Brig no longer can combo Tracer

Oh yeah. Good point.

To be fair if they had nerfed tracer to begin with instead of introducing brigette we’d been better off.


Tracer is going to go back to being run rampantly and constantly ruining the backlines with no repercussion.

Congratulations, whiney Tracer mains, you get to go back to being the most unnecessarily huge problem in Overwatch.

(I play on ps4 so take this with a grain of salt and with that in mind)

A good Tracer could already out play a Brigitte that was lacking, now there’s no character you switch to to counter her directly. The stun doesn’t last long enough for it to be useful against her via help from the rest of your team unless they’re all in your own backlines JUST to kill the one Tracer. McCree is only a counter if he can land the flashbang and THEN land a headshot. Moira might be lucky to get a ball to follow her just long enough. Symmetra might be lucky enough to have the Tracer run into her turret room. Your Winston might be paying enough attention to dive the Tracer thats in your backlines before she gets a kill on your supports. Torbjorn’s turret might kill Tracer before it gets killed by the rest of the enemy team. In fact if you don’t have a vigilant Sombra who can land the hacks and isn’t being focused by the enemy team when she goes to do so, then… :woman_shrugging:

The only heroes on the list to be nerfed in this patch so far are Doomfist and Brigitte.
If Tracer is not added to that list and made less oppressive then it’s complete and utter crap.

On top of this, Brigitte’s change to her healing is not enough to compensate. Alongside with being a melee hero, with an effective 6 metre range. They’ve stopped her from bashing through barriers, which is a significant nerf in its own right. Then to not give her enough healing or utility to be a useful support pick? And no, your tiny 0.6 hps buff is nowhere near enough to compensate.

On top of that, this brings Tracer back into being a borderline unstoppable force in lower elo when used by a smurf (or an M+KB, or those people who queue with high elo friends to git carried). Tracer is a hugely consistent hero choice for people who smurf and in plat below there was nothing you could do to stop her before Brigitte’s release besides using Symmetra 2.0, who was and still is a pick that gets you insulted and yelled at. Since Symmetra went to 3.0 she is no longer a reliable flank counter (yknow, because everyone screeched at the lock on until they changed her entire kit, remember?)

On top of that, Tracer was the only hero that Brigitte could “one shot” (even though the combo used up every ability she has except her heal but whatever). Yes she could perform well in a 1v1 situation against the non-tank heroes however the majority of heroes have an escape mechanism that can be used to get back to your own team. I personally have outplayed many enemy Brigitte’s more times than the alternative.

The problem is that they’re not doing anything to nerf their horrible little poster child in the process.
Tracer will now be able to recall out of the shield bash, and have, whats the cooldown now, 8 seconds? (edit* it might be 7 but does it matter they’ll probably make it 8 before long anyway) before Brigitte can smack her with that 5 damage again. Oh… but thats right… Recall is on a 12 second cool down.

So Brigitte has 12 seconds maximum after the Tracer re-engages post-recall, to hit Tracer 5 times with her primary fire (35 damage per swing) before Tracer can recall again, with only 4 of which being with her shield bash available. Brigitte does 1.66 melee attacks per full second.

Assuming, lets build a hypothetical situation here (realistic for plat below), that the Tracer re-engages with the Brigitte immediately after recalling from a shield bash, she has her blinks to dash behind Brigitte to disorient her and force her to turn, as well as move back from any swings that might come a bit close, and she can do this for a total of 8 seconds before Brigitte can shield bash again. Therefore Tracer only has to be in the 1v1 situation against Brigitte for 4 seconds of genuine danger (the time frame of when Brigitte has shield bash up, and Tracer does NOT have her recall, assuming immediate use of both abilities). Tracer can be outside of the 6m range and still lay down damage onto Brigitte and her shield in that time frame without even giving Brigitte a chance (this is with the assumption that Whip Shot has already been used upon the previous shield bash. Whip shot is the only ability that Brigitte could use at range but since it’s fairly easy to predict, the majority of people could avoid it). Brigitte no longer wins in this situation, because while this Tracer is distracting the Brigitte, the enemy can just push through and eat your other healer, securing their push, and you’ve lost.

Brigitte is no longer a flanker counter with these changes. There’s ZERO reason to pick her over Lucio (and I don’t even play Lucio, I’ll pick a second main healer over Lucio any day.)


So lemme get this straight here

what dev’s have done lately, is,

  • Add in yet another damage character, rendering Pharah literally obsolete and borderline a throw pick
  • Remove Brigitte’s ability to shield bash through barriers, yet not give the same treatment to any other melee abilities
  • Pretend to buff Mercy by sticking her normal healing behind the roadblock of being part of her ultimate
  • Fix Reaper’s spread so that now his shotguns are more reliable, therefore instituting more damage done, which is rising in unstoppable nature due to the lack of healing
    and now
  • render Brigitte unplayable because if they change Tracer they’d be admitting that their poster child was a mistake
    The only time they ever changed Tracer was to nerf the damage done by her ultimate to stop her from being somewhat of a tank buster.

However the majority of Tracer players can and do consistently get high value while never using the ultimate at all so :woman_shrugging:

Did I miss anything?

  • instead of removing Doomfist’s shields buff they just made him move a lil less.

Mmkay. Not to be that person but looks like its time to become a DPS instalock considering there’s now zero reason to play any tank or healer besides like, Moira.

Slow clap for blizz.


sit down brig abuser

The funny part is that Ashe herself is fast-track on the road of becoming a throwpick. Ashe is weak to flankers and flankers are about to become unstoppable.


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At this point the balancing team is just coming up with random nerfs and buffs and hoping some of them will work.


they need to Nerf Tracer then. Now brig will not be playable and Tracer will be out of control without hard counter.

So far I’ve found Ashe pretty useful against flankers… Maybe it’s just me.

Her aim down sights feels delayed though between shot and connection…anyone else think that?

And just like they did to Sombra who was meant to counter Tracer, they’ve now done to brig.

GG. Casuals win.

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Honestly, I still think Brigitte has some serious power when it comes to fulfilling her original role, that of being a back line bodyguard. Specifically, she still hard-counters Tracer. The fact that Brig one-shot her wasn’t actually the problem for any decent tracer, you could still very much play around the stun and bait her to use it like McCree. The problem with Brig vs. Tracer is that Brig is a cc threat (if any teammates are around, they kill you for free), passively heals (makes it hard to get consistent 1-clips, although not impossible), and gives teammates an immediate burst of high hp/armor, making them near impossible to kill with Tracer. The burst damage kept Tracer away from a target, but the 100 damage from the combo will still keep her away. Any tracer knows that 50 hp is not enough to work with unless the enemy has poor aim.

whelp, guess I’ll start one tricking tracer. Honestly one - tricking dps isn’t a bad idea if the said dps can fit in almost any comp… which is exactly what tracer can do.

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It’s a decent amount but you have to remember that the finishing move to the combo knocks the enemy out of her attack range. So she will just tickle them and they run away unless they were already low.

I think we should just let this play out and if Tracer becomes oppressive again they should start tweaking her cooldowns. Maybe put her recall cooldown to 15 seconds or increase blink charge time.

I’d like to see them do something like give her 4 blinks but put the blink cooldown refresh to 5 seconds.

I’ve tried this, and even without Brigitte it is incredibly difficult in more recent patches. Torbjorn is a massive nuisance who keeps you on a time limit to get picks and deletes you in 1v1s unless you completely outplay him, Hanzo is one of the scariest characters in the game as a Tracer, you constantly have to be Sombra-paranoid, McCree can two-tap you anywhere, Pharah burns your blinks like no other hero in the game if she’s focusing you, and D.Va and Zarya can still remove your ability to do much if they’re decent.

Again, I really don’t think that this change will actually change how that interaction plays out other than Tracer having to recall and reseting the fight completely instead of Tracer immediately dying. Brig still completely destroys Tracer (especially with a team that shoots the immobile 50 hp british lady).

I want to point out that while the one shot didn’t take out good tracers the THREAT of the one shot combo kept them at bay. Now that the threat is removed you will see them get much up close and personal in their flanks.

I get snipped by hanzo from time to time, that’s true… but I can usually confuse them by blinking through them and back again.
I played a lot with sombra’s so I am pretty good with dealing with them as well.

Mccree’s flash bang is super easy to bait and even if I don’t bait it out, it’s still a duel largely in my favor unless the mccree is super warmed up.

As for torbjorn… yeah his turret is a problem but I can usually 1v1 torbjorn by baiting out his molten core and then just one clipping his super easy to hit hitbox.
It’s easy to avoid his left click, and his right click does little damage because of tracer’s lithe model so it’s a duel I usually win.

Hell, I was able to play around brigitte to get value as tracer, with this nerf, less and less supports will switch to brig because they can’t one shot me anymore. I just need to focus on one guy on the enemy team to tilt him hard to win the game :). Doesn’t matter if he switches to moira or lucio. I’ll still be able to get a kill on them usually. That’s the beauty of mobility.

I agree that it won’t be as threatening, but the fact is, it still lowers Tracer’s hp to about 40. That’s really dangerous, ESPECIALLY when the Tracer was attempting to kill something else. It means that Brigitte is still threatening a one-shot if her teammates are lucid, so Tracer still needs to be very scared.

All it means is that Tracer needs to play a little more careful, that’s it.

Funny enough, getting rid of stun meta is made by introducing old untouched heroes back to the gameplay style they were designed for : Tracer and Rein.

This is a big lesson for Bliz, Overwatch IS Tracer and Rein, they are the backbone of the game. Screw their gameplay and everything becomes a mess, even bigger than Mercy meta or Triple tank. DON’T TOUCH THEM.

If you’re getting much value off directly against old Brigitte as tracer, it’s likely that they weren’t doing their job as well as they needed to be. If you saw Seagull’s recent video about the state of Overwatch, even a OWL level Tracer needs to swap against a low GM Brigitte. Not going after you for your rank, but in general, a bad Brigitte never actually counters a Tracer.