Brig no longer can combo Tracer

If the situation you are describing actually happens then Tracer should win. I dont see a problem with a Tracer being able to outplay you while you are using Brig. You dont describe the Brig taking any measures in order to deal with that Tracer that is winning the duel. Why should Brig win then?

Brig has all the tools to deal with Tracer. Tje difference is that now you would have to actually outplay her. Now if you personally have a problem with that, it’ll probably say a lot about Brig before the nerfs and about you as a player.

Im quite sure this combo still works on Tracer

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I sure don’t, what game are you playing? Cuz it’s clearly not OW

Are you saying she didn’t need any changes?

She hasn’t needed changes since the 7 second SB nerf

See… I cant really agree with that either. I really think Brig needed some crazy changes, but not like this.

It’s definitely overwatch :slight_smile: I’m just playing in gm where meta is a thing that affects us.

Why you gotta throw shade like that?

I mean they’re the one trying to imply i know nothing about the game, I’m just calling their bluff

Guess you’re not watching Pro play where the meta affects them yet they can still run dive :man_shrugging:

Just because I’m Plat doesn’t mean I don’t understand the game sweetie

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I mean you are the one trying to say she didn’t create metas, when sniper comp, triple support, and goats are all a product of brig

Guess you aren’t watching pro play either, where brig and goats is being used to shut down dive.

Brig isn’t even a must pick in this meta, she didn’t make Tracer a Trash pick, and the Buffs to DF and Hanzo made Dive less common. Kinda hard to create a meta when she isn’t even a must pick in it

Brig needed changes. There is no way around this but the changes that they are going with are the wrong ones. Thats the point.

Also, Tracer needs a nerf. We wouldnt even be in this spot if they just nerfed her.

The game is suffering because we lack another main support and tank, when maybe they should just re-balance her to be more of a healer.

To be fair, goats happens because of Brig

You literally never run goats without brig

Man remember when you said being plat doesn’t mean you don’t know anything about the game?

This statement kinda negates that.

Hanzo had literally nothing to do with why dive went away.

Dive went away because brig armor made dive damage useless.

Correct, she’s great at protecting the back line from dive, but she’s not even picked more than Winston in GM, so clearly she’s not a demanding pick that requires play at all time

Dive went away? Then why is Winston picked more often than Brig? Not many people are running him in GOATS, so what’s your excuse?

Also Hanzo Buffs did impact dive, which is why double sniper became Meta and Mercy Hanzo Zarya was strong

why do you believe that? they are only taking away her ability to 1v1 almost every dps hero, and pushing her to a support/tank role

she was never meant to have damage, and she counters dive and tracer with her armor, not her damage.

and tell me where did you get that stat from? overbuff? the sight infamous for being wrong?

I know it wasn’t the world cup which was almost exclusively GOATS

double sniper became meta because it was the only thing that could get through Brig armor fast enough to kill things, and GRAVDRAGON could kill through brig armor and trans with a mercy damage boost.

not because of hanzo buffs. double sniper was ran at pro play into brig without the hanzo buffs for this very reason.

Why do I think she needs changes? Because she is way too strong. I agree that she shouldn’t be able to 1v1 everybody.

This is why we have a problem and it boils down to Tracer just being too strong. Like Seagull said… she is just basically a God. She is just too good.

Brig was a good counter to Tracer, and yea sure the armor makes it a little annoying for Tracer, but Brig also countered too many other heroes.

The other thing here is that by nerfing Brig this way, they are also kinda solidifying goats. Think about it. Brig can’t bash through the shield anymore. Now you can’t stop goats.

The hero balance in Overwatch is just this huge mess.

I agree with you in a sense that Brig should be more focused around support with minor tank utility (survivability) and she didn’t need that dps, but at the same time, she should be able to combo (meaning she has to use all her abilities) to kill a Tracer.

The other thing here is that all other stuns in the game are skill shots as I think they should be. I play Brig. It isn’t a skill shot to land a Shield Bash.

Thats why I really think the rework I suggested would fix things. It adds a skill level to Brig while making her a much more viable healer.

Then you still have goats, but again, I think goats is strong because so many other heroes are super weak in this game like Reaper and Bastion.

You should be able to run a Bastion and Reaper and destroy goats, but it doesn’t work that way.

Overall, the game is just a mess right now. 1/10 when it comes to hero balance.

The game just isnt fun anymore and it hasn’t been for a long while. Granted, playing a goats comp is fun as hell because the other team has no other option to run a mirror comp but if they dont, you stomp them. Sadly, goats is so dumb to watch.

CC and mobility are also big problems in this game.

We honestly need fundamental core changes to the game at this point just like back in season 1 when they removed hero stacking from the game because it was bad for the overall health of the game.

Now we are in that same boat again and CC/mobility needs to be looked at for the overall health of the game.

I really think they should start trying to find someone else to do hero balance though or maybe they should start spending more time playing the game because they really really seem to be out of touch on a lot of things.

Rework I suggested:

so what do you think makes tracer too strong?

shes still countered by brig with both her bash and armor. Countering=/=killing

and she can be one shot by Ashe, Mei, genji alt fire, hanzo, and widow

like what about dropping 45 damage from brig all of a sudden makes her omnipotent?