Brig no longer can combo Tracer

I have high ping (~75) and playing as a Tracer against a Brig is nearly impossible for me. I took my elo to 2700 and dropped it hard to 2100 when Brig got introduced. I wonder why… Now I never play Tracer against a Brig because it’s a fruitless effort trying to deal damage to Brig while running away from her and her teammates. It would take like 2 clips to get that shield down and another 2.5 clips to kill Brig. Then again back to my point, are none of your teammates there to help the Brig?

It’s almost like the very existence of one character making another character completely unplayable was considered bad design for some reason.

What is it Brig mains kept saying?

Adapt, was it?

The same can be said for Tracer and playing LITERALLY ANY SUPPORT.

Dive’s entire strategy was trying to make the game unplayable for a player on the enemy team.

Yet when brig does the same to the Dive heroes it’s “unfair”

My bad, I actually completely forgot Armour pack. I even mentioned it in my OP but yea, seeing as Armour pack is still a thing Brig still has good support. Guess that’s why I’m gold shrug
Anyways imo 5 damage bash could be like a cree Headshot or Ana 2 tap- a tiny buff and both would kill Tracer, but it would make Tracer so much harder to play that isn’t worth it. Quite a few chars are like that actually- 76, Pharah, Junk, Widow bodyshots- so maybe it’s by design.

Except this was one hero. Not an entire team composition. And dive required more coordination that deathball

Brig has been responsible for the last 8 months of trash comps and I’m glad to see her be changed to an actual support

Maybe the majority of the playerbase can enjoy the game again

Except deathball isn’t going anywhere.

Brig offered sustain to GOATS, nobody cared about her damage.

This just promotes GOATS by making them even harder to stop while they’re focusing down your supports.

Congratulations, you played yourself.

She may not be able to completely just delete a Tracer now, but, as a loving Briggite player, I do agreee with her bash damage being nerfed.

It probably didn’t have to be 5 DMG, maybe reduced down to 20.

Briggite’s huge counter to Tracer is mostly her armour, it’s always been her armour, and it’s also how she can simply shield away from a Tracer.

And yeah, GOATS is gonna stay, Briggite’s healing and sustain makes her hella strong.

And none of the teammates there to help Tracer and pressure Brigitte to be on the front, or making the move when she has her shield almost down, or 2 of your clips enough to make her lose her protection and any utility, because unlike McCree who always has his throwable aoe astun Brigitte can’t SB with no shield.
She also has to take her shield down to do any damage, when she does that she is not protected, and actually in need to be in the 6m range unlike Tracer who still does full damage on her from 11m.

I know a guy who one tricked Tracer the season before Brig from Gold to Diamond in one season, people hating Brigitte players for doing the same is just silly, because everyone deserves to be where they are for their effort. Brigitte was surely overtuned at first, even when I on Rein never had a problem after learning how to deal with her in the first place, I actually started playing Brig after almost all the nerfs she had, and the season she was released I played mostly only Rein, and could kill her even back then after some time learning her.

They have to add on her healing now, if that is the role she is supposed to play, because as of now Lucio is almost always a better pick than her.

She has repair pack, that heals an instant 150, and gives armour if you needed healing 149 <

Uhhh what? Are you playing Brigitte as a frontline tank? What is your DPS doing when Tracer is in 11 meters?

And has it on CD as well travel time, it is often negated when the target it reaches is already dead.

Her main healing comes from Inspire, which is not activated until commiting, and then she makes herself vulnerable anyway by lowering her defense, and which inconsistency on utility and no damage both she does not have good survival options either, unlike Moira or Lucio she doesn’t escape.

If you play Briggite aggressively (which is how she should be played, since her kit is forgiving in that regard) you can nearly always have inspire up.

That Tracer flanks is new? o.O Brigitte needs to be on the frontline sooner or later to be able to heal, have you played her? Knowing when to answer Tracer in the backline or when to assist the tanks on the frontline she needs positioning skill, to make her kit work.

What is the DPS doing you can ask Blizzard, who added Brigitte with her kit as it was with McCree in game, her “supposed” counter, right? Except he wasn’t.

Isn’t that a good thing though? the combo was super easy to do and nothing you could do against it (apart from staying away from brig, which is unrealistic)

Disagree with it being forgiving, it is forgiving when the enemies don’t capitalize on your weknesses as her, complete lack of range and bad mobility, her shield is bursted down already quick by any high burst ability, hp was nerfed, the utility along with the movement option were nerfed twice. Any ranged or multidirectional fight and she is at a disadvantage, Rein and Doom easily kill her in melee range, with her being able to hardly keep up with Doom, after the incoming nerfs on her damage she won’t be able to do anything either except die on one RP.

Well, countering Tracer is what Winston, McCree, Junkrat, Mei, Torbjorn and Moira can do. Plus, Brigitte can still do enough damage to force a Tracer to back off her backline and grab a health pack.
Add to that, Brigitte’s increased healing means it’s going to be harder to one-clip 200 health heroes.
She may not be able to combo Tracer, but Brigitte still counters her.
(This coming from a guy who’s really going to miss pulling off that sweet bash-leftclick-shift combo.)

I’m actually happy about this nerf because bad players won’t be able to kill dps heroes so easily.

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