Brig no longer can combo Tracer

That’s assuming they don’t use their mobility to escape Brigitte’s 5 meter range.


The inspire changes are nice, it makes her a better healer. The shield bash nerf is ridiculous though. 50 to 5? That’s really pathetic. 50 to 30 or 25 is more reasonable.

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Brig still has a 110 damage combo, if anyone on your team puts in 40 damage she dies. This is fine and tracer won’t be dominant as she still has to watch for the stun.


You’re forgetting Recall.


meaning they have to run yes? and brig can just shield what they are trying to attack yes? meaning they’ve been countered yes?


Exactly. She can still get out of this. I suggest a total rework for Brig at this point where she can still use all her abilities to combo kill a Tracer, but just make the stun a skill shot

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For the people complaining about tracer, it’s better than goats, literally the most braindead comp to have ever existed. Also tracer doesn’t fair too well against goats anyways.


That honestly makes her worse.


Shield bash comes back before recall does so you’ll be fine.

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Hero can no longer do thing hero is supposed to do because people didn’t like it, even though it wasn’t broken.

In other news, water is wet.

Brig can join Roadhog, Mercy, Bastion, Tracer, and McCree in the “unnecessary nerf/rework” pile


She can still counter tracer very easily, she just can’t mindlessly oneshot combo her. Stunning and doing 110 damage is still very good and will still prevent tracer from doing as much to supports


Hero still does thing hero is supposed to do, counter flankers without too much trouble. (By counter I don’t mean kill, just not let them go around in the backline easily)


Maybe I’ll be Tracer ♩♪


I don’t see it, sadly. 45 damage is a huge nerf to a hero like Brig, so I think this’ll legit just slamdunk her right into the trashcan.

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Forgetting about goats…

That nerf is a bit too much. IMO


But then what? Brigitte just wasted all her offensive abilities.

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How??? Stunning her is still really good, and you just need 40 damage from someone on your team to kill her. AND shield bash is on a shorter cooldown than recall so she can always have it up to stun tracer when she’s trying to do something in the backline


Brigitte can still do the thing she was supposed to do, in fact she used to do much more than that. This change will put her in place while still being able to provide a counter to dive heroes.

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Brig has a 500 HP barrier
Tracer does 240 damage in 1 second
240 + 240 + 240 = enough damage to break the barrier and land damage on Brig
That is 3 seconds
Shield Bash is now a 7 second cooldown

Good luck with that