Brig no longer can combo Tracer

But, it is forgiving. You can hit an enemy with a single whip or melee and get inspire up, and LOS walls quickly like a Hanzo.

This can result in death with the potential of a 1 shot, but, if there’s that risk, why’d a briggite be playing like that? You’d then play defensively for your supports.

Briggite’s playstyle is malleable, that’s why this bash nerf is justified.

80 healed over 5 seconds is 16hps, 100 over 6 seconds is 16.6667.

It is an increase of 0.66 hps compared to losing of utility consistency and all the damage on the combo. Right, great increased healing to make her somehow viable as a support oriented hero. Not.

Bad DPS heroes are able to kill support heroes so easily this game bad. -Pre Brig

Bad Support heroes are able to kill DPS heroes so easily this game bad -Post Brig

Now neither DPS heroes or Support heroes can kill each other, it’s just a long drawn out stalemate of DPS heroes not taking any damage and supports out healing DPS’s output.

What a joke.

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You can’t only play defensively on her, because again her design is such that her healing only works when she is working for it, you always forget that. She is a frontline support with short range and lowest heals, now it is also no consistent utility and lowest healing, which makes her a worthless pick when Lucio will be able to do her job far better with actually protecting the team from high ult burst, unlike Brigitte.

You know what is funny? He is already picked more than her in any elo.

Her armor is the thing that counters tracer and the fact that a bash will insta force recall is enough to send a tracer outside the fight for 10 seconds until the recall is back
Not to mention that in anything above plat it wasn’t the 1shot combo that countered tracer all the time because the bash itself was dodgeable
What counters tracer is the amount of armor, insta 150 heal on any squishy that tracer might jump on and the fact that 1support is always up because if brig hits anything, tracer will hit her as if she’s hitting a hog lmao
Kragiee’s opinion for information

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Lució’s utility is usually much better used for speed boost, since you can simply make your team just that much faster, and, you are able to play Briggite defensively, assuming that the enemy has at least 1 dive hero, and, you can wait until the team fight to play aggressively (since everyone is generally newe each other).

Lucio is not only used for spped boost, it is an important buff he gives but he functions as an excellent off healer as well, and providing the team shields on ult which make you survive Gravrag or DB on his own, and I outhealed main healers on him simply by sticking to the team, which is not that hard to do but is enough for the win.

He will be better than her in their competing roles as an off healer either, so as of now if those changes are implemented there will be no reason to take her over him almost in every situation.

I do agree with your ideology of saying that Lucio has the potential to be better than briggite, but, they do serve different off-healer purposes; they’ll definitely contest each other more equally, but they’ll be used for their respective attributes.

(Also, gold healing as Lucio is usually either you’re doing too much healing or your main healer is struggling)

She still has a instant, very hard to avoid stun, and as a Support she will always have her team to back her out and help her deal enough damage to kill people.
This just stops her from being the only independent support who can not care about her team at all while still being effective playing as a DPS and killing people by herself.
This will just make Brigitte play more alongside her team, and as long as she is doing this her damage nerf will not even be noticeable, but her healing buff will, so she will feel better.
This game isn’t about 1vs1, even though her 1vs1 against Tracer is much weaker, her ability to support her team against her is just as strong, especially since her armor has been untouched.

She offered sustain but she also shuts down flankers which would otherwise destroy the formation… That’s kinda why she takes up a DPS slot…

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Last I checked, Brig is in the support category. Her primary function on a team is to increase sustainability.

This is done through healing, providing armor, and blocking incoming damage.

Her raw healing output is lower than the other supports, but she is by far the most durable and is the only healer to have a burst heal on a cool down.

The fact she was being played in tank and DPS roles is extremely telling. It implies she was simply too good offensively and defensively.

No other healer, or any hero for that matter, is so good at multiple modes they can be used like this.

As a support player, these changes actually make me want to play her more because she’s now more focused on her proper role.

Pick her when you want to be a tanky support.

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And here I thought the Mercy rework and subsequent nerfs looked random. This makes them look exquisitely planned. 90% reduction, I don’t think there has ever been an ability nerfed quite as hard.

Let me consult my crystal ball - people will now complain about Tracer and Genji like in the pre-Brig era, Blizz will posture for months saying things are just fine, then they will come up with some utterly random looking nerfs for those or buffs for Brig which will screw up things further. Honestly, it seems they want to be seen making changes often and the quality of the changes is a distant second priority.

Dude, is this legit serious? Uhhhh. i can already tell tracer’s gonna be back again and in full force.

Which can always be the case with the way counters and different playstyles work with the game, you can have Mercy with Pharah and Lucio left as heal for the tanks, just one of the many options available.

Brigitte is worse then Lucio now because Lucio offers more damage, more range, more healing, a better ult to save the team from burst ults and more mobility, with him bringing his own utility as well. I really don’t see the point in Brigitte now apart from a situational pick when the enemy is running Tracer, but basing her whole point on only that (it wasn’t before, she was a viable frontline healer with being worse in tanking then full tanks or worse in healing then full healers, if the tank interaction was the problem this could have been adressed with balancing the tanks specifically) and make her worse in any other situation.

If she needs to be more supportive, she should get the means to support, now she was only gutted to not be able even to do the original purpose she was released for.

May have not seen this thread before posting mine…

Anyway, the reason Tracer will be back is she can not farm PB with impunity without worrying about being comboed, allowing her to wreck GOATs backline. The reason this didn’t work with triple tank is becuase back then had 4 second DM and 400 armour, allowing her to bully Tracer away from D.vas team.

Also, dive might not be seen at lower ranks, but trust me, Tracer most definitely will. It’s dark days ahead for tank and support mains…

Unless bunker somehow becomes meta, that is…

Fingers crossed…

It is maybe the reason why they buff roadhog in the same time !

They don’t want brig to be THAT oppressive, but with roadhog and mccree FTH, they want tracer to be in check.

Dunno about you but Tracer is barely in the games I play and it’s been like that since doomfist and brig came out.

The current meta seems to just be sniper vs sniper vs sniper vs sniper…

It’s awful lol I think I actually miss fighting tracers!!!

None of that is going to work.

Even at his most broken, Roadhog had immense trouble actually landing a hook on Tracer. His hook combo could still kill her ez at any point - but it never actually mattered because only the dumbest Tracers in the world will actually get hooked. Granted, Tracer can’t do much to Roadhog either, but it hardly matters when she can just ignore him the moment his hook whiffs and continue killing his supports.

Same with McCree FTH. It always had enough damage to destroy a Tracer - but those flashbangs will never be landing on her no matter how many buffs McCree’s damage gets.

She can reload her Pulse bomb very fast on him.