Brig no longer can combo Tracer

Yes, you are lying. The combination requires one less hit, but the fact remains that it is possible to kill her before she gets away (assuming no moronic teammates wake her up prematurely).

She’s been able to from the beginning. This gem was made back when Ana’s damage was reduced to 60, by the way.

Why not let shield bash also disable mobility abilities and passives for two seconds? It won’t really affect low-mobile characters like McCree, Mei or Sym while characters like Tracer and Genji will struggle more (as they should).

Yes, she’ll go back to having no viable counters, that’s the whole point I’m making here.

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In Overwatch, two seconds is forever.

But apparently Tracer one clipping in 1 second is long enough for your healer to throw a Repair Pack at you.

I have some ideas to buff Brigitte:

You can’t get a Repair back off but you can run over to the fight and stun her in time???

If you can’t land a pack you are not going to be able to land a stun in time either. The pack is WAY faster than brig and will get there first unless the fight starts with Tracer inside brigs stun range. And even then your so close together the difference would be very little

I disagree, OWWC countries used a few Brigless goats. I can’t remember if they worked better though.

Let me find it.

Counter != “one* hit kill”

*Or “one combo”

Have you listened to any of the people saying how strong of a buff this actually is?

“Pinky! Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”

“I think so, Brain…But isn’t Brig necessary to counter Tracer?”

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TBH I think Brig needs the nerf, however they need to buff other area, the current healing “buff” is going to barely do anything, since Brig’s healing relies on continuous swings to be effective.

IMO a better way would be to buff her melee by +5 so she can 2 hit + whip shot combo 150hp characters. The 2 hit would give experienced player time to react while still keeping brig’s combo viable. Another way is to only buff melee by +3 so she have to use the shield bash too to surpass 150 damage

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Honestly I’m tired of Brig being mediocre at almost everything compared to other supports
I wish they’d totally rework her and make her PURE healing.

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yea 2s is too much, thats 3 melee hit making it 105 damage, 1.4s might be more reasonable(2 hits+ some room for error). Though i think buffing her stun duration is overall too OP

how is it a strong buff? Brig’s healing is only really effective when constantly hitting people, all the buff above only makes a difference when disengaging.

IMO if they are buffing healing they should buff the healing per second, making it 18 or even 20, right now her healing is slower than Lucio(by 0.25h/s, ). Though her healing is residual, she still need to actively get close to enemies and hit them to activate, which is a lot riskier and should be better rewarded.

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Ofcourse we can’t nerf our overlord !

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I know right. Like… she can’t do what she is suppose to and the game needs another main healer. At this point they may as well just completely rework her to be another main healer.

I would be SO down for that.

Its not. Thats what I said. I said insignificant which means too small or unimportant to be worth consideration

If they made it 100 healing over the same duration of 5 seconds then it would be something because it would be 20 HPS

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This is why they should have deleted brig all together, at least until they figured something out.
They’re making her progressively worse until she loses the purpose she was designed to fulfil in the first place, why? Because the concept of the hero was heavily flawed from the very beginning. Live brig is a shadow of a her former self at launch and ins STILL being heavily nerfed, it just goes to show how CRAZY overloaded this character was at launch.

They’ve probably learned a good lesson about why hard counters shouldn’t exist but they’re right back being forced towards re-work city all over again. Unless they can find a way to buff brig using her current tools in a way that she can find new utility, she’s going to end up like mercy.
Here’s to hoping for more foresight from the dev team going forward.

If Mercy can be completely immobilized without any way of fighting back when rezzing then other characters can deal with loosing mobility abilities for a second or two while retaining everything else.

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