Brig no longer can combo Tracer

Jesus, 106 likes in 6 hours?! That’s legit insane.

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Your problem with this change is that unless Brig can 1v1 Tracer and win she’s useless. It is still ridiculously easy to kill her if you call for your team to follow up on the bash. At the very least Brig is trading bash cooldown for Tracer’s recall cooldown, which is still a big win for Brig. Learn to play with your team and stop trying to hard carry by yourself.

She is useless now even at her giving a chance to counter Dive, protecting back line or assisting on frontline, why take her with her short range, no damage whatsoever, no mobility and lowest heals when you can have Lucio do that all far better.

Its no vacuum environment, yeah.

Wth are you talking about??

  1. Brig can give Zen armor, which severely reduces Tracer’s damage.
  2. Brig can heal Zen with her Inspire passive.
  3. Brig has a shield to hide behind.
  4. There are sub-tanks like D.Va and Zarya who provide direct protection.

Zen has been a staple pick during the Dive meta before Brig was introduced, where you not only have to deal with Tracer but also Genji and Winston all gunning for the Zen. Now with even more protection your Zen is going to be fine if your team learns to play like an actual team.

No? If you’re playing anything above 30 ping, what you said is wrong. I’d evade that shield bash and my character would warp back into place where brig hit me. I’d recall, the animation would play but I’d still be dead.

You forgot that characters can be countered by other characters in other ways other than killing them outright. Rally just removes pulsebomb from basically every hero. Armor pack ruins her attempts. The difference now is it take skill to counter her.

brigitte will now be a total throw pick. No need to be a psychic to guess that. The hero introduced to counter dive will now be one of the worse pick possible against it.

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Another support hero nerfed to the ground because of crying DPS.


It’s not like you can evade the shield bash with blink at all, no. Recall from her and you are full hp regardless, she does not have any damage anymore to kill you, its not like Tracers were not able to kill Brigitte before by simply staying outside her range, now it will be childs play. Against Dive tanks she is worse as well, so I guess the one counter they added to help stabilized the game balance is nerfed to the ground now due to whine on supports being any good, while dps are never nerfed (Tracer was not even nerfed in any way comparable to Brigitte at this point, Brigitte is made almost useless now)

Me too, that´s why I changed my main from Brigitte back to Mercy

I can see her getting 13 more nerfs before getting small buff

Wow okay, that’s a massive nerf.
What’s she meant to be good at now? Now she’s just a worse Lucio that can no longer do what she was meant to do and dive is gonna come back in full force.
Thanks Geoff, you did it again.

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Yayyyy, hourraaaaaaa…

Time to uninstall the game i guess.

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I am not gonna uninstall, but I agree

Tracer is just lovely enemy to deal with…

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Time to celebrate and rejoice over this massive nerf.

Screw Brigitte. She made Mei, Sym, Bastion and Torb look like amateur cancers.

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Like what are you talking about? You’re telling me to use my recall after the bash and combo (after this patch I can do that) now this recall has a longer cooldown than the bash. While I’m trying to kill Brig with the 150 health I have with no recall, it’s near impossible to kill without taking any damage from Brig at that point. And so much time has passed during this fight that, if any other teammate doesn’t help Brig at that point, I’d suppose you’re in Bronze. Tracer cannot kill Brig without taking any damage and trading off the recall. On top of that Brig can wait for the next shield bash to appear while holding onto the shield and doing damage in between Tracer’s reloads. By the time next shield bash is here, Tracer doesn’t have a new recall. Now Brig can Bash again and do a lot of damage. At this point Tracer has no choice but to run away.

This is all supposing that either your teammates or you’re brain-dead enough to not notice Tracer or not play near your teammates as a Brig.

High plat actually, and I witness Tracers wiping floor with Brigs even now if they are played right, maybe it is the issue on your part?

Even the range helps Tracer against Brigitte, it is 11 m against 6m, now she doesn’t do enough damage to Tracer which evades her short range and slow mobility as well, Brigitte must open herself up to damage something to heal, which she can’t do against Tracer being both outside of her range, and her shield is bursted down quicker than it regenerates with Tracer having excellent burst damage on her own.

But yeah, talk all about how you can’t kill a Brig as Tracer in Gold, doesn’t make it less true for the elos above yours.

The damage nerf will be the nail in the coffin - she will be inconsistent in her anti flanker role, like Roadhog used to be and he was trash.

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As a Brig main er… well shes one of my mains, after seeing this… just ****ing remove her from the game. She’s essentially useless now. She cant deal with back line DPS threats anymore. She can’t deal with a winston+bubble shield anymore. She can’t drop rein shield to give the team a window to deal with goats.

Id just rather have her taken out of the game all together now, at least that way inexperienced players won’t make the objectively bad choice of trying to play her.

Im just getting fed up with the fact that instead of learning how to deal with brig, (which is incredibly easy if you take the time to practice) people just want nerfs. Then you get this overnerfed kneejerk reaction that simply goes too far.

Please just remove her if this goes through. This is coming from a person who deeply enjoys the character. Just put her out of her misery and take her out.

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when they inevitably drag their feet to slowly rebuff Brig because of how hard they’re nerfing her here, I am just going to be sitting here telling them off.

So, in advance, screw you devs. You know this is going to far and you KNOW you’re just going to buff her again after you nerf her into the ground because you ALSO know that the nerfs won’t stop here.

She’s going to keep getting nerfed until GOATS goes away, which isn’t going to happen because GOATS is just dive on steroids. Same strat just more degenerate.


It won’t go away even then because Goats is enabled by Lucio and Zarya as much as her, but nerf her into oblivion due to catering to hate against her from the dps like it was the case with Mercy before.