Brig no longer can combo Tracer

Yeah, they should buff something else as long as it’s not dps output. At least they are going in the somewhat right direction.

That is all I ask for.

Sure, remove her damage potential. As a support/tank she really shouldn’t be so lethal, but without any future buffs she won’t be picked unless her team is running goats or the enemy has Tracer.

Those will be the only reasons to bring Brig.

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Balanced win rates, yeah right check again. Her lower pick rate doesn’t mean she’s unviable, she’s just an alternative for the off support role resulting in lower pick rates

Her average win rate is only comparable to torb and bastion who have the lowest pick rates and are only used as a niche

Exactly. Reducing damage to make her not be able to kill anyone? Fine, but let her at least heal according to that, and 0.66% is not a compensation, more like sarcasm on expecting an actual rebalancing, like Pharah received (less splash dmg, more dmg in the center, increased RoF). Brigitte got none of that fair treatment.

It’s not meant as fair treatment, and again blizzard will likely buff her if she becomes too weak (like mercy)

Inspire Passive

  • Cooldown reduced from 1.5s to 1.0s
  • Duration increased from 5s to 6s
  • Total healing increased from 80 to 100

I think people missed this part. They’re nerfing her ability as a dps and trying to buff her utility as a support.

They didn’t miss it.

So dramatic. And so wrong.

And is primarily used as an escape. People on tracer dont go wild with recall on cooldown. They escape and run.

LOL even brig threads get turned mercy spam

They didn’t miss it, it’s just not a very good buff. They think she deserves a bit more.

Do you even realize how insignificant this is?

I addressed this before you typed it up when I said Tracer can just switch to shooting at a tank for ult charge. Then she can use that PB for whatever she wants. The issue with her is that unless she’s dealt with swiftly, she’s a threat to somebody at all times. Simply “shoo”-ing her away for a few seconds to grab heals and come back is all we’ve had before Brig was introduced, which is why there was a demand for a proper Tracer counter in the first place.

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I just told you she is balanced seein as Zen has more winrate then her in top elos and with same pickrate, and Lucio having more than 3% pickrate over her, check yourself. Currently, 9 other heroes have more pickrate than her in GM with Pharah winrate rising on 58.00%, just as comparison.

Her average winrate is lower than Torb and Symmetra now, with mediocre pickrates, Genji is actually picked more than her lol. With only 6 supports in the game, and 15 dps, what does that say about niche.

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And it’ll go back to that way again.

Tracer will just be more careful with choosing her targets.

Mercy problems labeled as spam, when it is exactly same dps bias which hurt her, well go figure why or where that might come from.

Dont “us vs them” it dude. It just makes your argument even more ridiculous.

Oh wow look, using a week of stats of pharah, and ignoring how uncommon she is. Also oh look here, there are 2 dps with a higher pick rate than her out of 15, she must be niche.

Ah, so it was not like what you was doing from the start, with labeling Mercy issues spam right of the batt. Whatever, I know your attitude and have no desire to put up with it.

Mercy was unjustly nerfed and got the nerf reverted with an additional buff

Same with hog, same with Ana.