Brig no longer can combo Tracer

Again I think we just let it play out but the hope that your teammates peel for your supports when a tracer is in your back line in ranked is a bit optimistic most of the time. We got brig in the first place because of tracer. The unintended consequence was that Brig made life hard on everyone not just Tracer.

Being down to 40 HP as tracer isn’t a big deal because you just recall and then kill whatever you were trying to kill when brig has now blown all of her cooldowns on you.

The only threat comes from your teammates and if the brig can throw an armor pack on tracers target and keep them alive long enough.

Now, first off, i think the bash damage nerf is ham fisted and ridiculous. But lets back up a bit.

Every hero, Brigg included, that has been mentioned as OP have used these words.

“Countering doesn’t mean killing. If you chase X-hero off, they are not doing their job and are countered”

Fast foreward to this here conversation…

Maybe stop being garbage and needing a insta 1 hit kill hero.

has she though?

i mean unless your masters+ (which would suprise me with your stats being private) tracer has always been a very 50/50 dice roll

because in those situations those tracer players arnt good enough to be solo carrys, they require heavy TEAM PLAY to be good. this is fine

this belief that tracer is some unstoppable dps god stems from a lot of big crit-box heros mains from having very bad positioning and awareness

zen for instance can EASILY kill a tracer 1v1. but at the same time, tracer can 1 clip zen who ever is better will win that match up. most supports below diamond arnt really all that great. they for some reason arnt inputing the same time and effort too improve on there heroes as you see from dps (particularly aim intensive heroes)

but more importantly the stun itself still counters tracer

“what she can recall out” but she (brig) can still protect the other supports simply by stunning her in range of the team. “lul focus fire her noobs” is the same thing brig mains loved to spam the forums with and now we can say the same thing is true again about flankers again.

and lastly, the armor is the biggest counter to tracer. dont expect tracer to come back the same way she was previously. brigs healing was buffed a small bit and this means she ‘should’ still get played. she still functions as a counter too tracer, just another soft counter. i can promise you 1-2 soft counters is more then enough to take out 99.999999% of tracer players. as is awareness

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That is the right direction!
Still, I wish her passive healing per second had actually been increased and not just made equivalent.
Here’s hoping they’ll increase it and maybe even change the ultimate into something more situational!
She may yet look more like a tank-support hybrid than a dps.
I love it, lads!

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Said it on other threads and i will say it here :

90% reductions are not good for any game ever. You either rework the skill or “tone it down”. A 90% reduction is closer to a “delete” than to a “nerf”.

PS: Last big nerf was 30% damage to Roadhog … yeah, that work well :joy:

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I fully understand that you can recall off all of the damage from the combo now, but that’s why Brig will still win that matchup. As a player with a high diamond Tracer one-trick account, I know for a fact that going in without recall is really dangerous unless there is a target at around 75 hp or lower. Also, all of Brigitte’s cooldowns are extremely short compared to most other heroes, with repair pack being on a 5 second cd. This means that if Brig repair-packs and you get stunned 2 seconds later, you have to get in, and immediately one-clip the target through the passive healing, otherwise you won’t have enough time to reload and get away from the Brigitte so that she can’t chunk pieces off of your health.

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Hardcounters just suck in general thats true and the nerf is fine even if maybe too little compensation in the healing department.
But Pharrah hardcounters more than just Brig and pretty much does not fit into the game at all and is never considered for a bigger rework.

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As a Tracer main…


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The thing is about Pharah is that while she does beat multiple heroes theoretically, it is really easy to abuse her rather low dps if she isn’t hitting multiple directs, or just to play around angles that she can’t really use. Also, she has a variety of counters herself, from Widowmaker to Zenyatta to D.Va. She’s strong if she isn’t played around, but you can more or less abuse her to make the matchup far more even.

Ahmm… I read it wrong. I read it went down from 50 to 45.
Forget what I said, this is way overkill.
Maybe if it went down to 30~40 damage.
With Mercy’s current state, I fear Ana will suffer if we start to see too much dive again (not that I think dive will be Uber-meta again) with matrix and bubble all around.
Yeah… no idea what’s Blizzard up to, but this one was bizarre.

If you shield bash Tracer and she recalls and runs away, you are still countering her. You do not have to kill her every time, you just have to momentarily stop her from bothering the back line and then the tanks should come to help if she stays.


This won’t kill Brig’s matchup against dive. Her burst healing, armor, and general cc made her team able to peel much more effectively. She’s just less of a solo duelist and more of a stabilization pick.


So if a melee character isn’t good at close combat why pick it?

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Actually he edited the quote after I responded.

god bless you
tbf, from launch, I was really disappointed with her healing output
I don’t mind trading damage for healing
still, from 50 to 5
damn D:
30 would’ve been fine

I know you didn’t really mean that.

But when I say that this will be a fun patch, I mean it. Goats will still be there because of the healing buff, but still, this is good.

The problem with this is that it shifts even more significance to the current meta king(queen), Ana.
Only way to stop nanoblade is Ana. Only way to stop nanobob is Ana.
From now on, only way to stop Tracer is (again) Ana.
That’s too much value in one hero, and a low-skill support for that matter.


I’d say more annoying