Brig no longer can combo Tracer

Finally blizzard realzed who their real player base is…dedicated fps players who prefer hero’s like tracer and others. Make no mistake this massive of a nerf to brig is a result of their core playerbase leaving in droves after the introduction of brig.

Its about time.

You realize that the fact that we have more than double of alternatives on the dps hero pool directly affetcs the pickrates of them being lower than supports with far less alternatives, right? Add 9 more supports to the game then we can talk. Again her pickrate as same as Zen, if anything then Genji’s pickrate over 14 other dps shows how unbalanced he is compared to them, or having no alternative, if we are riding this train.

It did not give her her old state back, it was a revert for Valk, and I am happy for her and still think she needs more.

But Brigitte has even less point to be in a team now, after all those nerfs.

Then why did you respond :joy: notice how your still steering the conversation in mercys direction?

To you I say use the 1 month statistics and then argue. Lucio has a 1% increased pickrate, and brig still has the highest win rate among everything

Its not a buff its a lie to make people think its a trade.

Her heals per second is going to increase by a negligible 0.67hp/s it will literally be unnoticeable.

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It is clear that the devs are now listening the loud people on the forums. They could spam nerf Bastion threads and he would be removed if people asked for it.

A week or 2 ago I actually though the balance was on track.

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Even in the month stat (while week stat show a trend) she has 7 other heroes besting her winrate in GM, overall she doesn’t have the highest winrate either. She doesn’t have the highest winrate in any rank actually.

It’s more than a little disappointing. I understand wanting to design Brigitte so that she’s excelling against backline DPS and flankers, not tanks; but this change makes doing that all the more difficult.

Don’t forget that it’s not just Tracer she dissuaded from getting too greedy - Genji and Reaper will see a resurgence as well if Brigitte can’t effectively shut them down too.

In theory, Brigitte could still serve her purpose of protecting the back lines, but she’s definitely not going to kill any of those heroes if they come in at full health - this also includes Doomfist, who she didn’t kill on her own anyway. If she becomes so weak that the stun can be effectively overcome by a general inability to burn through a hero’s health pool, then… yeah. Brigitte will become basically useless.

Personally I was enjoying Overwatch more with fewer Tracers around. I guess fun time is over.


What? She’s supposed to deal with flankers, Blizzard make up your mind at what she’s supposed to be doing ._.


Same, and I guess we now know what really makes impact on the forums, spamming it with nerf threads and “reasonable” nerfs after the #deletebrig announced themselves they intend for her to be unplayable.

Well anyway, enjoy the new Dive which didn’t even go away apart from top tier for a short period of time. Brigitte worthless, now I would dare her haters go and play her but I guess that will never happen, why play a hero you want to be unplayable for others.

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Seriously, good luck with that xd


Incoming another dive meta focused around tracer.

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While I agree that Brig poses little threat to Tracer now, she can also just far outheal her and shield. Armor is so effective against Tracer’s gun that she will never specifically target a Brig—it’s not worth how much time it would take, so you don’t need to worry about that matchup. Tracer will target everyone else first, it’s just that she doesn’t have to be as cautious around Brig now.

But yeah, these changes are really stupid.

Why we still have brig and now Ashe

If you exclude one trick heroes with incredible low pickrates like symm and torb, she has the highest winrate in every rank except master and gm. in master and gm she is beat by the most busted hero at high level solo q in the game, doomfist, and in gm its also zen and zarya. All while being significantly easier to play in every way than zen, zarya, or doomfist. It’s obvious she was busted and if you didn’t think so you weren’t really paying attention lmao.

Okay, first to clear up a few things:
Tracer’s damage with only bodyshots is 240 per clip. Tracer empties a clip in 1 second.
So a Tracer good enough to hit her shots can kill a squishy in 1 second. That’s ignoring the melee she gets in with 1 blink.

Briggite’s combo used to do 155 with bash plus melee plus whipshot; that same combo now does 110 damage. Her passive inspire is being buffed to equal an un-amped Lucio’s healing.

Imao this nerf kills Brig completely. If we give her back her stun through barriers, and rather than 5 we let sheild bash do 10 damage, it’ll be okay. What difference does five damage make? Well, with a 5 damage sheild bash, melee (35) + bash (5) + nelee (35) + whipshot (70) does 145 damage. 5 extra, and Brig will be able to combo Tracer with an extra melee beforehand.
To those saying supports shouldn’t have a burst combo, Ana does 230 damage after a sleep. Yes the cooldowns are longer but Brig isn’t bursting a 200 hp hero.
The reason bash needs to be forgiving to land is because otherwise, Tracer has 4 chances to outplay it, like with Flash, and if you miss it you lose your zen whether you like it or not. At the least, her Armour pack should remain untouched.


bangton…ur a gold rank. I dont think you understand how hard it is to one mag enemies with tracer.

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Yeah… I don’t think dedicated fps players like tracer. Not really worried about Tracer becoming too good now since Ashe quickscope is a 1 hit kill. This Brig nerf is stupid considering Tracer can just avoid her without any effort.

So your only argument is 1 Gold Pleb 2 it takes skill?
You have an error margin of 11 shots because of melee. So you only need to land 29 shots and melee to kill.
So what if it takes skill? Should widow hs have no counterplay because of skill?