been broken since day 1. Every problem in the game comes from the unwillingness to nerf Tracer.

Or you can just pick McCree and stun her and click her forehead


It counters Widow too, but Widow managed to stay strong.

Armour works much better against rapid fire than weapons that do lots of damage in one shot

D.Va then?

Point I’m trying to make is, I don’t think the armor alone is what made Tracer weak. It was the combo too. Brigitte was so much of a threat to Tracer that Brigitte zones her out just by existing.

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The armor argument is dumb. People act as if damage boosting isn’t in the game. Or teamwork.

Its not hard to chip off Brig armor because it doesn’t get healed back.

Also, throw a discord on someone and Tracer just melts the armor anyway.

100%, it was the combo that kept Tracers back.

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D.VA has huge critbox so doesn’t count.

Why does D.Va’s crit box make it not count?